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Optimize Toolset

I’ve always been into building performant and accessible sites, but lately I’ve been taking it extremely seriously. So much so that I’ve been building a tool to help me optimize and monitor the sites that I build to make sure that I’m making an attempt to offer the best experience to those who visit them. If you’re into performant, accessible and SEO friendly sites, you might like it too! You can check it out at Optimize Toolset.


Hi, 👋, I’m Ryan Hefner  and I built this site for me, and you! The goal of this site was to provide an easy way for me to check the stats on my npm packages, both for prioritizing issues and updates, and to give me a little kick in the pants to keep up on stuff.

As I was building it, I realized that I was actually using the tool to build the tool, and figured I might as well put this out there and hopefully others will find it to be a fast and useful way to search and browse npm packages as I have.

If you’re interested in other things I’m working on, follow me on Twitter or check out the open source projects I’ve been publishing on GitHub.

I am also working on a Twitter bot for this site to tweet the most popular, newest, random packages from npm. Please follow that account now and it will start sending out packages soon–ish.

Open Software & Tools

This site wouldn’t be possible without the immense generosity and tireless efforts from the people who make contributions to the world and share their work via open source initiatives. Thank you 🙏

© 2025 – Pkg Stats / Ryan Hefner




browserstack TestCafe browser provider plugin.





Build Status

This plugin integrates TestCafe with the BrowserStack Testing Cloud.


npm i -g testcafe-browser-provider-browserstack


Before using this plugin, save the BrowserStack username and access key to environment variables BROWSERSTACK_USERNAME and BROWSERSTACK_ACCESS_KEY.

Project name and build name will be displayed in BrowserStack if you set the environment variables BROWSERSTACK_PROJECT_NAME and BROWSERSTACK_BUILD_ID.

If you have troubles starting multiple browsers at once, or get browserstack-local related errors like #27, try setting the BROWSERSTACK_PARALLEL_RUNS environment variable to the number of browsers you want to run simultaneously, or to 1 if you want to run just one browser.

You can determine the available browser aliases by running

testcafe -b browserstack

If you run tests from the command line, use the alias when specifying browsers:

testcafe "browserstack:Chrome@53.0:Windows 10" "path/to/test/file.js"

When you use API, pass the alias to the browsers() method:

    .browsers('browserstack:Chrome@53.0:Windows 10')

Tip: you can skip version (@53.0) or/and OS name (:Windows 10).

BrowserStack Proxy Options

Proxy options can be passed via environment variables.

  • BROWSERSTACK_PROXY - a string that specifies a proxy for the BrowserStack local binary. It should have the following structure: user:pass@proxyHostName:port,
  • BROWSERSTACK_LOCAL_PROXY - a string that specifies a proxy for the local web server. It should have the following structure: user:pass@proxyHostName:port,
  • BROWSERSTACK_FORCE_PROXY - if it's not empty, forces all traffic of BrowserStack local binary to go through the proxy,
  • BROWSERSTACK_FORCE_LOCAL - if it's not empty, forces all traffic of BrowserStack local binary to go through the local machine
  • BROWSERSTACK_NO_LOCAL - If it's not empty, forces all traffic of BrowserStack to go over public internet
  • BROWSERSTACK_LOCAL_IDENTIFIER - a string identifier of an open BrowserStack local tunnel. If it's not empty, a new local tunnel is not created. Instead, the browser provider uses an existing local tunnel with the specified identifier.


export BROWSERSTACK_LOCAL_PROXY="admin:12345678@"
testcafe browserstack:chrome test.js

Other BrowserStackLocal Options

This plugin also allows you to specify the following BrowserStackLocal options via environment variables:

Option | Environment Variable ------ | -------------------- binarypath | BROWSERSTACK_BINARY_PATH logFile | BROWSERSTACK_LOGFILE verbose | BROWSERSTACK_VERBOSE


export BROWSERSTACK_BINARY_PATH="~/BrowserStack/BrowserStackLocal"
export BROWSERSTACK_LOGFILE="~/BrowserStack/logs.txt"
testcafe browserstack:chrome test.js

BrowserStack JS Testing and BrowserStack Automate

BrowserStack offers two APIs for browser testing:

JS testing supports more types of devices (compare: JS Testing Devices vs Automate Devices), while Automate allows for much longer tests (2 hours vs 30 minutes) and provides some additional features (like the window resizing functionality).

TestCafe uses the JS Testing API by default. In order to use BrowserStack Automate, set the BROWSERSTACK_USE_AUTOMATE environment variable to 1.


testcafe browserstack:chrome test.js

Setting Display Resolution

To set the display resolution, use the BROWSERSTACK_DISPLAY_RESOLUTION environment variable. Valid resolutions can be found here.

