Brixel Styleguide
Brixel Styleguide and Components
Work In Progress - not all component should be ready as npm modules
npm install --save @brixel/brixel-components
Import the SCSS file using: SCSS File
@import '~@brixel/brixel-components/src/styles/SCSS/general/main.scss'
Main react component:
import '@brixel/brixel-components/src/styles/SCSS/general/main.scss'
Button - Primary
import { BrixelButtonPrimary } from '@brixel/brixel-components';
Use like this (only required field is label):
background="primary | light | dark | blue | red | green | yellow"
colorTxt: "primary | light | dark | blue | red | green | yellow" // default is light
disabled={true | false}
onClick={(e) => ''}
onMouseEnter={(e) => ''}
onMouseLeave={(e) => ''}
label="" // required field
leftIcon="" // To put Icon on the left
rightIcon="" // To put icon on the right
rounded={true | false}
saturation="300 | 400 | 500 | 600" // default is 400
saturationTxt="100 | 200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600" // default is 100
To see the icons available please check the icons section
Button - Secondary
import { BrixelButtonSecondary } from '@brixel/brixel-components';
Use like this (only required field is label):
bgTransparent={true | false} // default is false
borderStroke="small | large" // default is large
color="primary | light | dark | blue | red | green | yellow" default is primary
disabled={true | false} // default is false
label="" // required field
leftIcon="" // To put Icon on the left
onClick={(e) => ''}
onMouseEnter={(e) => ''}
onMouseLeave={(e) => ''}
rightIcon="" // To put icon on the right
rounded={true | false} // default is false, on true create a full rounded on side left and right
saturation="200 | 300 | 400 | 500 | 600" // default is 400
To see the icons available please check the icons section
import { BrixelIcon } from '@brixel/brixel-components';
Use like this (only required field is icon, that you can choose one of the available list):
onClick={() => console.log('click')}
Icon List
- arrow-left-circle
- account
- alert
- arrow-left
- arrow-up
- arrow-down-circle
- arrow-down
- arrow-right-circle
- arrow-right
- arrow-simple-down
- arrow-simple-left
- arrow-simple-right
- arrow-simple-up
- arrow-up-circle
- ask
- balcony
- bin
- calendar-check
- calendar-edit
- calendar
- call
- cellar
- check
- child-friendly
- clock
- close-circle
- close
- conversation
- document-highlight
- document
- dropdown
- edit
- elevator
- exceptional-large-land
- exceptional-room-size
- eye
- favorite-fill
- favorite-house
- favorite
- favorities
- fireplace
- first-time-occupancy
- folder
- fullscreen
- gallery
- garden
- highquality-materials
- info
- landscape
- location-pin-simple
- locked
- loggia
- logout
- menu
- message
- minergie-certified
- minus
- money
- mosaic
- old-building
- options-vertical
- options
- photo
- plans
- play
- playground
- plus
- properties
- property-apartment
- property-building-land
- property-house
- property-multiple-dwelling
- question
- resize-active
- resize
- roadmap
- satellite
- sauna
- search
- star-fill
- star
- steam-oven
- storage-room
- streetview
- swimming-pool
- tennis-court
- tour
- update
- washing-machine
- water-access
- wheel-chair
import { BrixelTags } from '@brixel/brixel-components';
The components it is created to work as single component, where you have to specify the input
props, or to work as Redux Form component.
Single use:
onChange: (val) => setTags(val),
value: [],
Redux Form use:
<Field name="" component={BrixelTags} />
Brixel Form
Extra Feature
import { BrixelExtraFeature } from '@brixel/brixel-components';
The components it is created to work as single component, where you have to specify the input
props, or to work as Redux Form component.
Single use:
onChange: () => console.log('test'),
value: {},
name: 'extraFeature'
Redux Form use:
<Field name="extraFeatures" component={BrixelExtraFeature} />
Select Currency
import { BrixelSelect } from '@brixel/brixel-components';
The components it is created to work as single component, where you have to specify the input
props, or to work as Redux Form component.
const selectOpt = [
label: 'CHF',
value: 'CHF',
active: false,
icon: 'call',
label: 'EUR',
value: 'EUR',
active: false,
icon: 'folder',
label: 'GBP',
value: 'GBP',
active: false,
icon: 'message',
label: 'USD',
value: 'USD',
active: false,
icon: 'ask',
Single use:
onChange: () => console.log('test'),
value: {},
name: 'select'
disabled={true | false} // default is false
Redux Form use:
<Field name="select" component={BrixelSelect} options={selectOpt} />
Input Quality
import { BrixelInputScale } from '@brixel/brixel-components';
The components it is created to work as single component, where you have to specify the input
props, or to work as Redux Form component.
