This is a simple library for decoding a JWT token and checking permissions and roles
Authorisation library
This authorisation library consists of functions that decode a JWT token and also allows permission and role checking of a decoded token.
Functions are listed below:
- parseTokenFromCookie(ctx.req.getHeader('cookie')) => parses a token out of a cookie header
- parseTokenFromAuthorisationHeader(ctx.req.getHeader('authorization')) => parses a token out of a authorization header
- decodeToken(token) => decodes a token
- getToken(ctx.req.getHeader('cookie'), ctx.req.getHeader('authorization')) => returns a token from a header
- hasPermission(token, permission) => checks if a permission is in a token
- hasRole(token, role) => checks if a role is in a token
- getRoles(token) => returns an array of roles from a token
- getPermissions(token) => returns an array of permissions from a token
- getGroups(token) => return an array of groups from a token
- getUserId(token) => returns auth0 user id of the format
- requirePermissions(string[], token) => returns true if token contains all required permissions; otherwise throws an error.
- requireRoles(string[], token) => returns true if token contains all required roles; otherwise throws an error.
To add to a service
yarn add @brickblock/authorisation-library
How to develop
Please us TDD, write tests then your function.
yarn link
yarn build
yarn link @brickblock/authorisation-library
=> in the service you need this library in!
To use in service
Import as outlined below
const {
} = require('@brickblock/authorisation-library')
Dubugging the tests
"name": "Debug Jest Tests",
"type": "node",
"request": "launch",
"runtimeArgs": [
"env": { "BBK_RUNTIME_ENVIRONMENT": "development" },
"console": "integratedTerminal",
"internalConsoleOptions": "neverOpen",
"port": 9229