A lightweight typescript library to verify a cip30 datasignature for browser and nodejs
Cardano Verify Datasignature
A lightweight typescript library to verify a cip30 datasignature.
🚀 Getting Started
npm i @cardano-foundation/cardano-verify-datasignature
🧐 Verification
You need a key and a signature from a cip30 datasignature.
How to get a cip30 datasignature?
There are multiple ways to create a cip30 data signature:
Make sure you have a cip30 compatible wallet installed (Nami, NuFi, Typhon Wallet, Flint, Gerowallet, Yoroi, ...).
Option A: Open your browser console and copy&paste this function:
const signMessage = async (message, walletname) => {
const api = await window.cardano[walletname].enable();
const hexAddresses = await api.getRewardAddresses();
const hexAddress = hexAddresses[0];
let hexMessage = '';
for (var i = 0, l = message.length; i < l; i++) {
hexMessage += message.charCodeAt(i).toString(16);
try {
const { signature, key } = await api.signData(hexAddress, hexMessage);
console.log(signature, key);
} catch (error) {
Usage example:
signMessage('Hello World', 'yoroi').then((dataSignature) =>
Option B: Use the signMessage function of the cardano-connect-with-wallet library to get a valid key and signature.
Option C: If you want to use the cli to sign or verify data please checkout the cardano-signer by gitmachtl.
What does it mean "to verify a signature"?
This function uses the public key (COSE_KEY) and checks if its corresponding private key has been used to sign the payload (data/message) within the signature (COSE_Sign1).
Furthermore an optional plain text message can be provided to check if both the plain text and the signed message are equal.
Another optional argument is a readable (bech32) address starting with (addr1/addr_test1/stake1/stake_test1) to test if this address belongs to the key that was used to sign the message.
const verifyDataSignature = require('@cardano-foundation/cardano-verify-datasignature');
const key =
const signature =
const message = 'Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace';
const address = 'stake1uyvfslqkzgrf6syq5r4jg7pqewv8l65phh024lw5r7vk9qgznhyty';
console.log(verifyDataSignature(signature, key)); // true
console.log(verifyDataSignature(signature, key, message)); // true
console.log(verifyDataSignature(signature, key, message, address)); // true
); // false
verifyDataSignature(signature, key, 'Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace!')
); // false