This is a google map component for Vue.js, updated for Vue 2 compatibility
Manual package publishing on NPM registry
This should be avoided - there is an automated workflow which will publish a new version of the package on every push to main branch.
npm login # using your own credentials
npm publish --access public
npm i @busability/vue2-google-maps
Just download dist/vue-google-maps.js
file and include it from your HTML.
Be aware that if you use this method, you cannot use TitleCase for your components and your attributes.
That is, instead of writing <GmapMap>
, you need to write <gmap-map>
Basic usage / Documentation
Get an API key from Google
Generating an Google Maps API key.
Quickstart (Webpack, Nuxt):
If you are using Webpack and Vue file components, just add the following to your code!
:center="{lat:10, lng:10}"
style="width: 500px; height: 300px"
v-for="(m, index) in markers"
In your main.js
or inside a Nuxt plugin:
import Vue from 'vue'
import * as VueGoogleMaps from '@busability/vue2-google-maps'
Vue.use(VueGoogleMaps, {
load: {
libraries: 'places', // This is required if you use the Autocomplete plugin
// OR: libraries: 'places,drawing'
// OR: libraries: 'places,drawing,visualization'
// (as you require)
//// If you want to set the version, you can do so:
// v: '3.26',
//// If you intend to programmatically custom event listener code
//// (e.g. `this.$refs.gmap.$on('zoom_changed', someFunc)`)
//// instead of going through Vue templates (e.g. `<GmapMap @zoom_changed="someFunc">`)
//// you might need to turn this on.
// autobindAllEvents: false,
//// If you want to manually install components, e.g.
//// import {GmapMarker} from '@busability/vue2-google-maps/src/components/marker'
//// Vue.component('GmapMarker', GmapMarker)
//// then set installComponents to 'false'.
//// If you want to automatically install all the components this property must be set to 'true':
installComponents: true
If you need to gain access to the Map
instance (e.g. to call panToBounds
, panTo
<GmapMap ref="mapRef" ...>
export default {
mounted () {
// At this point, the child GmapMap has been mounted, but
// its map has not been initialized.
// Therefore we need to write mapRef.$mapPromise.then(() => ...)
this.$refs.mapRef.$mapPromise.then((map) => {
map.panTo({lat: 1.38, lng: 103.80})
If you need to gain access to the google
<GmapMarker ref="myMarker"
:position="google && new google.maps.LatLng(1.38, 103.8)" />
import {gmapApi} from '@busability/vue2-google-maps'
export default {
computed: {
google: gmapApi
Control the options of the map with the options property:
Example of MapOptions:
zoomControl: true,
mapTypeControl: false,
scaleControl: false,
streetViewControl: false,
rotateControl: false,
fullscreenControl: true,
disableDefaultUi: false
Add region and language localization:
Example for Localization:
Vue.use(VueGoogleMaps, {
load: {
region: 'VI',
language: 'vi',
Autocomplete slot
The autocomplete supports custom text field via scoped slot
<gmap-autocomplete class="introInput" >
<template v-slot:input="slotProps">
<v-text-field outlined
placeholder="Location Of Event"
The ref on the element must be called input, if the element is a vue component then it must have a child ref called input (like in vuetify text-field) or speciy a custom name via childRefName property (only works one level deep into a component).
The v-on:listeners is rquired, v-on:attrs may or may not be required depending on your implementation.
This requires vue 2.6 or higher for the new slot support.
Nuxt.js config
For Nuxt.js projects, please import VueGoogleMaps in the following manner:
import * as VueGoogleMaps from '~/node_modules/@busability/vue2-google-maps'
Add the following to your nuxt.config.js
's build.extend()
transpile: [/^@busability/vue2-google-maps($|\/)/]
Officially supported components:
The list of officially support components are:
- Rectangle, Circle
- Polygon, Polyline
- KML Layer
- Marker
- InfoWindow
- Autocomplete
- Cluster* (via
You can find examples of this on the website. Auto-generated API documentation for these components are here.
For Cluster
, you must import the class specifically, e.g.
import GmapCluster from '@busability/vue2-google-maps/dist/components/cluster' // replace src with dist if you have Babel issues
Vue.component('GmapCluster', GmapCluster)
Inconvenient, but this means all other users don't have to bundle the marker clusterer package in their source code.
Adding your own components
It should be relatively easy to add your own components (e.g. Heatmap, GroundOverlay). please refer to the
source code for MapElementFactory
Example for DirectionsRenderer:
// DirectionsRenderer.js
import {MapElementFactory} from '@busability/vue2-google-maps'
export default MapElementFactory({
name: 'directionsRenderer',
ctr: () => google.maps.DirectionsRenderer,
//// The following is optional, but necessary if the constructor takes multiple arguments
//// e.g. for GroundOverlay
// ctrArgs: (options, otherProps) => [options],
events: ['directions_changed'],
// Mapped Props will automatically set up
// this.$watch('propertyName', (v) => instance.setPropertyName(v))
// If you specify `twoWay`, then it also sets up:
// google.maps.event.addListener(instance, 'propertyName_changed', () => {
// this.$emit('propertyName_changed', instance.getPropertyName())
// })
// If you specify `noBind`, then neither will be set up. You should manually
// create your watchers in `afterCreate()`.
mappedProps: {
routeIndex: { type: Number },
options: { type: Object },
panel: { },
directions: { type: Object },
//// If you have a property that comes with a `_changed` event,
//// you can specify `twoWay` to automatically bind the event, e.g. Map's `zoom`:
// zoom: {type: Number, twoWay: true}
// Any other properties you want to bind. Note: Must be in Object notation
props: {},
// Actions you want to perform before creating the object instance using the
// provided constructor (for example, you can modify the `options` object).
// If you return a promise, execution will suspend until the promise resolves
beforeCreate (options) {},
// Actions to perform after creating the object instance.
afterCreate (directionsRendererInstance) {},
Thereafter, it's easy to use the newly-minted component!
<GmapMap :zoom="..." :center="...">
<DirectionsRenderer />
import DirectionsRenderer from './DirectionsRenderer.js'
export default {
components: {DirectionsRenderer}
More automated tests should be written to help new contributors.
Meanwhile, please test your changes against the suite of examples.
Improvements to the tests are welcome :)