The Koa Validation is a single point validation library that enables you to validate params, body, queries, files and headers
Koa Validation
This is a fork of Koa Validation. I add koa2 support to it. Koa Validation is a validation middleware for Koa. Using Koa Validation, you can validate url params, url queries, request bodies, headers as well as files. The module also allows for nested queries and nested jsons to be validated. The plugin uses generators and hence syncronous database validations can alse be made. The module can also be used to filter values sent as well as performing after actions on files uploaded.
The module can also be extended to add custom rules, filters and actions based on convenience.
npm install koa-validation
##Field Validations
const Koa = require('koa');
const Router = require('koa-router');
const koaBody = require('koa-better-body');
const app = new Koa();
const router = new Router();
require('koa-qs')(app, 'extended');
const validate = require('@byted/koa-validation');
'multipart': true
router.post('/', async function(ctx, next){
await ctx.validateBody(
name: 'required|minLength:4',
girlfiend: 'requiredIf:age,25',
wife: 'requiredNotIf:age,22',
foo: 'requiredWith:bar,baz',
foobar: 'requiredWithAll:barbaz,bazbaz',
gandalf: 'requiredWithout:Saruman',
tyrion: 'requiredWithoutAll:tywin,cercei',
age: 'numeric',
teenage: 'digitsBetween:13,19',
date: 'dateFormat:MMDDYYYY',
birthdate: 'date',
past: 'before:2015-10-06',
future: 'after:2015-10-07',
gender: 'in:male, female',
genres: 'notIn:Pop,Metal',
grade: 'accepted',
nickname: 'alpha',
nospaces: 'alphaDash',
email: 'email',
alphanum: 'alphaNumeric',
password: 'between:6,15'
'name.required': 'The name field is a required one'
before: {
name: 'lowercase',
nickname: 'uppercase',
snum: 'integer',
sword: 'trim',
lword: 'ltrim',
rword: 'rtrim',
dnum: 'float',
bword: 'boolean',
after: {
obj: 'json',
eword: 'escape',
reword: 'replace:come,came',
shaword: 'sha1',
mdword: 'md5',
hexword: 'hex:sha256'
if (ctx.validationErrors) {
ctx.status = 422;
ctx.body = ctx.validationErrors;
} else {
ctx.status = 200;
ctx.body = { success: true }
##File Validations
const Koa = require('koa');
const Router = require('koa-router');
const koaBody = require('koa-better-body');
const app = new Koa();
const router = new Router();
require('koa-qs')(app, 'extended');
const validate = require('@byted/koa-validation');
'multipart': true
router.post('/files', async function(ctx, next){
await ctx.validateFiles({
'imgFile': 'required|image',
'imgFile1': 'mime:jpg',
'imgFile2': 'extension:jpg',
'pkgFile': 'name:package'
},true, {}, {
jsFile: {
action: 'move',
args: __dirname + '/../files/tmp/rules.js',
callback: async function(validator, file, destination){
validator.addError(jsFile, 'action', 'move', 'Just checking if the callback action works!!')
imgFile: [
action: 'copy',
args: __dirname + '/../files/tmp/panda.jpg'
action: 'delete'
if (ctx.validationErrors) {
ctx.status = 422;
ctx.body = ctx.validationErrors;
} else {
ctx.status = 200;
ctx.body = { success: true }
Check out Detailed Documentation at koa-validation.readme.io