NPM package that provides schemas necessary for the operation of Budget-Buddy. Additionally, schemas required for the operation of the Auth-Service are generated using the [Better Auth CLI](https://www.better-auth.com/docs/concepts/cli).
NPM package that provides schemas necessary for the operation of Budget-Buddy. Additionally, schemas required for the operation of the Auth-Service are generated using the Better Auth CLI.
Getting started
Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:BudgetBuddyDE/database.git
Install all required dependencies
npm install
Build the application
[!IMPORTANT] Make sure you have the correct version of Better Auth installed to generate the correct schema
npm run generate-auth-schema # generate for Better Auth npm run build
Publish a new version
Bump version
npm version [<newversion> | major | minor | patch | premajor | preminor | prepatch | prerelease | from-git]
Build the package as defined under getting-started
Publish the new build
npm publish