Styleguide for Canopy
Canopy Styleguide
The Canopy Styleguide is a css and javascript library. It exposes global css classes and custom elements.
Canopy uses storybook, an open source UI component explorer to articulate its design system.
A Design System is the single source of truth which groups all the elements that will allow the teams to design, realize and develop a product.
The primary components of the design system are
- Styleguide: the defining of graphic styles (colors, fonts, etc.)
- Pattern Library: functional components and their usage
Creating a new story is easy and can be done in any directory. Simply create a file with the extension *.stories.js
If I am looking to create a story that will illustrate a new button, I might add a new file for it like so:
├── button
│ ├── button.component.js
│ ├── button.stories.js
In storybook's new Component Story Format (CSF), stories are defined as ES modules. A default export marks the title and named exports introduce the story functions.
import React from 'react'
import {CprButton} from 'canopy-styleguide'
export default {
title: 'Button',
// including component will automagically fill docs around props
component: CprButton,
export const withEmojis = () => <CprButton>😀 😎 👍 💯</CprButton>
export const withText = () => <CprButton>click me</CprBut>
This will give us
Addons we use
storysource: show stories source in the addon panel
knobs: edit props dynamically using the Storybook UI
See CprEmptyState for an example
See CSF docs and stories in this project for more
A useful recent (Jan 2020) blog post about storybook config