Ensures the youngest (newest) monarch (version) within kingdoms (packages) holds the royal office (is taggeed as latest).
This library considers the npm package registry as a world of aristocracies
The full honorary title of react version 16.10.2: "16.10 the Second, by the Grace of God of React, Defender of the Faith"
npm as an aristocracy
Each package is regarded as a kingdom, and its dependencies are its neighboring kingdoms. Each kingdom (if it's a proper aristocracy) has one or more monarchs (the versions of the package). The reigning monarch (the version tagged with latest), is known as the Queen. Each kingdom (package) must have exactly one queen (latest version) at any given point. Opposed to the usual aristocracy systems, the youngest (newest) monarch (version) should always rule (be tagged as latest).
What do I need this library for?
Not all queens gives the throne away when a younger monarch comes along. Hence, a system to regularly inspect the queen of a kingdom and abdicates her if she's not the youngest monarch of the kingdom is useful. This library does just that. It inspect one or more kingdoms and their neighboring kingsoms (recursivly). If a kingdom has a monarch younger than the queen, the queen is abdicated and the younger monarch is crowned. If for some reason the kingdom does not have a queen (no latest tag), the youngest monarch is immidiety crowned to recover from the aristocratic collapse. Also, if the queen is deceased (the version tagged as latest does not exist), the youngest monarch is also immidietly crowned.
Install with npm:
npm install --global @boyeborg/crown
$ crown --help
Ensures the youngest (newest) monarch (version) within kingdoms (packages)
holds the royal office (is taggeed as latest).
$ crown [<kingdom>...] [options]
--verbose Indulge in verbosity.
--dry-run Run without updating.
--no-info Hide info output.
--no-warn Hide warnings.
--no-error Hide errors.
--help Display this text.
--version Display the version.
crown adheres to the the .npmrc file within your home directory.
Imagine the npm package registry as a world of aristocracies.
Each package is regarded as a kingdom, and its dependencies are its
neighboring kingdoms. Each kingdom (if it's a proper aristocracy) has one
or more monarchs (the versions of the package). The reigning monarch (the
version tagged with latest), is known as the Queen. Each kingdom (package)
must have exactly one queen (latest version) at any given point. Opposed to
the usual aristocracy systems, the youngest (newest) monarch (version)
should always rule (be tagged as latest).
Why do I need this?
Not all queens gives the throne away when a younger monarch comes along.
Hence, a system to regularly inspect the queen of a kingdom and abdicates
her if she's not the youngest monarch of the kingdom is useful. This
library does just that. It inspect one or more kingdoms and their
neighboring kingsoms (recursivly). If a kingdom has a monarch younger than
the queen, the queen is abdicated and the younger monarch is crowned. If
for some reason the kingdom does not have a queen (no latest tag), the
youngest monarch is immidiety crowned to recover from the aristocratic
collapse. Also, if the queen is deceased (the version tagged as latest does
not exist), the youngest monarch is also immidietly crowned.
You can also use crown
as a module like so:
const crown = require("@boyeborg/crown");
const npmConfig = {
token: "secret"
/* other npm config, see https://github.com/npm/npm-registry-fetch */
const logger = {
verbose: msg => {
/* Handle verbose messages */
info: msg => {
/* Handle info messages */
warn: msg => {
/* Handle warnings */
error: msg => {
/* Handle errors */
crown("react", npmConfig, { logger, dryRun: false }).then(() =>