The init tool is a command-line interface for initializing new web projects with popular frameworks and configurations.
The init tool is a command-line interface for initializing new web projects with popular frameworks and configurations. It supports both Next.js and Vite projects and includes options for additional configurations like Shadcn UI and MUI (Material-UI), and can also set up backend projects using Node.js or Go with optional PostgreSQL integration.
Features (so far)
Frontend Initialization:
- Next.js Projects: Bootstrap a new Next.js application with TypeScript, ESLint, Tailwind CSS, and additional configurations like Shadcn UI and MUI.
- Vite Projects: Set up a new Vite project with React and TypeScript, with optional Shadcn UI integration.
Backend Initialization:
- Go Projects: Create a new Go backend project, optionally with PostgreSQL integration.
- Node.js Projects: Set up a new Node.js backend project, optionally with PostgreSQL integration.
Initialize a Next.js Project
To create a new Next.js project with specific settings, use:
init -f next [flags]
Flags: --shadcn: Run shadcn-ui init -d after creating the Next.js app. --mui: Install Material-UI packages (@mui/material, @emotion/react, and @emotion/styled) after creating the Next.js app.
init -f next --shadcn --mui
Initialize a Vite Project
To create a new Vite project with React and TypeScript, use:
init -f vite [flags]
Flags: --vite: Create a Vite project with React and TypeScript. --tw: To add tailwindcss to the vite app --shadcn: Run Shadcn UI initialization after creating the Next.js app. --mui: Install MUI packages after creating the Next.js app.
init -f -vite --tw --mui
Initialize a Node.js Backend
To create a new Node.js backend project with optional PostgreSQL support, use:
init -b node [flags]
Flags: --pg: Include PostgreSQL database integration.
init -b node --pg
Initialize a Go Backend
To create a new Go backend project with optional PostgreSQL support, use:
init -b go [flags]
Flags: --pg: Include PostgreSQL database integration.
init -b go --pg
Initialize both frontend and backend in a single command:
init -f vite --shadcn -b go --pg
init -f next --mui -b node --pg