⚡ High-performance canvas table that display mass of data for web.
English | 中文
⚡ High-performance canvas table that display mass of data for web. Fork of: x-canvas-table, upgraded to ES module and latest dependencies.
14.7kb gizped, no dependency!
80 columns & 100,000 rows data:
- High performance works on canvas. 🚀
- Event support, such as click, mouseenter, mouseleave, etc. ✨
- Custom style config. 💄
- Custom icon support. 👍
- Tooltip for every component. 🔎
- Write with typescript. 👔
- You can even create your own component to display! 💖
! it's just like a table implement on dom!
- basic usage: demo
- display 100000 records: demo
- load remote data with scroll: demo
- fixed header (setting by default, can't change yet)
- fixed columns: demo
- grouping table head: demo
- custom style: demo
- render icon component: demo
- use pnpm
pnpm i @borderliner/canvas-table
- use cdn
<script src="https://unpkg.com/@borderliner/canvas-table/umd/canvastable.min.js"></script>
basic usage
<div id="canvas-table"></div>
import CanvasTable from "@borderliner/canvas-table";
const columns = [
{title: 'avatar', dataIndex: 'avatar'},
{title: 'name',dataIndex: 'name'},
{title: 'age', dataIndex: 'age'},
{title: 'address', dataIndex: 'address'}
const dataSource = [
{avatar: '🎅🏻',name: 'chuanJianGuo', age: 74, address: 'America'},
{avatar: '👵🏻', name: 'caiEnglish', age: 63, address: 'China Taiwan'},
{avatar: '-',name: 'trump', age: 74, address: 'America'},
{avatar: '-',name: 'johnson', age: 70, address: 'England'}
const ct = new CanvasTable({
container: document.getElementById('canvas-table'),
columns: columns,
style: { height: 500, width: '100%' }
ct.source = dataSource;
online demo: click
| Property | Description | Type | Default
| :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: |
| container
| Container element for table | HTMLElement
| - |
| columns
| Columns of table | IColumnProps[]
| - |
| source
| Data record array to be displayed | object[]
| - |
| style
| Style for table | ITableStyleProps
| see ITableStyleProps
| onScrollLoad
| Callback executed when table scroll to bottom(scrollLoadHeight) | () => Promise<any>
| - |
| scrollLoadHeight
| distance to trigger onScrollLoad | number
| 150 |
| onRow
| Set event props on per row | ITableEventHandler
| - |
One of the Table columns prop for describing the table's columns.
| Property | Description | Type | Default
| :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: |
| dataIndex
| Display field of the data record | object[]
| -
| title
| Title of this column | string
| -
| align
| The specify which way that column is aligned | 'left'|'right' | 'center' | 'left'
| popTitle
| tooltip for table header cell | string
| -
| width
| Width of this column | number
| 150
| children
| Group table head | IColumn[]
| -
| fixed
| Set column to be fixed | 'left' | 'right' | -
| render
| custom render | (value, record) => string | Layer | -
| onCell
| Set event props on per cell | ITableEventHandler
| -
You can custom your table style use this prop
| Property | Description | Type | Default
| :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: |
| width
| width of table | number | string | 100%
| height
| height of table | number | string | 100%
| rowHeight
| height of each row | number
| 55
| columnWidth
| default width of all columns | number
| 150
| borderColor
| color of border | string
| '#e8e8e8'
| textColor
| color of text | string
| 'rgba(0,0,0,0.65)'
| fontSize
| font size | string
| 14px
| fontFamily
| font family | string
| -
| padding
| both left and right padding of table cell | number
| 16
| headerBackColor
| background color of header cell | string
| '#fafafa'
| headerRowHeight
| height of header cell | number
| 55
onRow usage
Event binding, same as onRow
and onCell
interface ITableEventHandler {
(record: object, rowIndex: number): {
onClick?: (event) => void, // onClick Event
onDoubleClick?: (event) => void, // Double Click
onContextMenu?: (event) => void, // Right click Event
onMouseEnter?: (event) => void, // Mouse Enter
onMouseLeave?: (event) => void, // Mouse Leave
// Example:
new CanvasTable({
onRow: (record, rowIndex) => {
onClick: () => { alert(`${rowIndex} row clicked`) }
Layer Component
it's the basic component in canvas table. you can think it as a div in HTML,
it usually used on render
property of IColumn
you can use it to build a complex component to render.
let's see what we can do.
| Property | Description | Type | Default
| :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: |
| style
| style of layer | ILayerStyleProps
| -
| event
| event on layer | IEventCollection
| -
| popTitle
| set title attribute a canvas element | string
| -
| children
| children of layer | Layer[]
| -
if you know css, you will know how to use it immediately.
interface ILayerStyleProps {
top?: number // assume it's top attribute and when position: absolute
left?: number // assume it's left attribute and when position: absolute
width?: number | string // number for px, string for percentage of parent
height?: number | string // number for px, string for percentage of parent
padding?: number | number[] // same as css
color?: string // same as css
backgroundColor?: string; // same as css
border?: string | string[] // same as css
fontFamily?: string // same as css
fontSize?: string // same as css
fontWeight?: 'normal' | 'bold'
zIndex?: number // same as css
align?: 'left' | 'center' | 'right'
overflow?: 'hidden' | 'ellipsis'
example creating complex render: demo
the following components is all derived from Layer.
Render A Icon Component
it's provide a Svg Component to support rendering svg file,
How to use?
step 1: import svg file && Svg component
import Home from '@/assets/svg/home.svg'
const { Svg } = CanvasTable
step 2: use render property in columns
const columns = [
title: 'Action',
render: () => {
return new Svg({
popTitle: 'click me',
path: Home,
style: {width: 30, height: 30, color: '#1890ff'},
event: {
onClick: () => {alert('button click')}
full example: demo
Text Component
| Property | Description | Type | Default
| :----: | :----: | :----: | :----: |
| text
| text to show | string
| -