Remember that this only sets the display resolution and does not resize the browser window. You'll still need to use TestCafe's window resizing API to do so.


testcafe browserstack:chrome test.js

Specifying Chrome Command Line Arguments

To set Chrome command line arguments, use the BROWSERSTACK_CHROME_ARGS environment variable. You can specify multiple arguments by joining them with the space symbol. This option works only if the BrowserStack Automate API is enabled.


export BROWSERSTACK_CHROME_ARGS="--autoplay-policy=no-user-gesture-required"
testcafe browserstack:chrome test.js
export BROWSERSTACK_CHROME_ARGS="--start-maximized --autoplay-policy=no-user-gesture-required"
testcafe browserstack:chrome test.js

Other BrowserStack Options

BrowserStack Automate allows you to provide options for its internal Selenium Grid in the form of key-value pairs called capabilities.

To specify BrowserStack capabilities via the TestCafe BrowserStack provider, use environment variables. This provider supports the following capabilities:

Capability | Environment Variable ----------------------------- | -------------------- name | BROWSERSTACK_TEST_RUN_NAME acceptSslCerts | BROWSERSTACK_ACCEPT_SSL_CERTS browserstack.debug | BROWSERSTACK_DEBUG browserstack.console | BROWSERSTACK_CONSOLE browserstack.networkLogs | BROWSERSTACK_NETWORK_LOGS | BROWSERSTACK_VIDEO browserstack.timezone | BROWSERSTACK_TIMEZONE browserstack.geoLocation | BROWSERSTACK_GEO_LOCATION browserstack.customNetwork | BROWSERSTACK_CUSTOM_NETWORK browserstack.networkProfile | BROWSERSTACK_NETWORK_PROFILE

Refer to the BrowserStack documentation for information about the values you can specify.


testcafe browserstack:chrome test.js

Exceeding the Parallel Test Limit

When you run tests in multiple browsers or concurrently, you may exceed the maximum number of parallel tests available for your account.

Assume your plan allows 2 parallel tests, and you run one of the following commands:

testcafe 'browserstack:ie@11.0:Windows 10','browserstack:chrome@59.0:Windows 10','browserstack:safari@9.1:OS X El Capitan' tests/acceptance/
testcafe browserstack:ie@11.0:Windows 10 -c3 tests/acceptance/

In this instance, BrowserStack will refuse to provide all the required machines and TestCafe will throw an error:

Unable to establish one or more of the specified browser connections.

To keep within your account limitations, you can run tests sequentially (or in batches), like in the following bash script (credits to @maoberlehner for this example):

browsers=( "browserstack:ie@10.0:Windows 8" "browserstack:ie@11.0:Windows 10" "browserstack:edge@15.0:Windows 10" "browserstack:edge@14.0:Windows 10" "browserstack:firefox@54.0:Windows 10" "browserstack:firefox@55.0:Windows 10" "browserstack:chrome@59.0:Windows 10" "browserstack:chrome@60.0:Windows 10" "browserstack:opera@46.0:Windows 10" "browserstack:opera@47.0:Windows 10" "browserstack:safari@9.1:OS X El Capitan" "browserstack:safari@10.1:OS X Sierra" )

for i in "${browsers[@]}"
	./node_modules/.bin/testcafe "${i}" tests/acceptance/

Configuring the API Polling Interval for BrowserStack Automate

BrowserStack Automate is based on WebDriver, which forcefully shuts down inactive sessions after an idle timeout expires. This works for WebDriver users, since each page action (clicks, types, etc.) triggers a WebDriver command and thus resets the idle timer.

However, TestCafe is not WebDriver-based. It simulates page actions in a different way and it doesn't trigger WebDriver commands. To prevent test session from being terminated by the BrowserStack WebDriver server due to inactivity, TestCafe triggers a dummy WebDriver command once in a while.

However, if the network connection is unstable, a request that triggers this dummy command can fail. In this instance, the BrowserStack WebDriver server doesn't receive the command before the idle timeout expires, and the test session can be terminated due to inactivity.

If your BrowserStack builds are terminated due to the idle timeout frequently, you can try to decrease the delay before the dummy WebDriver command is sent. In case the first request fails to trigger the command due to a network problem, the next may succeed and thus prevent your test session from being terminated.

Use the TESTCAFE_BROWSERSTACK_API_POLLING_INTERVAL environment variable to control this delay. This variable specifies time (in millisecinds) to pass until an additional request that triggers an dummy WebDriver command is sent to the BrowserStack WebDriver server. The default delay is 80000 millisecinds. If the BrowserStack idle timeout is 90 seconds (or 90000 milliseconds), at least one request is processed by the BrowserStack server in normal network conditions. If you set it to 40000, two requests are processed by the WebDriver server if your network is good. In case of network issues, either request may fail without breaking the build.


testcafe browserstack:chrome test.js


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