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JavaScript implementation of the libp2p rendezvous protocol.
Table of Contents
npm i @canvas-js/libp2p-rendezvous
Rendezvous servers maintain a SQLite database of "registrations", consisting of a string namespace and a signed peer record. Rendezvous clients can register and unregister themselves for arbitrary namespaces, and discover other peer registrations by namespace.
Add the rendezvous server service to a public libp2p peer:
import { rendezvousServer } from "@canvas-js/libp2p-rendezvous/server"
const libp2p = await createLibp2p({
// ...
services: {
// ...
rendezvous: rendezvousServer({ path: "rendezvous-registrations.sqlite" }),
The path
is optional; an in-memory SQLite database will be used if it is null
or not provided.
Then add the rendezvous client service to the peers that need to find each other:
import { bootstrap } from "@libp2p/bootstrap"
import { rendezvousClient } from "@canvas-js/libp2-rendezvous/client"
const libp2p = await createLibp2p({
// ...
peerDiscovery: [bootstrap(["/dns4/my-rendezvous-server/..."])]
services: {
// ...
rendezvous: rendezvousClient({
autoRegister: ["topic-a", "topic-b"],
autoDiscover: true,
Providing namespaces to autoRegister
and enabling autoDiscovery
will cause the client to automatically register those namespaces with every rendezvous server it connects to (ie every peer supporting the rendezvous protocol), and automatically renew its regsitrations when they expire, re-connecting to the server if necessary.
Alternatively, you can choose to manually connect to a server and make register
, unregister
, and discover
calls yourself:
const serverPeerId = peerIdFromString("...")
await libp2p.services.rendezvous.connect(serverPeerId, async (point) => {
await point.register("topic-a")
await point.unregister("topic-b")
const peers = await point.discover("topic-c")
// peers discovered manually are not automatically added to the peerStore
// @canvas-js/libp2p-rendezvous/client
import type { TypedEventTarget, Libp2pEvents, PeerId, PeerStore, Peer, Connection } from "@libp2p/interface"
import type { Registrar, AddressManager, ConnectionManager } from "@libp2p/interface-internal"
import type { Multiaddr } from "@multiformats/multiaddr"
export interface RendezvousPoint {
discover(namespace: string, options?: { limit?: number }): Promise<Peer[]>
register(namespace: string, options?: { ttl?: number }): Promise<{ ttl: number }>
unregister(namespace: string): Promise<void>
export type RendezvousClientComponents = {
events: TypedEventTarget<Libp2pEvents>
peerId: PeerId
peerStore: PeerStore
registrar: Registrar
addressManager: AddressManager
connectionManager: ConnectionManager
export interface RendezvousClientInit {
* namespace or array of namespaces to register automatically
* with all peers that support the rendezvous server protocol
autoRegister?: string[] | null
autoDiscover?: boolean
connectionFilter?: (connection: Connection) => boolean
export declare class RendezvousClient {
public static protocol = "/canvas/rendezvous/1.0.0"
public constructor(components: RendezvousClientComponents, init: RendezvousClientInit)
public connect<T>(
server: PeerId | Multiaddr | Multiaddr[],
callback: (point: RendezvousPoint) => T | Promise<T>,
): Promise<T>
export declare const rendezvousClient: (
init?: RendezvousClientInit,
) => (components: RendezvousClientComponents) => RendezvousClient
// @canvas-js/libp2p-rendezvous/server
import { TypedEventTarget, Libp2pEvents, PeerId, PeerStore } from "@libp2p/interface"
import { Registrar, AddressManager, ConnectionManager } from "@libp2p/interface-internal"
export type RendezvousServerComponents = {
events: TypedEventTarget<Libp2pEvents>
peerId: PeerId
peerStore: PeerStore
registrar: Registrar
addressManager: AddressManager
connectionManager: ConnectionManager
export interface RendezvousServerInit {
path?: string | null
export declare class RendezvousServer implements Startable {
public static protocol = "/canvas/rendezvous/1.0.0"
public constructor(components: RendezvousServerComponents, init: RendezvousServerInit)
export declare const rendezvousServer: (
init?: RendezvousServerInit,
) => (components: RendezvousServerComponents) => RendezvousServer
Open an issue if you have questions, find bugs, or have interface suggestions. Only minor PRs will be considered without prior discussion.
MIT © Canvas Technologies, Inc.