creating a new bothrs project
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Getting Started
Run npx @bothrs/create-project
to start setting up a new project!
When contributing, run the project locally by using node index.js
This tool will take you through an automatic process to create a new Bothrs project When you run it, you will be asked a couple of questions about what project you want to install, as well as some info needed to configure everything correctly.
this will look something like:
? What is the name of your project? new-bothrs-project
? Select type of project Healthblocks
Cloning and installing Healthblocks now
Cloning into 'new-bothrs-project'...
We'll need some basic app info now
? app name: new-bothrs-app
? app description: a new bothrs app!
? app version: 1.0.0
? app slug: bothrs-app
? app scheme: bothrs-app
? android package id: com.bothrs.package
? android version code: 1
? iOS bundle identifier: com.bothrs.package
? ios build number: 1.0.0
and like:
? Do you want to set up sentry? Yes
We'll need the following data for the sentry config:
? organization: bothrs
? project: new-bothrs-project
? authToken:
The tool is built on the inquirer project, and its true value lies in the fact that we can expand it and build the default setups and ways of working here, so we dont have to start by copying a different project and updating everything in it.
Next Steps
To continue work on the tool, we need a couple of things
[] Github Action to automatically publish to npm [] Adding expo and next templates [] Adding default deploy to a new project [] Saving the answers in a bothrs config in the package file [] Using the bothrs config to rerun the tool and continue where you left off [] TS & TDD?