compatible Runtime: bun 1.1.0 - 1.1.43 compatible OS: Linux, WSL
compatible Runtime: bun 1.1.0 - 1.1.43 compatible OS: Linux, WSL
N.B : Bun is in continuous change and compatibility between version is a
problem for Bunext there is possible crash over some new version of Bun.
I will keep up to date the framework for what it needs
Nextjs inspired Framework compatible with Bun Runtime
Facing problems? Open an issue
Updating to a new Version
When an update of Bunext is made you must run:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# this is temporary and will change in future release
bun bunext init
bun run db:create # only create the types
What is planed
React 19 & React Compiler
SQlite performance & features
- Database merging ( bun db:merge )
- Transaction
Windows compatibility
What is ready
Multi-Thread Http Worker ( bun ^1.1.25 & Linux only )
process.env ( Client + Server & Only Server )
layout stacking
Static assets
Server components ("use server" & "use client")
Revalidate ( Beta )
Server action ( File, File[] and FormData can be uploaded )
Session Management ( public & private )
SQlite Management ( Beta )
Server components ( Beta )
Développement mode with Hot Reload ( beta version )
Production mode ( Beta )
SVG support
To install and run
#!/bin/env bash
bun i @bunpmjs/bunext || bunpm install bunext
bun bunext init
bun run dev
Run in Production mode
#!/bin/env bash
bun run build # this just make sure your build folder is created and ready to start
bun run start # Enjoy!!!
Here is the summary of the framework docs. I will soon make a website making it more simple, clear and fun to read. Thanks to all people how are following my work!
Like NextJs the routes are in src/pages.
- index.tsx is the main page for the route
- [id].tsx is a Dynamic Segment can be created by wrapping a file or folder name in square brackets: [segmentName]. For example, [id] or [slug].
- layout.tsx is the layout for the current route and sub-directory routes
export default function Page() {
return <div>My page</div>
type Params = {
action: string;
id: string;
export default function DynamicPage({params}:{params: Params}) {
return (
action: {params.action}
id: {params.id}
two methods to navigate to another page
// index.tsx
import { navigate, Link } from "@bunpmjs/bunext/internal/router";
function NextPage() {
return <>
<button onClick={() => navigate("/new/location")}>Next page</button>
<Link href="/new/location">
<button>Next Page</button>
Manage the session from your users by setting a session and optionally make it accessible from the client side ( default to only Server Side ).
SetData only from the Server Side is allowed.
Delete Session data can be Client or Server Side
GetData can be Client or Server Side ( but Client only have access to what is made public )
- useSession
- will automatically update the element when the session is updated
Set Session data
import { GetSession, useSession } from "@bunpmjs/bunext/features/session";
export default function Page() {
return (
<LoggedIndicator />
<SetSession />
type SessionType = {
username: string
function SetSession() {
const session = useSession<SessionType>({
PreventRenderOnUpdate: true,
return (
onClick={async () => {
await ServerSetSession({
username: "foo",
password: "bar",
Will update every React Element using useSession
without PreventRenderOnUpdate
Click to update Session
function LoggedIndicator() {
const session = useSession();
return (<span>
{session.getData()?.username ? `logged as ${session.getData().username}` : "not logged"}
export async function ServerSetSession({
}: {
username: string;
password: string;
}) {
const Session = GetSession(arguments);
username: username,
); // accessed from Client & Server Side
password: password,
); // Only accessed from Server Side
Get Session data
import { useSession } from "@bunpmjs/bunext/features/session";
export default function Page() {
return <div>
<ReactElement />
type SessionType = {
username: string
function ReactElement() {
const session = useSession<SessionType>();
return <span>{session.getData()?.username || "not logged"}</span>
Delete Session
// index.tsx
import {
} from "@bunpmjs/bunext/features/session";
export default function Page() {
return <div>
<ReactElement />
type SessionType = {
username: string
// using a JS event from a React Element
function ReactElement() {
const session = useSession<SessionType>();
return <button onClick={() => session.delete()}>Click to delete the session</button>
// using a serverAction
export async function ServerDeleteSession() {
return "Session has been deleted by the server"
// using an API endpoint
export function GET(request: BunextRequest) {
request.response = new Response("Session Deleted");
return request;
Server Action
Like Next offer a ServerAction method Bunext does it as well. Key informations:
- Works with use server and use client
- Server Action name should always start with Server key word
- Server Action must be exported async function
- It can be called like a normal async function from the client side
- File must be on the first level of params you cannot put a file in an object
- File Array is supported
// index.tsx
export default function FormPage() {
return (
onSubmit={async (e) => {
const form = new FormData(e.currentTarget);
const res = await ServerUploadFile(
username: form.get("username") as string,
password: form.get("password") as string,
form.get("file") as File
<input type="file" name="file" />
<input type="text" placeholder="username" name="username" />
<input type="text" placeholder="password" name="password" />
<button type="submit">Send</button>
export async function ServerUploadFile(
}: {
username: string;
password: string;
file: File
) {
// do stuff
await Bun.write("path/" + file.name, file);
return {
success: true,
message: "file saved successful",
Server Components
Bunext offer a Server Components ability that is managed with revalidate. Will run only once at build time and when revalidate is ran.
