Take the boilerplate out of redux.
Make Redux State
Take the boilerplate out of redux.
Creates a slice of Redux state, and provides out-of-the-box reducers, actions for updating data and network status, and higher-order components
Store all your relevant state data in one object and cut out boilerplate without losing any flexibility in Redux.
Creating State
import { makeActionTypes, makeReduxState } from '@brendanatme/make-redux-state';
import { myApi } from './path/to/my-api';
const STATE_KEY = 'myStateSlice';
const ActionTypes = makeActionsTypes(STATE_KEY);
const options = {
actions: {
myCustomFetch: (...myActionArgs) => (dipatch, getState) => {
dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.clear });
.then((data) => {
type: ActionTypes.onLoadSucceeded,
payload: { data },
.catch((error) => {
dispatch({ type: ActionTypes.onLoadFailed });
initialState: { // with default shape
currentId: '',
data: {},
failed: false,
items: [],
loaded: false,
export const myState = makeReduxState(STATE_KEY, options);
Adding State to Redux
import { createStore, combineReducers } from 'redux';
import { myState } from './path/to/my-state';
const initialState = {
[myState.key]: myState.initialState,
const reducer = combineReducers({
[myState.key]: myState.reducer,
const myStore = createStore(reducer, initialState);
Injecting State Props into Components
You can use the "withProps" HOC method to inject your state props into a component.
import React from 'react';
import { myState } from './path/to/my-state';
const MyComponent = ({
myStateSlice, // myState.key
}) => (
{myStateSlice.loaded ? (
) : (
export default myState.withProps(MyComponent);
Giving Containers access to State Actions
import React from 'react';
import MyComponent from './path/to/my-component';
import { myState } from './path/to/my-state';
class MyContainer extends React.Component {
componentDidMount() {
const args = {};
this.props.myCustomFetch('any', args, 'you', 'want');
render() {
return (
<MyComponent />
export default myState.withActions(MyContainer);
@param {string} key the key of the piece of state you are creating @returns {Object} a hash of action type strings
Action Types:
: resets state slice to default stateonLoadFailed
: sets "failed" flag to trueonLoadSucceeded
: sets "failed" flag tofalse
, "loaded" flag totrue
, and updates state with payloadsetCurrentItem
: sets the "currentId" property. Gives you access to a computed property "current" when you have items in the "items" arrayupdate
: updates state with payload. Useful catchall to perform any manual update you want in a custom action creator
const ActionTypes = makeActionTypes('users');
@param {string} key the key of the piece of state you are creating @param {Object} options object containing custom action and custom initialState
actions?: {
[k: string]: (args: any) => (dispatch: function, getState: function) => void;
initialState?: {
currentId: string;
data: any;
failed: boolean;
items: [
{ id: string|number; ...any }
loaded: boolean;
: a hash map of Redux action creatorsOptions.initialState
: the custom initial state of your state slice
const ActionTypes = makeActionTypes('users');
const stateSlice = makeReduxState('users', {
actions: {
fetchUser: (id) => (dispatch, getState) => {
// ... get user ...
type: ActionTypes.onLoadSucceeded,
payload: {
data: user,
initialState: {
data: {
something: 'custom',
Returns: a ReduxState
object with the following properties:
actions: Object<{ [k: string]: Function }>
initialState: Object;
key: String;
reducer: Function;
withProps: Function;
withActions: Function;
withAll: Function;