TideWallet Core for javascript
TideWallet JS
Install browserify
npm install -g browserify
Build browserify js
npm run build // browserify -r buffer src/index.js -o dist/bundle.js
Use TideWallet in Node
const TideWallet = require('./src/index.js');
const tw = new TideWallet();
tw.on('ready', () => { console.log('TideWallet is Ready'); });
tw.on('notice', () => { console.log('TideWallet Say Hello'); });
tw.on('update', (data) => {
console.log('TideWallet Data Updated');
const api = {
apiURL: 'https://staging.tidewallet.io/api/v1',
apiKey: 'f2a76e8431b02f263a0e1a0c34a70466',
apiSecret: '9e37d67450dc906042fde75113ecb78c',
const user = {
thirdPartyId: 'myAppleID',
installId: 'myInstallID'
const debugMode = true;
const networkPublish = false;
tw.init({ user, api, debugMode, networkPublish });
Use TideWallet in Browser
- Build JS Library
git clone https://github.com/BOLT-Protocol/TideWalletJS
cd TideWalletJS
sudo npm i -g browserify
npm i
npm run build
- Import Library
<script src="./lib/TideWallet.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
- Regist TideWallet
const tidewallet = new TideWallet();
tidewallet.on('ready', () => { console.log('TideWallet is Ready'); });
tidewallet.on('update', () => { console.log('TideWallet Data Updated'); });
tidewallet.on('notice', () => { console.log('TideWallet Say Hello'); });
- Initial with OAuth
const api = {
apiURL: 'https://service.tidewallet.io/api/v1',
apiKey: 'f2a76e8431b02f263a0e1a0c34a70466',
apiSecret: '9e37d67450dc906042fde75113ecb78c',
const user = {
OAuthID: 'myAppleID',
TideWalletID: 'myTideWalletID',
InstallID: 'myInstallID'
const debugMode = true;
const networkPublish = false;
tidewallet.init({ user, api, debugMode, networkPublish });
- Initial with Mnemonic
const api = {
apiURL: 'https://service.tidewallet.io/api/v1',
apiKey: 'f2a76e8431b02f263a0e1a0c34a70466',
apiSecret: '9e37d67450dc906042fde75113ecb78c',
const user = {
thirdPartyId: 'myAppleID',
InstallID: 'myInstallID',
mnemonic: 'pudding cupboard inherit dry rate wet rough venture kitten parrot belt slush',
passphase: 'asdf1234'
tidewallet.init({ mnemonic, api });
- Get WalletConfig
let walletConfig = tidewallet.getWalletConfig()
// walletConfig = {
// fiat: {
// currencyId: "5b1ea92e584bf50020130613",
// exchangeRate: BigNumber {s: 1, e: 0, c: Array(2)},
// name: "CNY"
// },
// version: "1.0.0",
// }
- Get Overview
let overview = await tidewallet.overview();
// overview = {
// balance: "0",
// currencies: [
// {
// accountId: "a7255d05-eacf-4278-9139-0cfceb9abed6",
// accountType: "CFC",
// accountcurrencyId: "a7255d05-eacf-4278-9139-0cfceb9abed6",
// balance: "0",
// currencyId: "7a55ef8a-a668-11eb-bcbc-0242ac130002",
// lastSyncTime: 1624951601016,
// numberOfUsedExternalKey: undefined,
// numberOfUsedInternalKey: undefined,
// },
// ]
// }
- Get Asset Detail and Transaction List
let assetDetail = await tidewallet.getAssetDetail({ assetID });
// assetDetail = {
// asset: [
// {
// accountId: "a7255d05-eacf-4278-9139-0cfceb9abed6",
// accountType: "CFC",
// accountcurrencyId: "a7255d05-eacf-4278-9139-0cfceb9abed6",
// balance: "0",
// currencyId: "7a55ef8a-a668-11eb-bcbc-0242ac130002",
// lastSyncTime: 1624951601016,
// numberOfUsedExternalKey: undefined,
// numberOfUsedInternalKey: undefined,
// },
