Installation Installation using Node-RED editor's Menu -> Manage palette option. In the Install tab you can search @caberra/viewstarx-nodes-node-red-contrib package and click install.
Installation Installation using Node-RED editor's Menu -> Manage palette option. In the Install tab you can search @caberra/viewstarx-nodes-node-red-contrib package and click install.
viewstarx-nodes will be available after restarting your Node-RED instance
$ npm i @caberra/viewstarx-nodes-node-red-contrib
Custom nodes description:
'cabiot-start-process': Gets data from the flow before as the input and send it as the output message node in the Priority/Type/Text properties.
'cabiot-state' Gets data from the flow before as the input and send it as the output message node with the 'State' property.
'cabiot-vaia' Gets data from the flow before as the input and send it as the output message node with the 'Classification' property.
'cabiot-listener' Listens data from a user-defined queue and send message as the output node.
'cabiot-publisher' Gets data from the flow before as input and publishes they to the user-defined Queue and Exchange. If Exchange was not defined the default Exchange will be used.