A UI web-components library for building on the Canopy API
CanopyUI is a library of WebComponents you can use regardless of your tech stack. Our public Storybook preview is hosted on Github Pages at https://canopy1.github.io/canopy-ui/. You can walk through our Storybook to see what properties are supported and experiment with dynamic properties yourself.
You can load the JavaScript directly into the browser.
Browser Setup
<!-- Load JavaScript for CanopyUI -->
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@canopyinc/ui/build/browser.min.js"></script>
Or include it via a module bundler such as Webpack or Rollup.
Node Setup
# with npm
npm install @canopyinc/ui --save
# or yarn
yarn add @canopyinc/ui
// index.js (or some entry point in your codebase)
import "@canopyinc/ui";
You will need to include the default CSS theme for CanopyUI as well.
CSS Setup
<!-- Load default CSS for CanopyUI -->
<link href="https://unpkg.com/@canopyinc/ui/public/variables.css" rel="stylesheet" />
Start Writing CanopyUI
Once the JS is loaded you can start writing CanopyUI web components.
<div id="container"></div>
const el = document.createElement("cui-account-overview");
const accountDetails = {
total_balance_cents: 349391,
credit_limit_cents: 800000,
available_credit_cents: 450608,
pending_charges_cents: 0,
promo_exclusive_end: "10/15/2021",
el.setAttribute("details", JSON.stringify(accountDetails));
Since CanopyUI is built from the WebComponents set of standards you may also write HTML markup directly.
<!-- NOTE: All properties should be passed as strings (including objects and arrays.) -->
<cui-account-overview details="..."></cui-account-overview>
Available Components
| Component | Status | Doc |
| --------------------------- | ------ | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
| <cui-account-overview>
| v0.3.0 | link |
| <cui-am-schedule>
| v0.3.0 | link |
| <cui-external-fields>
| v0.3.0 | link |
| <cui-payment>
| v0.3.0 | link |
| <cui-statements>
| v0.3.0 | link |
| <cui-customer-details>
| TBD | |
| <cui-payment-history>
| TBD | |
| <cui-product-details>
| TBD | |
| <cui-transaction-history>
| TBD | |
To theme CanopyUI components with a custom CSS property, pass a supported custom property to the
:root { ... }
CSS selector. For more granularity per component you can also target the name of the
component with a CSS selector directly such as cui-account-overview { ... }
Refer to the Styling doc for a list of supported CSS properties.
:root {
--cui-color-primary: darkblue;
<cui-account-overview details="..."></cui-account-overview>
Local Development
# download the repo
git clone [email protected]:canopy1/canopy-ui.git
# install package dependencies
yarn install
# compile
yarn build
# run storybook server
yarn storybook
Storybook will reload any changes you make. You are able to change background colors in Storybook for better contrast.