Enable Firebase Cloud Messaging features for Capacitor apps
| Maintainer | GitHub | Social | | ------------ | --------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------- | | Stewan Silva | stewones | @stewones |
Notice 🚀
We're starting fresh under an official org. If you were using the previous npm package capacitor-fcm
, please update your package.json to @capacitor-community/fcm
. Check out changelog for more info.
Using npm:
npm install @capacitor-community/fcm
Using yarn:
yarn add @capacitor-community/fcm
Sync native files:
npx cap sync
This plugin is intended to be used combined with Capacitor API for Push Notifications. Capacitor only provides APN token whereas this plugin offers the possibility to work with FCM tokens and more.
| method | info | platform |
| ------------------- | --------------------------------------------- | ----------- |
| subscribeTo
| subscribe to fcm topic | ios/android |
| unsubscribeFrom
| unsubscribe from fcm topic | ios/android |
| getToken
| get fcm token to eventually use from a server | ios/android |
| refreshToken
| refresh fcm token to get a new one | ios/android |
| deleteInstance
| remove local fcm instance completely | ios/android |
| setAutoInit
| enable the auto initialization of the library | ios/android |
| isAutoInitEnabled
| check whether auto initialization is enabled | ios/android |
import { FCM } from '@capacitor-community/fcm';
import { PushNotifications } from '@capacitor/push-notifications';
// external required step
// register for push
await PushNotifications.requestPermissions();
await PushNotifications.register();
// now you can subscribe to a specific topic
FCM.subscribeTo({ topic: 'test' })
.then(r => alert(`subscribed to topic`))
.catch(err => console.log(err));
// Unsubscribe from a specific topic
FCM.unsubscribeFrom({ topic: 'test' })
.then(() => alert(`unsubscribed from topic`))
.catch(err => console.log(err));
// Get FCM token instead of the APN one returned by Capacitor
.then(r => alert(`Token ${r.token}`))
.catch(err => console.log(err));
// Delete the old FCM token and get a new one
.then(r => alert(`Token ${r.token}`))
.catch(err => console.log(err));
// Remove FCM instance
.then(() => alert(`Token deleted`))
.catch(err => console.log(err));
// Enable the auto initialization of the library
FCM.setAutoInit({ enabled: true }).then(() => alert(`Auto init enabled`));
// Check the auto initialization status
FCM.isAutoInitEnabled().then(r => {
console.log('Auto init is ' + (r.enabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'));
Add Google config files
Navigate to the project settings page for your app on Firebase.
Download the GoogleService-Info.plist
file. In Xcode right-click on the yellow folder named "App" and select the Add files to "App"
Tip: if you drag and drop your file to this location, Xcode may not be able to find it.
Download the google-services.json
file and copy it to android/app/
directory of your capacitor project.
- apple
- create an app identifier (apple site)
- add push notifications
- add signing request (https://help.apple.com/developer-account/#/devbfa00fef7)
- generate an APN key and then note down the ID displayed. also download the p8 file (https://fluffy.es/p8-push-notification/)
- create an app identifier (apple site)
- firebase
- add the downloaded p8 file to firebase settings with noted key ID and the account team ID
iOS setup
- Install homebrew (once)
brew install cocoapods
(once a time)ionic start my-cap-app --capacitor
cd my-cap-app
mkdir www && touch www/index.html
npx cap add ios
npm install --save @capacitor-community/fcm
npx cap sync ios
(always do sync after a plugin install)npx cap open ios
- sign your app at xcode (general tab)
- enable remote notification capabilities
- add
to the app folder in xcode
// (optional) turn off `swizzling` in the `info.plist`
Tip: every time you change a native code you may need to clean up the cache (Product > Clean build folder) and then run the app again.
Prevent auto initialization
If you need to implement opt-in behavior, you can disable the auto initialization of the library by following the Firebase docs.
Android setup
ionic start my-cap-app --capacitor
cd my-cap-app
mkdir www && touch www/index.html
npx cap add android
npm install --save @capacitor-community/fcm
npx cap sync android
(always do sync after a plugin install)npx cap open android
- add
to yourandroid/app
Now you should be set to go. Try to run your client using ionic cap run android --livereload
Tip: every time you change a native code you may need to clean up the cache (Build > Clean Project | Build > Rebuild Project) and then run the app again.
This plugin will use the following project variables (defined in your app's variables.gradle
version ofcom.google.firebase:firebase-messaging
Prevent auto initialization
If you need to implement opt-in behavior, you can disable the auto initialization of the library by following the Firebase docs.
- https://github.com/capacitor-community/fcm/tree/master/example
Contributors ✨
Thanks goes to these wonderful people (emoji key):
This project follows the all-contributors specification. Contributions of any kind welcome!