An implementation of ERC20 with an enumerable _balances field
ERC20 Enumerable
This is a modifaction of the (current at the time) OpenZeppelin ERC20 implementation to use an EnumerableMap instead of a native mapping and provide getter logic to enumerate the _balances for an ERC20 token.
Install and use
npm install "@carterjbastian/erc20-enumerable"
npx hardhat test
I copied over the main tests from OpenZeppelin and converted them to Ethers. The test coverage seems fairly complete of traditional ERC20 functionality and approval niceties.
I built this using hardhat and ethers. This led to testing issues (janky converting of Truffle tests written by OpenZeppelin to Waffle). I could have done this better by re-writing the test logic, but I really just wanted to get the tests passing as quickly as possible.
- Add test coverage of the new enumeration functionality.
- Fix the janky type and variable scope conversion issues that came from converting the tests to waffle.
- Figure out how to handle the fact that the mapping order is not guaranteed and if that has implications on calling multiple times within a single function?
- Add function to check if an address is in the balance map (which could be semantically different than)