const optQuality = [
label: 'Out to date',
value: 5,
active: false,
label: 'Fair',
value: 4,
active: false,
label: 'Good',
value: 3,
active: false,
label: 'Very Good',
value: 2,
active: false,
label: 'Exceptional',
value: 1,
active: false,
Single use:
onChange: () => console.log('test'),
value: {},
name: ''
disabled={true | false} // default is false
Redux Form use:
Input Quality Picker
import { BrixelInputQuality } from '@brixel/brixel-components';
The components it is created to work as single component, where you have to specify the input
props, or to work as Redux Form component.
const qualityPicker = [
label: 'A',
value: 'A',
bgClass: 'bgGreen',
label: 'B',
value: 'B',
bgClass: 'bgGreen300',
label: 'C',
value: 'C',
bgClass: 'bgYellow300',
label: 'D',
value: 'D',
bgClass: 'bgYellow700',
label: 'E',
value: 'E',
bgClass: 'bgRed400',
label: 'F',
value: 'F',
bgClass: 'bgRed500',
label: 'G',
value: 'G',
bgClass: 'bgRed600',
const qualityPickerBorder = [
label: 'This',
value: 'This',
brdClass: 'brdPrimary',
Single use:
onChange: (val) => setQual(val),
name: '',
value: '',
square // to do the input button square
Redux Form use:
square={true | false} // default is false
Switch Button
import { BrixelSwitchButton } from '@brixel/brixel-components';
The components it is created to work as single component, where you have to specify the input
props, or to work as Redux Form component.
Single use:
onChange: (val) => setSwitchButton(val),
name: '',
value: '',
label="Switch Button Test"
Redux Form use:
label="Switch Button Test"
Input Step Number
import { BrixelInputStepNumber } from '@brixel/brixel-components';
The components it is created to work as single component, where you have to specify the input
props, or to work as Redux Form component.
Single use:
onChange: () => console.log('test'),
value: {},
name: 'number'
min={0} // default is 0
max={0} // default is infinite
step={1} // step used to increase or decrease, default is 1
disabled={true | false} // default is false
Redux Form use:
Input Text
import { BrixelInputText } from '@brixel/brixel-components';
The components it is created to work as single component, where you have to specify the input
props, or to work as Redux Form component.
Single use:
onChange: (val) => setInputTextString(val),
onBlur: (val) => setInputTextString(val),
value: inputTextString,
name: 'Input Text String'
type="text | email | password | number"
placeholder="Text Placeholder"
Redux Form use:
type="text | email | password | number"
Text Area
import { BrixelTextArea } from '@brixel/brixel-components';
The components it is created to work as single component, where you have to specify the input
props, or to work as Redux Form component.
Single use:
onChange: (val) => '',
onBlur: (val) => '',
value: '',
name: ''
type="text | email | password | number"
placeholder="Text Placeholder"
Redux Form use:
type="text | email | password | number"
placeholder="Text Placeholder"
We have 5 box-shadow styles, available as classes to be applied on any element:
- shadow-1dp
- shadow-2dp
- shadow-3dp
- shadow-4dp
- shadow-5dp
On /src/styles/SCSS/general/_variables.scss
is stored all variables that we use on our styleguide.
$grid-breakpoints: (
xs: 0,
sm: 590px,
md: 769px,
lg: 1024px,
xl: 1440px,
xxl: 1920px,
) !default;
The $step
and $stp
are variables used to create the margin and padding proportional.
$stp: 8 !default;
$step: 8px !default;
All variables are stored with SCSS value !default
so it is possible import the styleguide but it is possible to overwrite to change the style as palette colors, for example.
Mixin and SCSS function
On /src/styles/SCSS/utils/_helpers.scss
is stored all mixin and functions.
- make-grid-elements(): it is used to create the grid with breakpoints.
The grid system uses a series of containers, rows, and columns to layout and align content. It’s built with flexbox and is fully responsive.
To create a grid with 2 columns for mobile and 3 on desktop you can do:
<div class="row">
<div class="col-6 col-md-4">
One of three columns
<div class="col-6 col-md-4">
One of three columns