Update an ECS service with a new Docker image
ECS Service Image Updater
ECS Service Image Updater assists with updating an ECS Service to use a new Docker image. If all you are changing is the image (eg new version of your application) it can be cumbersome to create a new Task Definition. It will copy the current running Task Definition in the Service, update the image, publish the new Task Definition and update the Service to use the new Task Definition.
NOTE: We have moved the package under our bugcrowd
NPM organization - this will be the only package location maintained going forward.
CLI Usage
--help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--image Docker image and tag [required]
--container-name Container to update in the ECS Task Definition.
Conflicts with container-names.
--container-names List of containers to update in the ECS Task
Definition. Comma separated. Conflicts with
--service-name ECS Service to update
--task-definition-family Task Definition Family create the new Task
Definition in
--cluster-arn Arn of the ECS Cluster for which the Service exists
on. Used in conjunction with service-name
--output-arn-only Output the new Task Definition Arn only
Update an ECS Service to use a new image
$ ecs-service-image-updater --cluster-arn arn:aws:ecs:us-east-1:123456789:cluster/cluster --image image:tag --container-name app --service-name app
Create new Task Definition from latest Task Definition in a Task Definition Family
$ ecs-service-image-updater --image image:tag --container-name app --task-definition-family app
Module Usage
const updater = require('ecs-service-image-updater');
const options = {
clusterArn: 'clusterArn',
serviceName: 'serviceName',
containerNames: ['containerName'],
image: 'image:tag'
.then((taskDefinitionArn) => {
console.log(`Done. New task definition: ${taskDefinitionArn}`);
.catch((err) => {