Remove Markdown formatting from text
What is it?
remove-markdown is a node.js module that will remove (strip) Markdown formatting from text. Markdown formatting means pretty much anything that doesn’t look like regular text, like square brackets, asterisks etc.
When do I need it?
The typical use case is to display an excerpt from some Markdown text, without any of the actual Markdown syntax - for example in a list of posts.
npm install @brainfish-ai/remove-markdown
const removeMd = require('remove-markdown');
const markdown = '# This is a heading\n\nThis is a paragraph with [a link](http://www.disney.com/) in it.';
const plainText = removeMd(markdown); // plainText is now 'This is a heading\n\nThis is a paragraph with a link in it.'
You can also supply an options object to the function. Currently, the following options are supported:
const plainText = removeMd(markdown, {
stripListLeaders: true , // strip list leaders (default: true)
listUnicodeChar: '', // char to insert instead of stripped list leaders (default: '')
gfm: true // support GitHub-Flavored Markdown (default: true)
useImgAltText: true // replace images with alt-text, if present (default: true)
Setting stripListLeaders
to false will retain any list characters (*, -, +, (digit).