Crypto cashback integration kit for crypto outlets extension
Table of content
This integration kit is designed to enhance existing Chrome extensions by adding functionality that enables automatic crypto cashback on online purchases.
This kit consists of a set of JavaScript files that crypto outlets can integrate into their crypto wallet extensions. This integration facilitates a seamless addition of cashback features, leveraging cryptocurrency transactions in the context of online shopping.
When a user visits supported online retailer websites, the Crypto Cashback system determines eligibility for cashback offers based on the user's location and the website's relevance.
- Node.js >= 14
- Chrome extension manifest >= V2 with required permissions
- Obtain an identifier key from Bringweb3
- Provide a specific logo for the specific outlet
Using npm:
$ npm install @bringweb3/chrome-extension-kit
Using yarn:
$ yarn add @bringweb3/chrome-extension-kit
Using pnpm:
$ pnpm add @bringweb3/chrome-extension-kit
Include this configuration inside your manifest.json
"permissions": [
"content_scripts": [
"matches": [
"js": [
"contentScript.js" // The name of the file importing the bringContentScriptInit
"host_permissions": [
Once the package is installed, you can import the library using import
or require
import { bringInitBackground } from '@bringweb3/chrome-extension-kit';
import { bringInitContentScript } from '@bringweb3/chrome-extension-kit';
const { bringInitBackground } = require('@bringweb3/chrome-extension-kit');
const { bringInitContentScript } = require('@bringweb3/chrome-extension-kit');
import { bringInitBackground } from '@bringweb3/chrome-extension-kit';
identifier: process.env.PLATFORM_IDENTIFIER, // The identifier key you obtained from Bringweb3
apiEndpoint: 'sandbox', // 'sandbox' || 'prod'
cashbackPagePath: '/wallet/cashback' // The relative path to your Cashback Dashboard if you have one inside your extension
import { bringInitContentScript } from "@bringweb3/chrome-extension-kit";
getWalletAddress: async () => await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(() => resolve('<USER_WALLET_ADDRESS>'), 200)),// Async function that returns the current user's wallet address
promptLogin: () => {...}, // Function that prompts a UI element asking the user to login
walletAddressListeners: ["customEvent:addressChanged"], // An optional list of custom events that dispatched when the user's wallet address had changed, don't add it if you are using walletAddressUpdateCallback
walletAddressUpdateCallback: (callback)=>{...}, //an optional function that runs when the user's wallet address had changed and execute the callback, don't add it if you are using walletAddressUpdateCallback
themeMode: 'light' // 'light' | 'dark',
text:'lower' // 'lower' | 'upper'
darkTheme: {...}, // Same as lightTheme
lightTheme: {
// font
fontUrl: 'https://fonts.googleapis.com/css2?family=Matemasie&display=swap',
fontFamily: "'Matemasie', system-ui",
// Popup
popupBg: "#192E34",
popupShadow: "",
// Primary button
primaryBtnBg: "linear-gradient(135deg, #5DEB5A 0%, #FDFC47 100%)",
primaryBtnFC: "#041417",
primaryBtnFW: "600",
primaryBtnFS: "14px",
primaryBtnBorderC: "transparent",
primaryBtnBorderW: "0",
primaryBtnRadius: "8px",
// Secondary button
secondaryBtnBg: "transparent",
secondaryBtnFS: "12px",
secondaryBtnFW: "500",
secondaryBtnFC: "white",
secondaryBtnBorderC: "rgba(149, 176, 178, 0.50)",
secondaryBtnBorderW: "2px",
secondaryBtnRadius: "8px",
// Markdown
markdownBg: "#07131766",
markdownFS: "12px",
markdownFC: "#DADCE5",
markdownBorderW: "0",
markdownRadius: "4px",
markdownBorderC: "black",
markdownScrollbarC: "#DADCE5",
// Wallet address
walletBg: "#33535B",
walletFS: "10px",
walletFW: "400",
walletFC: "white",
walletBorderC: "white",
walletBorderW: "0",
walletRadius: "4px",
// Details of offering
detailsBg: "#33535B",
detailsTitleFS: "15px",
detailsTitleFW: "600",
detailsTitleFC: "white",
detailsSubtitleFS: "14px",
detailsSubtitleFW: "500",
detailsSubtitleFC: "#A8ADBF",
detailsRadius: "8px",
detailsBorderW: "0",
detailsBorderC: "transparent",
detailsAmountFC: "#5DEB5A",
detailsAmountFW: "700",
// Overlay
overlayBg: "#192E34E6",
overlayFS: "13px",
overlayFW: "400",
overlayFC: "#DADCE5",
loaderBg: "#0A2EC0",
// Optout \ Turn off
optoutBg: "#192E34",
optoutFS: "14px",
optoutFW: "400",
optoutFC: "white",
optoutRadius: "56px",
// X Button and close buttons
closeFS: "9px",
closeFW: "300",
closeFC: "#B9BBBF",
// Token name
tokenBg: "transparent",
tokenFS: "13px",
tokenFW: "600",
tokenFC: "#DADCE5",
tokenBorderW: "2px",
tokenBorderC: "#DADCE5",
tokenRadius: "8px",
// Notification popup
notificationFS: "14px",
notificationFW: "500",
notificationFC: "white",
notificationBtnBg: "linear-gradient(135deg, #5DEB5A 0%, #FDFC47 100%)",
notificationBtnFS: "12px",
notificationBtnFW: "500",
notificationBtnFC: "#041417",
notificationBtnBorderW: "0",
notificationBtnBorderC: "transparent",
notificationBtnRadius: "8px",
activateTitleFS: "14px",
activateTitleFW: "600",
activateTitleFC: "white",
activateTitleBoldFS: "14px",
activateTitleBoldFW: "700",
activateTitleBoldFC: "white",
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