- unless "use client" directive is set, exported function will be verify as a server Component.
- Must be empty props.
- Must be exported and can be async as well.
- revalidate will invalidate every components that are in the page.
// index.tsx
export default async function Page() {
return (
{await Components()}
<NotValid />
// valid Server Component
export async function Components() {
const res = await (await fetch("https://some-api.com/api")).json();
return <div>{JSON.stringify(res)}</div>;
// not valid Server Component
export function NotValid({ someProps }: { someProps: string }) {
return <div></div>;
Revalidate a Server Component
// index.tsx
import { revalidateEvery, revalidate } from "@bunpmjs/bunext/features/router";
export default function Page() {
revalidateEvery("/", 3600);
// will revalidate the page at every 3600 second
return <div>
<button onClick={() => ServerRevalidate("/")}>Revalidate / path</button>
export async function ServerRevalidate(paths: string[]) {
await revalidate(...paths);
// will revalidate all pages in paths right now
Load dynamic data directly into the main React Element.
type Props = {
foo: string;
name: {
john: string;
type Params = {
action: string;
id: string;
// [action]/[id].tsx
export default function Page({props, params}: {
props: Props
params: Params
}) {
return <div>{props.foo + " - " + params.id}</div>
export async function getServerSideProps(): Props {
// go get some api data, database, etc...
// return { redirect: "/path/to/another/location" };
// will redirect to a different location
return {
foo: "bar",
name: {
john: "Doe"
Configure the database
In /config/database.ts is for the database Schema.
this is pretty much a basic structure that will make type safe your database call.
import { Union } from "@bunpmjs/bunext/database/schema";
const MyDatabaseShema: DBSchema = [
name: "Users",
columns: [
name: "id",
type: "number",
unique: true,
autoIncrement: true,
primary: true,
name: "username",
unique: true,
type: "string",
name: "role",
type: "string",
union: ["admin", "user"]
name: "info",
type: "json",
DataType: {
cart: [{
type: Union("drink", "food", "other"),
quantity: "number",
export default MyDatabaseShema;
Create the database and Type
run this script
bun run db:create
Query the Database
Database is only allowed in Server Side
- select => Array of rows containing what you selected ( default to everything )
- delete => void
- insert => void
- update => void
// index.tsx
import { Database } from "@bunpmjs/bunext/database";
//in a Server Component
export async function ReactElement() {
const db = Database();
return (
select: {
column1: true,
column2: true,
where: {
OR: [
column1: "foo",
column2: "bar",
column1: "fizz",
column2: "buzz",
.map((row) => {
Set Head meta data
- set path to the wanted route or * for every routes
- will be revalidate on build time ( can be dynamic )
// /index.tsx
import { Head } from "@bunpmjs/bunext/features/head";
data: {
author: "John Doe",
title: "my Home-page",
publisher: "Bunext",
meta: [
name: "foo",
content: "bar",
link: [
rel: "stylesheet",
href: "main.css"
path: "/otherPath",
use svg file as component you can import
- must be called as a Function in a Server Component
- can be called in a XML Version in Client Component
// index.tsx
import SVGIcon from "./my-svg.svg";
export default function Page() {
return (
<Element />
function Element() {
return <SVGIcon className="icon" />
Run Script at Startup
config/preload.ts will run at startup
Configure Server
config/server.ts contain server related configuration
Bypass request
To make a custom Response in config/onRequest.ts, return (Response or async Response) to bypass the default behavior, or return undefined to use the default behavior.
