Generate pagination options for University APIs
Simple pagination tool for a the University API implementation.
npm i @byu-oit/uapi-paginate-nodejs
Calculates all pagination starting locations for first, last, prev, and next page.
- @param { number | string | any[] } collection - a collection or a collection size
- @param { number | string } offset - start location (start index is 0)
- @param { number | string } limit - quantity of items in the subset
- @param { Object } [options] - options to replace the global defaults (See section on the return values to see the defaults)
- @param { number } [options.start]
- @param { number } [options.size]
- @param { number } [options.max]
An Object with the following properties:
- start: { ?number } - the location of the first item in the current page.
- end: { ?number } - the location of the last item in the current page.
- size: { ?number } - number of elements returned in the current selection.
- next: { ?number } - the location of the next page's starting element.
- prev: { ?number } - the location of the previous page's starting element.
- last: { ?number } - the location of the starting element in the last page of the collection.
- collectionSize: { ?number } - the number of items in the collection.
- defaults: { Object }
- start: { ?number } - default start location (defaults to 0)
- size: { ?number } - default page size (defaults to 50).
- max: { ?number } - default max page size (defaults to 100).
- result: { any[] } - an array of the current page's items.
- input: { Object } - your inputs
- collection: { number | string | any[] }
- offset: { number | string }
- limit: { number | string }
- options: { Object } [options]
Usage examples:
let paginate = require('byu-paginate')
const months = [ 'Jan', 'Feb', 'Mar', 'Apr', 'May', 'Jun', 'Jul', 'Aug', 'Sept', 'Oct', 'Nov', 'Dec' ]
let page = paginate(months, 0, 3)
return {
links: {
info: {
rel: 'self',
href: `https://my-domain/my-path?page_start=${page.start}&page_size=${page.input.limit}`,
method: 'GET'
...page.prev && { prev: {
rel: 'prev',
href: `https://my-domain/my-path?page_start=${page.prev}&page_size=${page.input.limit}`,
method: 'GET'
} },
...page.next && { next: {
rel: 'next',
href: `https://my-domain/my-path?page_start=${page.next}&page_size={page.input.limit}`,
method: 'GET'
} }
metadata: {
collection_size: page.collectionSize,
page_start: page.start,
page_end: page.end,
page_size: page.size,
default_page_size: page.defaults.size,
max_page_size: page.defaults.maxSize
values: page.results
The above return value would look like:
links: {
info: {
rel: 'self',
href: `https://my-domain/my-path?page_start=0&page_size=3`,
method: 'GET'
next: {
rel: 'next',
href: `https://my-domain/my-path?page_start=3&page_size=3`,
method: 'GET'
metadata: {
collection_size: 12,
page_start: 0,
page_end: 2,
page_size: 3,
default_page_size: 50,
max_page_size: 100
values: [