Core functions for the CWC system.
Core functions for the CWC system.
npm i @carwashconnect/cwc-core-js
Reduces the work to convert between date formats.
toCountdown( time: Date | number | string ): string
Converts a number (ms) or date into a countdown format. ("#d #h #m #s")
import { Dates } from '@carwashconnect/cwc-core-js'
let countDown1:string = Dates.toCountdown(750) // "1s"
let countDown2:string = Dates.toCountdown(3600000) // "1h 0m 0s"
let countDown3:string = Dates.toCountdown(90061000) // "1d 1h 1m 1s"
toISO( date: Date | number | string ): string
Converts a timestamp into an ISO date string.
import { Dates } from '@carwashconnect/cwc-core-js'
let timeStamp:number = 1534264485715;
let isoDate:string = Dates.toISO(timeStamp) // "2018-08-14T16:34:45.715Z"
toTimeStamp( date: Date | number | string ): number
Converts an ISO date string into timeStamp.
import { Dates } from '@carwashconnect/cwc-core-js'
let isoDate:string = "2018-08-14T16:34:45.715Z";
let timeStamp:number = Dates.toTimeStamp(isoDate) // 1534264485715
awsErrorToIError( awsError ): IError
Converts AWS errors to my own format.
import { Errors, IError } from '@carwashconnect/cwc-core-js'
let awsError = {
message: "My error message",
code: "MyErrorCode",
statusCode: 500,
retryable: false
let myError:IError = Errors.awsErrorToIError(awsError); // { message: "My error message", code: "MyErrorCode", status: 500, dateCreated: "2018-08-14T16:34:45.715Z" }
stamp( error:IError ): IError
Fills in the dateCreated field of an IError.
import { Errors, IError } from '@carwashconnect/cwc-core-js'
let iError = {
message: "My error message",
code: "MyErrorCode",
status: 500
let myError:IError = Errors.stamp(iError); // { message: "My error message", code: "MyErrorCode", status: 500, dateCreated: "2018-08-14T16:34:45.715Z" }
Some quality of life functions for handling objects.
copy( obj:T ): T
Creates a copy of an object to prevent manipulation of the original.
import { Objects } from '@carwashconnect/cwc-core-js'
let obj: any = {
"a": "a",
"b": 0,
"c": null,
"d": false
let newObj:any = Objects.copy(obj); // { "a": "a", "b": 0, "c": null, "d": false }
deepSearch( obj:any, ...keys: string[] ): boolean
Check to see if an property exists at the specified path.
import { Objects } from '@carwashconnect/cwc-core-js'
let obj: any = {
"a": "a",
"b": 0,
"c": null,
"d": false
let test1:boolean = Objects.deepSearch(obj,"d"); // true
let test2:boolean = Objects.deepSearch(obj,"d", "e"); // false
isObject( obj:any ): boolean
Evaluates if the input is an object or array (null is evaluated to false).
import { Objects } from '@carwashconnect/cwc-core-js'
let test1:boolean = Objects.isObject({}); // true
let test2:boolean = Objects.isObject([]); // true
let test3:boolean = Objects.isObject(null); // false
let test4:boolean = Objects.isObject("Hello world!"); // false
let test5:boolean = Objects.isObject(1); // false
let test6:boolean = Objects.isObject(); // false
merge( obj1:any, obj2:any, combineArrays?:boolean ): any
Copies the first object and overwrites properties with the properties from the second object.
import { Objects } from '@carwashconnect/cwc-core-js'
let obj1:any = { "a":["hello"], "b":", " };
let obj2:any = { "a":["world"], "c":["!"]};
let newObj1:any = Objects.merge(obj1, obj2) // { "a":["world"], "b":", ", "c":["!"] }
let newObj2:any = Objects.merge(obj1, obj2, true) // { "a":["hello", "world"], "b":", ", "c":["!"] }
shuffle( arr:T[], createCopy?: boolean ): T[]
Shuffles an array based on Fisher-Yates (aka Knuth) shuffle.
import { Objects } from '@carwashconnect/cwc-core-js'
let arr: number[] = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
let arrCopy:number[] = Objects.shuffle(arr);
console.log(arrCopy) // [1, 4, 0, 2, 5, 3]
console.log(arr) // [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
console.log(arr) // [3, 0, 4, 1, 5, 2]
trim( obj:any ): any
Removes empty string elements from the object.
import { Objects } from '@carwashconnect/cwc-core-js'
let obj:any = { "a":["hello"], "b":"" };
obj = Objects.trim(obj) // { "a":["world"] }
Some quality of life functions for handling promises.
all( promises:Promise<any>[] ): Promise<any[]>
Executes all promises in an array at the same time and does not stop due to errors.
