A template with pre-configured login workflow and routing for React Native projects created with the React Native CLI.
Authentication Template (TypeScript)
This template installs and configures the Brightlayer UI react-native-auth-workflow package to automatically wrap your main application with functions and screens for Login, Registration, Change Password, etc. This uses the same configurations as the sample project for that package — you will need to replace the API integrations with implementations specific to your API. This template also includes the installation and initial setup of routing using React Navigation. It includes several placeholder routes/screens and a Drawer navigator from the Brightlayer UI React Native Component Library.
To create a new project using the Authenication Template simply run :
npx react-native init MyApp --template @brightlayer-ui/react-native-template-authentication-typescript
Project Structure
Projects created using this template will start out with the following file structure:
|── /ios // ios project folder
|── /android // android project folder
|── App.tsx // app entry point
|── src
| |── actions
| | |── AuthUIActions.tsx // handles the implementation of the authentication related actions (such as login and forgot password)
| | └── RegistrationUIActions.tsx // handles the implementation of the registration related actions (such as loading the EULA and registration by invitation)
| |── assets // fonts and images used by the application
| |── constants
| | |── index.ts // application constants
| | └── sampleEula.ts // sample Eula
| |── contexts
| | |── AppContextProvider.tsx // handles context for Auth
| | └── ThemeContext.ts // handles context for theme
| |── screens // sample application pages
| |── navigation
| | |── index.tsx // sets up routing
| | └── navigation-drawer.tsx // sets up Drawer
| └── store
| └── local-storage.ts // mock implementation for storing/retrieving user authentication session data
|── /dictionary // translation dictionary for i18next
|── i18n.ts // configuration for i18next