This is a [React](https://reactjs.org) + [TypeScript](https://www.typescriptlang.org/) + [Chakra UI](https://chakra-ui.com) boilerplate to be built with [Vite](https://vitejs.dev). It also includes [Husky](https://typicode.github.io/husk) and a pre-commit
ReactTS 18 with Chakra UI and Vite
This is a React + TypeScript + Chakra UI boilerplate to be built with Vite. It also includes Husky and a pre-commit hook that runs yarn format
What's inside?
+ other smaller dependencies
Getting started
Create the project.
npx degit The24thDS/vite-reactts18-chakra-jest-husky my-app
Access the project directory.
cd my-app
Initialize a git repository.
git init
Install dependencies.
Serve with hot reload at http://localhost:5173.
yarn dev
Recommended VS Code extensions
Other commands
Lint commands
- Run eslint
yarn lint
- Run eslint with fixing
yarn lint:fix
Build commands
yarn build
Test commands
- Run tests with coverage (will open the coverage if all tests succeed)
yarn test
- Watch tests
yarn test:watch
Commit commands
This project use commitlint to ensure that commit messages are conventional-changelog compliants.
To help you build more efficient commit messages, you can use the commitizen package by running this command :
yarn cz
This project is licensed under the MIT License.