Brave's fork of the Metamask module for managing various keyrings of Ethereum accounts, encrypting them, and using them.
Eth Keyring Controller 
A module for managing groups of Ethereum accounts called "Keyrings", defined originally for MetaMask's multiple-account-type feature.
To add new account types to a KeyringController
, just make sure it follows The Keyring Class Protocol.
The KeyringController has three main responsibilities:
- Initializing & using (signing with) groups of Ethereum accounts ("keyrings").
- Keeping track of local nicknames for those individual accounts.
- Providing password-encryption persisting & restoring of secret information.
npm install eth-keyring-controller --save
const KeyringController = require('eth-keyring-controller')
const SimpleKeyring = require('eth-simple-keyring')
const keyringController = new KeyringController({
keyringTypes: [SimpleKeyring], // optional array of types to support.
initState: initState.KeyringController, // Last emitted persisted state.
encryptor: { // An optional object for defining encryption schemes:
// Defaults to Browser-native SubtleCrypto.
encrypt (password, object) {
return new Promise('encrypted!')
decrypt (password, encryptedString) {
return new Promise({ foo: 'bar' })
// The KeyringController is also an event emitter:
this.keyringController.on('newAccount', (address) => {
console.log(`New account created: ${address}`)
this.keyringController.on('removedAccount', handleThat)
Currently the methods are heavily commented in the source code, so it's the best place to look until we aggregate it here as well.