Animate.css and gsap powered vue transition lib
Animate.css and gsap powered vue transition lib
Get Started
pnpm i @bryce-loskie/at
1. Use AT
transition component
<div class="py-40">
<AT v-bind="transitionOptions">
<p v-if="isShow">
Hi there
<button class="btn mt-10" @click="toggle()">
<script setup lang="ts">
import { useToggle } from '@vueuse/core'
import AT, { AnimateCssPresets, defineOptions } from '@bryce-loskie/at'
const transitionOptions = defineOptions({
appear: true,
enterAnimate: AnimateCssPresets.backInDown,
leaveAnimate: AnimateCssPresets.backOutUp,
duration: 500,
const isShow = ref(true)
const toggle = useToggle(isShow)
Full transition options
// Come from official animate.css side
// For more: https://animate.style/
type AnimateCssNames = 'bounce' | 'etc....'
// Presets enum
enum AnimateCssPresets {
'bounce' = 'bounce'
interface Options {
* Animation name from animate.css, default is ''
name?: AnimateCssNames
* Enter animation name, default is `name`, higher property than `name` if set
enterAnimate?: AnimateCssNames
* Leave animation name, default is `name`, higher property than `name` if set
leaveAnimate?: AnimateCssNames
* Animation delay, default is 0
delay?: number
* Enter animation delay, default is 0, higher property than `delay` if set
enterDelay?: number
* Leave animation delay, defalt is 0, higher property than `delay` if set
leaveDelay?: number
* Animation duration, default is 1*1000 ms
duration?: number
* Enter animation duration, default is `duration`, higher property than `duration` if set
enterDuration?: number
* Leave animation duration, default is `duration`, higher property than `duration` if set
leaveDuration?: number
* Vue transition mode, default to undefined
* doc: https://vuejs.org/guide/built-ins/transition.html#transition-modes
mode?: TransitionProps['mode']
* If you also want to apply a transition on the initial render of a node
* you can add the appear attribute
* doc: https://vuejs.org/guide/built-ins/transition.html#transition-on-appear
appear?: TransitionProps['appear']
2. Animate element manually
<div class="py-40">
<button ref="buttonRef" class="btn">
animte el directly
<script setup lang="ts">
import { animateElem } from '@bryce-loskie/at'
const buttonRef = ref()
onMounted(() => {
elem: buttonRef.value,
animation: AnimateCssPresets.rotateIn,
repeat: '2', // or infinite
direction: 'alternate',
Full animateElem payload options
type AnimateElemPayload = {
elem: MaybeRef<HTMLElement>;
animation: AnimateCssNames;
duration?: number | undefined;
delay?: number | undefined;
repeat?: string | number | undefined;
direction?: "reverse" | "normal" | "alternate" | "alternate-reverse" | "initial" | "inherit" | undefined;
3. Use directive
<button v-animate="'backInDown'" class="btn">
<button v-animate="variants" class="btn">
directive 2
import { defineDirective, defineVariants } from '@bryce-loskie/at'
const vAnimate = defineDirective()
const variants = defineVariants({
animation: 'backInDown',
delay: 500,
4. Use with gsap
<Gt :variants="variants" appear>
<p v-show="isShow">
gsap transition
<button class="btn" m="t-6" @click="toggle()">
<div flex="~ col" m="t-20">
<p v-if="isDirectiveShow" v-gsap="variants">
gsap transition directive usage (now can only apply enter animate)
<button class="btn" m="t-6" @click="toggleDirectiveShow()">
toggle directive
<router-link class="icon-btn !outline-none mt-8" to="/">
<div class="ring flex items-center px-2 py-1 rounded">
<div i-carbon-arrow-left m="r-2" />
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { Gt, defineDirective, defineVariants } from '@bryce-loskie/at/gsap'
import { useToggle } from '@vueuse/core'
* Using Gt component
const variants = defineVariants({
initial: {
x: -100,
opacity: 0,
enter: {
x: 0,
opacity: 1,
onComplete(el) {
console.log('onComplete', el)
leave: {
x: 100,
opacity: 0,
const isShow = ref(true)
const toggle = useToggle(isShow)
* Using directive
const vGsap = defineDirective()
const isDirectiveShow = ref(true)
const toggleDirectiveShow = useToggle(isDirectiveShow)