API Endpoint
- access the Endpoint via src/pages as root
import type { BunextRequest } from "@bunpmjs/bunext/features/request";
// /src/pages/api/v1/index.ts
export function POST(request: BunextRequest) {
request.response = new Response("POST");
return request;
export function GET(request: BunextRequest) {
request.response = new Response("GET");
return request;
export function PUT(request: BunextRequest) {
request.response = new Response("PUT");
return request;
export function DELETE(request: BunextRequest) {
request.response = new Response("DELETE");
return request;
// Client request
await fetch("my.site.com/api/v1", {
method: "POST",
body: JSON.stringify({ foo: "bar" })
}); // return the post data
An environment variable can be set as public and accessed in a client context if the key starts with PUBLIC
Computer specs:
- CPU: i7-9750H - 6 cores / 12 Threads
- RAM: 32GB DDR4
Single Threaded
Multi-Threaded (12 Threads)
Change Log
- Fix Fetch cache no store now works
- Fix SVG not showing completely
- Fix async Layout error on SSR & CSR rendering
- Fix ServerComponent style prop not showing correctly causing hydration error
- Fix Regression build crash introduced in 0.6.18
- Fix production mode not initializing ServerAction (sorry for that)
- Multi-threading on production mode when ServerConfig HTTPServer.threads is set to more then 1 or all_cpu_core (default: 1)
- Fix Missing Type for ServerConfig thread
- Fix page not loading correctly when there is no layout
- Fix async layout in the hydration step
- Improve compatibility with the multi-thread feature (will skip multi-thread on windows or mac) and now the main thread is making build and send the builded info to the workers
- Other small improvement
- Fix server not waiting for the build to finish before sending the response causing hydration error
- Other small improvement
- Fix getServerSideProps taking time before responding
- Performance improvement
- Head path param is now required
- Head path param can be * and apply to every page
- Head display order modified path * is overwritten by the current path
- Head data is now deep merged now meta and links are stacked
env variables can be made public by adding PUBLIC keyword. Ex: PUBLIC_API_KEY="abcdefghijklmnop12345678" // can be accessed from client and server API_KEY="abcdefghijklmnop12345678" // only accessed from server side
css can now be loaded directly in the page as a link in /static path
@static path is now accessible to directly access /static path
- Fix missing global
- file[] as prop in Server Action is supported
- FormData as single prop in Server Action is supported
- Fix Database key with special char would break the types
- node_modules files can be imported as link ts and tsx files is compiled to js files ( beta ) ( css works )
- Fix import not working in Server Components
- Fix import problem in production mode ( bun changed something in the minifying feature that broke the build for some reason )
- Database is no longer async
- File and Blob can be returned from a Server Action
- Fix Head data not loading with dynamic routes
- Session can be hosted on the server as a token and remove the limit of the standard 4000 char, when serverConfig.session.type = "database:memory" | "database:hard" and "cookie" will set as JSON-Webtoken but is limited with 4000 encoded char ( database:hard is the most stable for performance )
- getServerSideProps can access session with getSession
- fix getServerSideProps not hot reloading
- fix session not loading correctly when a token is valid but not present in the session database
- minify is working on production
- fit jsx import for some tsx files that was not on the index but imported by it.
- fix session delete client side
- fix hot reload server can be set to a different number then 3001
- ServerActions are 95% smaller in bundle size
- fix hot reload on dev mode for ServerActions
- head data is no longer merged
- hope it's the final fix for the compiler!
- fix serverAction not sending multiple props
- fix database select where with key that value was undefined break the request
- Production mode compatible with Bun v-1.1.34
- Performance enhancement!
- fix layout re import when NODE_ENV is in production
- Prevent future compatibility issue
- Performance enhancement in production mode for Dynamic page like [id].tsx
0.8.9 (tmp fix for bun import problem in production mode)
- add a plugin to fix Bun import some time breaking the request
- Fix crash on dev mode when a cold refresh is made
- Add some tweak to the database schemas
- little performance enhancement
- Update Documentation process.env
- Upgrade Database logic and error handling
- Added some useful type for extracting types from array
- some other minor changes
- count method in database!
- remove false positive error on build time
- Database union type & documentation
- Fix session header when a special character is set in a public session key or value.
- Fix session path not set correctly to the root of the page.
- Fix head data crache when a search param is set in the url
- Added DOCTYPE html for better SEO
- Fix serving assets from static that has URI encoded character
- Add revalidate multiple route
- head data is reloaded in dev mode
- env variable are now accessible in the build if it's prefix is PUBLIC_ (new bun feature of 1.1.39)
- Fix ServerAction undefined variable not assign
- Fix Database schema union type making number as string
- Database schema in json object in array are considered union
- Database schema union in json column type can be string or/and number
- Session strategy has changed and session timeout is automatically updated
- Database LIKE operator for SELECT operation
- direct access to the database for making custom request ( this method do not provide a secure way to make database call you must make it secure )
- added tests for database
- automatic session timeout update UI
- enforce tests
- remove unused files in build after each builds
- Router: any [segmentName].tsx is now supported
- previously: only [id].tsx was supported
- now: any [segmentName] supported (ex: [foo].tsx or [bar].tsx)
- update README
- SVG loader use SVGR (now stable)
- caching SVG for more fluid dev experience
- update SVG caching strategy cold start improvement and cache validation based on the file hash
- new caching system for SSR Elements
- Fix a long time bug build crash when ServerComponents List, total length, was too big
- improve build speed
- Benchmark ( Single-Threaded & Multi-Threaded ) - README
- Fix missing regex for [segmentName]
- Fix Concurrent Read & Write of the Database
- Add utils function to make fake data
- cache is cleared for dev between version in browser
- Fix Crash in dev mode introduced in Bun version 1.1.43
- Fix crash with the dev client WebSocket
- Fix Layout not working if it's in a dynamic segment directory
- Fix Layout not rendering when it's in a dynamic segment directory and the request do not use the Client side router (direct access)
- upgraded strategy for layout imports are now parallelized reducing loading time on cold start and dev mode