Generates a development project for Cortex constructs like actions and skills
Yeoman Generator for Cortex Projects
This is a Yeoman generator for setting up a project that groups a collection of Cortex skill definitions and the underlying implementation logic.
Create a Cortex project:
yo cortex
Add a skill to the project:
yo cortex:skill
User Setup
Install Yeoman
npm install -g yo
Install the Cortex generator for Yeoman
npm install -g generator-cortex
User Process
- Prepare for isolating this project's components
- Set up a Cortex account
- Set up a developer account
- Install Cortex Studio and configure for skill development
- Create a directory for the project
- Generate the recommended project layout using
yo cortex
- Generate skills as needed using
yo cortex:skill
- Commit work to an SCM like git.
These steps are detailed in the setup guide
Generator Contributor Setup
- Install the Cortex CLI
- Install Yeoman
Developer setup
Running locally
yo ./generator/app
yo ./generator/datasets
node --inspect `which yo` <generator> [arguments]