![deployment](https://github.com/carbonaut/release-docs/workflows/deployment/badge.svg?branch=master) [![semantic-release](https://img.shields.io/badge/%20%20%F0%9F%93%A6%F0%9F%9A%80-semantic--release-e10079.svg)](https://github.com/semantic-release/seman
semantic-release shareable configuration to publish Angular and Ionic GitHub projects and to deploy the changelog
file as a JSON or HTML format to an external GitHub project.
This shareable configuration uses the following plugins:
This shareable configuration performs the following actions:
- Analyze commits (
) - Generate changelog content (
) - Create or update a changelog file generated by step 2 (
) - Update the package version to the next release version (release-docs-adjust-version)
- Commit release assets to the project's git repository with the commit message
chore(release): ${nextRelease.version} [skip ci] ${nextRelease.notes}
. The following files are committed:package-lock.json
- Publish a GitHub release and comment on released Pull Requests/Issues (
) - Upload the new generated CHANGELOG to a S3 bucket (release-docs-changelog-upload-s3)
- Send a release notification on Slack from a slack bot (
$ npm install --save-dev semantic-release@17 @carbonaut/release-docs
Project Setup
When installing this package for the first time, the following shareable configuration (.releaserc.json
) is automatically added to your project root folder:
"extends": "@carbonaut/release-docs"
Add the following semantic-release
command into the scripts section on your package.json
"scripts": {
"semantic-release": "semantic-release"
Environment Variables Configuration
Ensure that your CI configuration has the following environment variables set:
GH_TOKEN: A GitHub personal access token;
RELEASE_DOCS_PROJECT_ID: Unique project identifier. It will be used as the changelog file title on the S3 bucket;
RELEASE_DOCS_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: AWS access key from the S3 bucket where the changelog file will be hosted;
RELEASE_DOCS_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_ID: AWS secret access key from the S3 bucket where the changelog file will be hosted;
SLACK_WEBHOOK: Slack webhook created when adding app to workspace.
Releasing Locally
$ RELEASE_DOCS_PROJECT_ID=<project ID> RELEASE_DOCS_AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<AWS access key> RELEASE_DOCS_AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY_ID=<AWS secret access key> RELEASE_DOCS_AWS_BUCKET=<AWS bucket> GH_TOKEN=<GitHub token> npm run semantic-release --dry-run=false --no-ci
Running in CI
First, setup all the required environment variables on your CI environment. Then just call the following script in your CI configuration file to trigger the release process:
$ npm run semantic-release
The following scripts are also available to be used separately.
Update the package version to the next release version on the following files:
- package.json: property version (this file is required)
- config.xml: attribute version (this file is optional)
release-docs-adjust-version --version=<version>
Upload the new generated CHANGELOG to a S3 bucket:
- Convert the CHANGELOG.md file to JSON format;
- Send the parsed changelog content to the S3 bucket
. This file will be available at https://s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com/<RELEASE_DOCS_AWS_BUCKET>/<RELEASE_DOCS_PROJECT_ID>.json.
release-docs-changelog-upload-s3 --key=<ṕroject ID> --awsAccessKeyId=<AWS access key> --awsSecretAccessKey<AWS secret access key> --awsBucket=<AWS bucket>"
Overwritten Options
This following options are set by this shareable config:
| Option | Value |
| @semantic-release/exec: prepareCmd
| release-docs-adjust-version --version=${nextRelease.version}
| @semantic-release/exec: successCmd
| release-docs-changelog-upload-s3 --key=<ṕroject ID> --awsAccessKeyId=<AWS access key> --awsSecretAccessKey<AWS secret access key> --awsBucket=<AWS bucket>"
| @semantic-release/git: assets
| ["package-lock.json", "package.json", "CHANGELOG.md", "config.xml"]
| @semantic-release/git: message
| chore(release): ${nextRelease.version} [skip ci] ${nextRelease.notes}
Other options use their default values. See each plugin documentation for available options.