Lib for BrioHR app
Lib for nestJS projects, developed by the BrioHR Team.
$ npm install --save @briohr/nestjs-lib
##I. Paginator
The paginator lib is providing some tools to complete the mongoose-paginate-v2 plugin on nestjs.
It will provide 2 things:
- A decorator Paginator for the controller to get the query params and format them to match the config.
- A dto type OptionParamsDto to create the swagger documentation
The config is currently a constant array and will do the following:
- format the name following the following convention:
docs: "data",
meta: "metadata"
limit: "perPage",
page: "currentPage",
nextPage: "nextPage",
prevPage: "prevPage",
totalPages: "totalPages",
totalDocs: "itemCount",
pagingCounter: "pagingCounter",
Note : data will be returned in data and paginator info in metadata
- Activate the following options: select, collation, sort, page and limit
- By default if no value is provided, page will be 1 and limit 100.
- A maximum for the limit option is also configured at 1000.
public async findAll(@Paginator() options: OptionParamsDto) {
return this.leavesService.paginateFindAll(options);
To paginate a collection, you just need to do the following:
- Add the plugin mongoosePaginate in the Schema you want to paginate:
- You can now use the paginate method in your service:
return this.leaveModel.paginate({}, options);
- You can now simply add the decorator Paginator in your controller as describe above.
II. Utils
Two exceptions are currently available in the lib:
- GlobalException catches every error and logs them in the std error. You can add simply add in ad global exception in your main.ts file.
const { httpAdapter } = app.get(HttpAdapterHost);
app.useGlobalFilters(new GlobalException(httpAdapter));
- MongoError catches every mongoose error and format them in a nicer output. You can add it globally like the above or add it in the controller
export class LeaveGroupsController {
Some pipes are available for specific input.
- ObjectIdPipe checks the input is a valid mongoId
public async findOne(@Param("leaveGroupId", ObjectIdPipe) leaveGroupId: string) {
- StringNotEmptyPipe checks the string provided is not null and not empty
@Param("leaveTypeName", StringNotEmptyPipe) leaveTypeName: string,