JavaScript SDK for Termii Provider
Termii NodeJs Library
A Node client library for consuming the Termii API
This project requires NodeJS (version 14 or later) and Yarn. Node and Yarn are really easy to install. To make sure you have them available on your machine, try running the following command.
$ yarn -v && node -v
Table of contents
- Termii NodeJs Library
Getting Started
You need to create a Termii account if you don't have one already, to get your API Key, Sender ID and Secret key.
Termii-js was made for the browser, but works in any JavaScript runtime.
BEFORE YOU INSTALL: please read the prerequisites
To install and set up the library, run:
$ npm install @brvhprince/termii-js
Or if you prefer using Yarn:
$ yarn add @brvhprince/termii-js
Import and Initialize the library
// using ES6 modules
import { Termii } from '@brvhprince/termii-js'
// using CommonJS modules
const { Termii } = require("@brvhprince/termii-js");
// Initialize
const provider = new Termii("api_key_here", "sender_id");
Set a new Sender Id
Resources available on the API
| Name | Description | |---------------------------------------|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Messaging | Messaging allows you to send messages across SMS and WhatsApp Channels Learn More | | Token | Generate, send and verify one-time-passwords Learn More | | Insights | Retrieve real-time delivery report of messages sent to customers as well as the status of their contacts Learn More | | Middleware | Express Middleware to handle webhook requests |
Messaging Documentation
Send messages to any country in the world across SMS and WhatsApp channel
Sender ID Documentation
A Sender ID is the name or number that identifies the sender of an SMS message
List Sender IDs
// returns paginated results of 15 items per page const senderIds = await provider.messaging.list_sender_ids(); // get page const nextSenderIds = await provider.messaging.list_sender_ids(2);
Request a new sender Id
const payload = { // between 3 and 11 characters sender_id: "Penny", usecase: "Send promotional messages", company: "Pennycodes" } const response = await provider.messaging.request_sender_id(payload); console.log(response.code) // ok
Messages Documentation
This API allows businesses send text messages to their customers across different messaging channels
- Send Message
const payload = { to: "233552345567", sms: "Hello there, welcome to Termii" } const response = await provider.messaging.send(payload); console.log(response.code) // ok
- Send Bulk Message
const payload = { to: ["23490555546", "23423490126999","23490555546"], sms: "Hello there, welcome to Termii" } const response = await provider.messaging.send_bulk(payload); console.log(response.code) // ok
Send Message Without Sender ID Documentation
This API allows businesses send messages to customers using Termii's auto-generated messaging numbers that adapt to customers location.
const payload = {
to: "233552345567",
sms: "Hello there, welcome to Termii"
const response = await provider.messaging.send_without_sender_id(payload);
console.log(response.code) // ok
Send Message With Template Documentation
Templates API helps businesses set a template for the one-time-passwords (pins) sent to their customers via whatsapp
const payload = {
phone_number: "233552345567",
device_id: "device_one",
template_id: "template_one",
data: {
product_name: "Termii",
otp : 120435,
expiry_time: "10 minutes"
const response = await provider.messaging.send_with_template(payload);
console.log(response.code) // ok
Phonebooks Documentation
Create, view & manage phonebooks using these APIs. Each phonebook can be identified by a unique ID, which makes it easier to edit or delete a phonebook.
List Phonebooks
// returns paginated results of 15 items per page const phonebooks = await provider.messaging.list_phonebooks(); // get page const nextPhonebooks = await provider.messaging.list_phonebooks(2);
Create Phonebook
const payload = { phonebook_name: "Royals", description: "My royal leads" } const response = await provider.messaging.create_phonebook(payload); console.log(response.message) // Phonebook added successfully
Update Phonebook
const payload = { phonebook_name: "Premium" } const response = await provider.messaging.update_phonebook("phonebook_id",payload); console.log(response.message) // Phonebook updated successfully
Delete Phonebook
const response = await provider.messaging.delete_phonebook("phonebook_id"); console.log(response.message) // Phonebook deleted successfully
Contacts Documentation
Contacts API allows you manage (i.e. edit, update, & delete) contacts in your phonebook.
List Contacts of Phonebook
// returns paginated results of 15 items per page const contacts = await provider.messaging.list_contacts("phonebook_id"); // get page const nextContacts = await provider.messaging.list_contacts("phonebook_id", 2);
Create Contact
const payload = { phone_number: "556789909", country_code: "233" } const response = await provider.messaging.create_contact("phonebook_id",payload); console.log(response.data.id) // 3647982
Delete Contact
const response = await provider.messaging.delete_contact("contact_id"); console.log(response.message) // Contact deleted successfully
Campaigns Documentation
Campaign API allows you to view, manage and send a campaign to a phonebook.
