Boxel Command Line Interface
Command line interface for creating and managing Boxels (recipe-driven system images running on BoxOS).
$ npm install @boxel/boxel-cli -g
~/C/D/w/b/boxel-cli ❯❯❯ boxel master
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Create and manage Boxel recipes and images for embedded platforms.
$ boxel [COMMAND]
help Get help for a command
image Create and manage images
instance Manage a running Boxel instance
login Login to BoxelHub
logout Logout of BoxelHub
recipe Create and manage recipes
simulate Simulate in a local VM
To get command help, pass the command to "help" in order to learn more about the subcommands and options available.
boxel login
Example: Login to BoxelHub
$ boxel login
Login to BoxelHub
Username: kevinelliott
Password: ****************
Successfully logged in to BoxelHub.
boxel logout
Example: Logout of BoxelHub
$ boxel logout
Successfully logged out of BoxelHub.
boxel image build
Example: Build a Boxel Image from a Boxel Recipe
$ cd myboxel
$ boxel build --recipe boxel.json --platform rpi4 --net wifi --net-config dhcp --hostname adsb4
Building Boxel image...
- Recipe "myboxel" with version "0.0.2" is sane.
- Base OS (BoxOS v0.0.1) not cached, fetching... stored to ~/.boxel/bases/boxos-v0.0.1-rpi4
- Installing components...
- flightaware-dump1090
- flightaware-skyview1090
- adsbexchange-mlat-client
- wiedehopf-tar1090
- Applying host configuration...
- Hostname: adsb4
- Network type: wifi
- Network config: DHCP
Image has been built to ./images/20191119-rpi4-adsb4.boxel
boxel image flash
Example: Flash a Boxel Image to Thumbdrive
$ boxel image flash
Preparing to flash an image to /dev/sda5...
- Detected latest image: ./images/2019119-rpi4-adsb4.boxel
- Converting image to flashable image
Flashing ./images/2019119-rpi4-adsb4.img to /dev/sda5...
- Partitioning...
- BoxOS Recovery partition initiatized.
- BoxOS Recovery partition data written.
- Primary partition initialized.
- Secondary partition initialized.
- Data partition initialized.
- Writing image to Primary partition... Done.
- Verifying... OK.
- Unmounted.
You may now remove the drive and insert it into your device.
boxel recipe
Example: Create a new Boxel Recipe
$ boxel recipe create myboxel
Creating boxel "myboxel"...
- New directory (./myboxel)
- Initialized default recipe (./myboxel/boxel.json)
- Current Boxel Recipe Language: v0.0.1
- Current Stable Base OS: BoxOS v0.0.1
- Current Stable Upstream OS: DietPi v6.26.3
- Ensuring hooks
- Linking libraries
Customize your new boxel recipe in "./myboxel/boxel.json".
Example: Create a new Boxel Recipe with some options
$ boxel recipe create myboxel --brl-version 0.0.2 --base-os boxos --base-os-version 0.0.2
Creating boxel "myboxel"...
- New directory (./myboxel)
- Initialized default recipe (./myboxel/boxel.json)
- Current Boxel Recipe Language: v0.0.2
- Current Stable Base OS: BoxOS v0.0.2
- Current Stable Upstream OS: DietPi v6.26.3
- Ensuring hooks
- Linking libraries
Customize your new boxel recipe in "./myboxel/boxel.json".
Example: Publish a Boxel Recipe
$ cd myboxel
$ boxel recipe publish
Publishing boxel "myboxel"...
- BoxelHub User: kevinelliott
- Incremented recipe version from 0.0.2 to 0.0.3
- Publishing "myboxel:v0.0.3" publicly
Boxel "myboxel:v0.0.3" published to https://hub.boxel.io/kevinelliott/myboxel/v0.0.3