// ],
// transactions: [
// {
// accountcurrencyId: "a7255d05-eacf-4278-9139-0cfceb9abed6",
// amount: "10",
// confirmation: 764,
// destinctionAddress: "0x49dcda35c2836296c5bc303525b4800276fdb907",
// direction: "receive",
// fee: "0.000021",
// gasPrice: "0.000000001",
// gasUsed: undefined,
// note: "0x",
// sourceAddress: "0x27642a1f15aa546c97b709a058b4434e93d28a29",
// status: "success",
// timestamp: 1624949933,
// transactionId: "a7255d05-eacf-4278-9139-0cfceb9abed60x52fc770ee037f42a81313fceb2463928a47b9befe936b6596450c2f160e08cd2",
// txId: "0x52fc770ee037f42a81313fceb2463928a47b9befe936b6596450c2f160e08cd2"
// },
// ],
// }
- Get Transaction Detail
let transactionDetail = await tidewallet.getTransactionDetail({ transactionID });
// transactionDetail = {
// accountcurrencyId: "a7255d05-eacf-4278-9139-0cfceb9abed6",
// amount: "10",
// confirmation: 764,
// destinctionAddress: "0x49dcda35c2836296c5bc303525b4800276fdb907",
// direction: "receive",
// fee: "0.000021",
// gasPrice: "0.000000001",
// gasUsed: undefined,
// note: "0x",
// sourceAddress: "0x27642a1f15aa546c97b709a058b4434e93d28a29",
// status: "success",
// timestamp: 1624949933,
// transactionId: "a7255d05-eacf-4278-9139-0cfceb9abed60x52fc770ee037f42a81313fceb2463928a47b9befe936b6596450c2f160e08cd2",
// txId: "0x52fc770ee037f42a81313fceb2463928a47b9befe936b6596450c2f160e08cd2"
// }
- Get Receiving Address
let address = await tidewallet.getReceivingAddress({ accountID });
// address = ["0x49dcda35c2836296c5bc303525b4800276fdb907", null]
- Get Transaction Fee
let fee = await tidewallet.getTransactionFee({ accountID, blockchainID, from, to, amount, data });
- Send a transaction
let rawTransaction = await tidewallet.prepareTransaction({ to, amount, data, fee });
let transaction = await tidewallet.sendTransaction(rawTransaction);
- Perform a Manual Synchronization
- Backup TideWallet
let paperWallet = tidewallet.backup();
// paperWallet = '{"keyObject":{"metadata":{"nonce":"FgiVWg8jCKsb3Mpz5L3KWeYRK4yhKQgo","iterations":10000},"public":{},"private":"aohJw4fPEXsgWv+TjlweHsRc4p0UHBhJvoTtDQ1uw7oMJTRglT5/7TwOtSisiyLCrHuiEkFuRcrp5O82fo99Ar8Qel0MtkP4hGs52uRfJ1DJjQ=="}}'
- Close TideWallet
Use TideWallet Core in browser
const user = { OAuthID: 'myAppleID', TideWalletID: 'myTideWalletID', InstallID: 'myInstallID' };
const core = new TideWallet.core();
await core.initial(user);
await core.recovery({ thirdPartyIdentity, TideBitIdentity, paperWallet }) // -- not work now
let extpubkey = await core.getExtendedPublicKey();
const keyPath = { chainIndex:0, keyIndex:0 };
const buffer = Buffer.from('8219f1cbbde29ac7e118bdba9a0b48a6e5f37a85ecd06701a1d8bc3f29c8de52', 'hex');
let signBuf = await core.sign({ keyPath, buffer });
let signData = await signData({ keyPath, jsonData }); // -- not work now
let signTx = awaitsignTransaction({ keyPath, coinType, value, data }); // -- not work now
Function List
- getVersion
- init
- on
- removeNotifier
- createUser
- resetWallet
- getFiatList
- changeSelectedFiat
- getDebugMode
- overview
- getAssetDetail
- getTransactionDetail
- getReceivingAddress
- verifyAddress
- verifyAmount
- getTransactionFee
- sendTransaction
- sync
- partialSync
- getBridgeAccountReceive
- callContract
- getExchangeRateList
- backup
- close
- notice