List Campaigns
// returns paginated results of 15 items per page const campaigns = await provider.messaging.list_campaigns(); // get page const nextCampaigns = await provider.messaging.list_campaigns(2);
Fetch Campaign History
// returns paginated results of 15 items per page const history = await provider.messaging.get_campaign_history("campaign_id"); // get page const nextHistory = await provider.messaging.get_campaign_history("campaign_id", 2);
Send Campaign
const payload = { phone_number: "556789909", country_code: "233", message: "Hello, Welcome to Termii", phonebook_id: "phonebook_id", campaign_type: "personalized" } const response = await provider.messaging.send_campaign(payload); console.log(response.message) // Your campaign has been scheduled
Token Documentation
Token allows businesses generate, send and verify one-time-passwords.
Send Token Documentation
The send token API allows businesses trigger one-time-passwords (OTP) across any available messaging channel on Termii.
const payload = {
to: "23490126727",
pin_length: 6,
message_text: "Your pin is"
const response = await provider.token.send_token(payload);
console.log(response.pinId) // 29ae67c2-c8e1-4165-8a51-8d3d7c298081
Email Token Documentation
The email token API enables you to send one-time-passwords to an email address
const payload = {
email_address: "[email protected]",
code: "092471",
email_configuration_id: "email_configuration_id_from_dashboard"
const response = await provider.token.email_token(payload);
console.log(response.code) // ok
Send Voice Token Documentation
The voice token API enables you to generate and trigger one-time passwords (OTP) through the voice channel to a phone number
const payload = {
phone_number: "23490126727"
const response = await provider.token.send_voice_token(payload);
console.log(response.pinId) // 29ae67c2-c8e1-4165-8a51-8d3d7c298081
Make Voice Call Documentation
The voice call API enables you to send messages from your application through our voice channel to a phone number
const payload = {
phone_number: "23490126727",
code: 1223
const response = await provider.token.make_voice_call(payload);
console.log(response.pinId) // 29ae67c2-c8e1-4165-8a51-8d3d7c298081
Send In App Token Documentation
This API returns OTP codes in JSON format which can be used within any web or mobile app.
const payload = {
phone_number: "23490126727",
pin_length: 6
const response = await provider.token.send_in_app_token(payload);
console.log(response.status) // success
console.log(response.data.otp) // 522726
Verify Token Documentation
Verify token API, checks tokens sent to customers and returns a response confirming the status of the token.
const payload = {
pin_id: "pin_id",
pin: 123456
const response = await provider.token.verify_token(payload);
console.log(response.verified) // True
Insights Documentation
Retrieve real-time delivery report of messages sent to customers as well as the status of their contacts
Balance Documentation
The Balance API returns your total balance and balance information from your wallet, such as currency.
const balance = await provider.insights.balance();
console.log(balance.balance) // 19.85
Search Documentation
The search API allows businesses verify phone numbers and automatically detect their status as well as current network
const response = await provider.insights.search_phone_number("phone_number");
console.log(response.status) // DND blacklisted
Status Documentation
The status API allows businesses to detect if a number is fake or has ported to a new network.
const payload = {
phone_number: "523353245594",
country_code: "GH"
const response = await provider.insights.status_phone_number(payload);
console.log(response.result) // {@returns typeof array}
History Documentation
This Inbox API returns reports for messages sent across the sms, voice & whatsapp channels.
const inbox = await provider.insights.history();
console.log(inbox) // {@returns typeof array}
Express Middleware to handle Webhook Events
Add your webhook url in your Termii Developer Console
// using ES6 modules
import { Webhook } from '@brvhprince/termii-js'
// using CommonJS modules
const { Webhook } = require("@brvhprince/termii-js");
// Initialize
const provider = new Webhook("secret_key");
//Inbound-Message Received
provider.on("inbound", data => {
// Act
console.log("Here We are!");
//Outbound Message (Delivery Report)
provider.on("outbound", data => {
// Act
console.log("Here We are!");
//Device offline Notification
provider.on("device_status", data => {
// Act
console.log("Here We are!");
// Hooks with Express
app.post("/my/webhook/url", provider.middleware);
Please do :heart:
Built With
I use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Prince Takyi - Initial work - Prince Takyi Akomea
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
ISC License © Prince Takyi Akomea