Obviously library for UI components based on bootstrap
Obviously Dove
Obviously library for UI components, was created with React and based on Bootstrap to adapt specific styles needs.
How to use
In the project you want to use have to install using one of the following commands:
npm install @obv_cabaag/dove
yarn add @obv_cabaag/dove
pnpm add @obv_cabaag/dove
Once installed have to import the component you want to use:
import Accordion from '@obv_cabaag/Accordion';
Current Components
- Accordion
Future Components
- Alerts
Run storybook
Dove integrates Storybook to enhance DX and test components in isolation, just need to run the storybook command with the following command:
pnpm storybook
Once Storybook is stated you can start create custom components for the library, will open a tab browser and navigate to the component you want to modify or create a new one
Create new Component
To create a new Component need to follow the structure of the actual components
| ├── NewComponentName.tsx
│ ├── NewComponentName.scss # If needed
│ ├── NewComponentName.spec.tsx
│ └── NewComponentName.stories.ts
└── tsconfig.json
Once created the new Component is imperative to name the component the same was as the folder name, this to follow a standard naming convention
Test Components
To test current or new components, just need to run one of the following commands
# Run the tests once
pnpm test
# Run the tests in watch mode, ideally when creating tests, will re run tests on changes
pnpm test:watch
# Run coverage tests to know the stats of the code
pnpm test:coverage