import { Promises } from '@carwashconnect/cwc-core-js'
let promise1 = Promise.resolve(3);
let promise2 = 42;
let promise3 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(resolve, 100, 'foo');
let promise4 = Promise.reject("Error");
Promises.all([promise1, promise2, promise3, promise4])
.then((values) => {
// [3, 42, "foo", null]
.catch(error => {
// We shouldn't hit this
sequence( promises:Promise<any>[], ignoreErrors?:boolean ): Promise<any[]>
Executes all promises in an array in order.
import { Promises } from '@carwashconnect/cwc-core-js'
let promise1 = Promise.resolve(3);
let promise2 = 42;
let promise3 = new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
setTimeout(resolve, 100, 'foo');
let promise4 = Promise.reject("Error");
//Executes the promises, stops when it hits an error
Promises.sequence([promise1, promise2, promise3, promise4])
.then((values) => {
// We shouldn't hit this
.catch(error => {
// "Error"
//Executes the promises while ignoring errors
Promises.sequence([promise1, promise2, promise3, promise4], true)
.then((values) => {
// [3, 42, "foo", null]
.catch(error => {
// We shouldn't hit this
loadBalancer( promiseList:LoadBalancerItem<T>[], options?: LoadBalancerOptions ): Promise<LoadBalancerOutputItem<T>[]>
A load balancer used to synchronously execute sets of asynchronous promises. Groups promises into sets and executes each set sequentially; promises within sets are executed asynchonously.
import { Promises } from '@carwashconnect/cwc-core-js'
let options = {
autoBalance: false, // Lets the load balancer evaluate the set size. Overwritten by 'setSize'. (Default: true)
offset: 2, // Stacking delay (ms) to wait before executing a promise within a set. (Default: 2)
setSize: 2, // The static size of each promise set.
shuffle: true, // If the load balancer should shuffle the promises before execution. Does not affect order of output array. (Default: false)
timeout: 5000, // Time (ms) the load balancer will attempt to not exceed for all promise executions.
verbose: false // If the load balancer should log to the console. (Default: true)
let promises = [
{func: (waitTime) => Promises.wait(waitTime).then(() => 2), args:[1000]},
{func: (waitTime) => Promises.wait(waitTime).then(() => 4), args:[1000]},
{func: () => Promises.wait(1000).then(() => 8)},
{func: () => Promises.wait(1000).then(() => 16)},
Promises.loadBalancer(promises, options)
.then((results) => {
// ~2 seconds have passed
// [
// { executionTime:1000, index: 0, result: 2 },
// { executionTime:1002, index: 1, result: 4 },
// { executionTime:1000, index: 2, result: 8 },
// { executionTime:1002, index: 3, result: 16 },
// ]
.catch(error => {
// We shouldn't hit this
wait( ms:number ): Promise<void>
Waits for the specified time then returns a successful promise.
import { Promises } from '@carwashconnect/cwc-core-js'
.then(() => {
// 3 seconds have passed
.catch(error => {
// We shouldn't hit this
Used to validate unknown objects.
import { Validator, ValidationLimits } from '@carwashconnect/cwc-core-js'
let limit:ValidationLimits = {
validationType: ["string", "null"], //What type/s the property is allowed to have
// Available types: array, boolean, email, token, null, number, phone, object, string, undefined, isodate
required: true, // If the property is required to be present in order to pass validation
max: 5, // The max value allowed for the property (Only certain types)
min: 0, // The min value allowed for the property (Only certain types)
maxLength: 5, // The max length allowed for the property (Only certain types)
minLength: 1 // The min length allowed for the property (Only certain types)
validate( obj:any, structure:ValidationLimits | ValidationStructure | ValidationStructure[] ): Promise<any>
Validates an object with an unknown structure. If expected properties match returns and object without unexpected properties. Will go as deep as the structure defines.
import { Validator, ValidationLimits, ValidationStructure } from '@carwashconnect/cwc-core-js'
let validator = new Validator();
//Known structure
let expectedStructure1:ValidationStructure = {
"a": { validationType: ["number"], required:true },
"b": { validationType: ["object"] },
"c": { validationType: ["string"] },
"d": { validationType: ["string"] }
let obj1:any = {
"a": 0,
"b": {},
"c": "Hello world!",
"e": "Extra data"
validator.validate(obj1, expectedStructure1)
.then((newObj1:any) => {
// {
// "a": 0,
// "b": {},
// "c": "Hello world!"
// }
.catch((error:IError[]) => {
//We shouldn't hit this
//Unknown structure where elements are the same types (Array or Object)
let expectedStructure2:ValidationLimits[] = [{
required:true // Will result in a failed validation if any property of the object doesn't meet the limits
let obj2:any = ["hello","world"]
validator.validate(obj1, expectedStructure1)
.then((newObj1:any) => {
// ["hello","world"]
.catch((error:IError[]) => {
//We shouldn't hit this