TypeScript definitions for input-selection (Coin Selection Algorithms for Cardano)
Cardano JS SDK | Input Selection | CIP-0002
This package implements concepts from the draft specification being developed in CIP-0002.
Currently, there is only 1 input selection algorithm: RoundRobinRandomImprove, which is an Random-Improve adaptation that handles asset selection.
Usage Example
import { roundRobinRandomImprove, defaultSelectionConstraints, InputSelector, SelectionResult, SelectionSkeleton } from '@cardano-sdk/input-selection';
import { loadCardanoSerializationLib, CSL, CardanoSerializationLib, ProtocolParametersRequiredByWallet } from '@cardano-sdk/core';
const demo = async (protocolParameters: ProtocolParametersRequiredByWallet): Promise<SelectionResult> => {
const csl: CardanoSerializationLib = await loadCardanoSerializationLib();
const selector: InputSelector = roundRobinRandomImprove(coinsPerUtxoWord);
// It is important that you use the same instance of cardano-serialization-lib across your application.
// Bad: TransactionUnspentOutput.new(...)
// Good: CSL.TransactionUnspentOutput.new(...)
const utxo: CSL.TransactionUnspentOutput[] = [CSL.TransactionUnspentOutput.new(...), ...];
const outputs: CSL.TransactionOutput[] = [CSL.TransactionOutput.new(...), ...];
// Used to estimate min fee and validate transaction size
const buildTx = (inputSelection: SelectionSkeleton): Promise<CSL.Transaction> => {...};
const constraints = defaultSelectionConstraints({
protocolParameters, buildTx,
return selector.select({
Input selection is tested with property-based tests using fast-check, as well as a few regular example-based tests.
Due to nature of property-based tests, code coverage report is slightly different on each build.
RoundRobinRandomImprove has 100% code coverage when using high numRuns
option (e.g. 100_000).
Note that to run it with high numRuns
you need to increase Jest and fast-check timeout.
See code coverage report.