A rich text editor component for Bookcicle.
Bookcicle Editor
Bookcicle Editor is a feature-rich, opinionated text editor built on TipTap with React and Vite, leveraging Material UI (MUI) for styling and theming. It offers a seamless rich-text editing experience with a modern, customizable interface, allowing users to format text, insert media, and write with style. The editor is designed to be responsive and flexible, built to be integrated into desktop application frontends. Bookcicle uses it in its Tauri V2 cross-platform desktop application.
- Rich Text Editing: Powered by TipTap, the editor supports bold, italic, underline, strikethrough, blockquotes, lists, headings, and more.
- Spellcheck and Grammar Checking with LanguageTool Support.
- Local Find And Replace: Search local document content, navigate occurrences, and replace.
- Formula Support: Add and display mathematical formulas using KaTeX.
- Text Alignment: Align text to the left, center, right, or justify it.
- Text Color and Highlighting: Change text color and highlight content with background colors.
- Image and Media Embedding: Embed images and links directly into the editor.
- Indentation Support: Increase or decrease indentation for lists or paragraphs.
- Superscript and Subscript: Support for superscript and subscript text formatting.
- Drag and Drop: Easily rearrange content blocks with drag-and-drop functionality.
- Theming and Styling: Fully integrated with Material UI, supporting light and dark themes, custom color palettes, and responsive design.
- KaTeX Support: Render LaTeX-based mathematical expressions with KaTeX.
- Extensibility: Leverage TipTap's extension system to add custom functionality.
- Page Editor Mode: Option to display the editor in a page-like format, centered on the screen.
- Customizable Toolbar: Adjust the toolbar buttons based on the writing context (e.g., fiction, non-fiction, science).
- AI Generation (New!): Type
/// ai [your prompt]
on a line, press Enter, and watch partial text from an AI stream in real time. (See AI Generation with AiEnterExtension below.)
You can install Bookcicle Editor from npm:
npm install @bookcicle/bookcicle_editor
Note: Bookcicle Editor has several peer dependencies that need to be installed alongside it:
npm install react react-dom @mui/material @mui/icons-material @emotion/react @emotion/styled @tiptap/react @tiptap/core @tiptap/starter-kit @tiptap/extension-underline @tiptap/extension-image @tiptap/extension-text-align @tiptap/extension-subscript @tiptap/extension-superscript @tiptap/extension-font-family @tiptap/extension-highlight @tiptap/extension-text-style @tiptap/extension-color @tiptap/extension-link @tiptap-pro/extension-mathematics katex
Local Development Setup
If you are contributing to the project or developing locally, you can set up your environment with the following steps:
Clone the repository:
Fork it... then:
git clone https://github.com/your-username/bookcicle-editor.git cd bookcicle-editor
Install dependencies:
npm install
Build the project:
npm run build
In the project where you want to use Bookcicle Editor, run:
npm install path/to/bookcicle_editor
Import examples:
import {lazy, Suspense} from "react";
const Editor = lazy(() =>
import("@bookcicle/bookcicle_editor").then((module) => ({
default: module.Editor,
// or
import {Editor} from "@bookcicle/bookcicle_editor"
function App() {
return (
<Suspense fallback={<div>Loading Editor...</div>}>
// your props...
Run the development server:
npm run dev
The app should now be running on http://localhost:5173.
Building for Production
To create a production build, run:
npm run build
The build output will be located in the dist/
Enabling Spell Check and Grammar Suggestions
The Bookcicle Editor supports spell check and grammar suggestions through LanguageTool. To enable these
features, you'll need to install the languagetool-rust
- Ensure you have Rust installed on your system. You can install it via rustup.
- A working installation of
Installing languagetool-rust
You can use any implementation of LanguageTool server. We use languagetool-rust
to stand up a LanguageTool server
using Docker. Follow these steps to install and integrate languagetool-rust
as a project dependency:cargo install languagetool-rust
Configure the spell check and grammar suggestion settings:
Update the
object in your editor configuration to enable spelling and grammar suggestions and set thelangtoolUrl
:const editorSettings = { showGrammarSuggestions: true, showSpellingSuggestions: true, languageCode: 'auto', langtoolUrl: 'http://localhost:8010/v2/check', // Replace with your LanguageTool server URL };
Run the LanguageTool server:
Once installed, start the LanguageTool server locally to handle spell check requests:
ltrs docker start
Connect the Editor to LanguageTool:
Ensure that the editor is configured to send spell check and grammar suggestion requests to the LanguageTool server. The integration code for LanguageTool uses the server's endpoint (e.g.,
).Test the Integration:
Type some text in the editor to verify that spelling and grammar suggestions are appearing correctly.
Folder Structure
Here’s an overview of the project structure:
├── public/ # Static files
├── src/
│ ├── extensions/ # TipTap extensions
│ ├── helpers/ # Utils and Helper functions
│ ├── components/ # React components
│ ├── db/ # Dexie config for local db.
│ ├── toolbar/ # Toolbar component
│ ├── assets/ # Styles, fonts, images, etc.
│ ├── App.jsx # Main app file
│ ├── index.jsx # Entry point
│ └── Editor.jsx # Editor entry point
├── README.md # This file
├── package.json # Project metadata and scripts
└── vite.config.js # Vite configuration
Using the Bookcicle Editor
Editor Component Props
The Bookcicle Editor exposes several props that allow you to control the editor's behavior and integrate it with your application logic. Below is a detailed explanation of each prop:
* Editor component for rich text editing.
* @param {Object} props - The properties for the Editor component.
* @param {string} props.documentId - The Document/Project Identifier.
* @param {boolean} props.readOnly - Whether the editor is in read-only mode.
* @param {string} props.content - The initial content of the editor.
* @param {Function} props.onTextChange - Callback when the text changes (returns text content as a string).
* @param {Function} props.onSelectionChange - Callback when the selection changes
* @param {Function} props.onJsonChange - Callback with the entire document Delta (JSON) when content changes
* @param {Function} props.onHtmlChange - Callback with the HTML when content changes
* @param {Function} props.onTransaction - Callback when a transaction is fired by TipTap,
* @param {Function} props.onFocus - Callback when the editor gains focus (see "Handling focus events" below).
* @param {Function} props.onEditorReady - Callback triggered when the TipTap editor first becomes ready.
* @param {Function} props.handleInsertImage - Handler when insert Image is clicked.
* @param {Function} props.handleInsertFormula - Handler when insert Formula is clicked.
* @param {Function} props.handleInsertLink - Handler when insert Link is clicked.
* @param {Function} props.handleAi - Optional callback for AI generation. (See "AI Generation with AiEnterExtension")
* @param {EditorSettings} [props.editorSettings] - Configuration object for editor settings.
* @param {Object} [props.tipTapSettings] - Configuration object for TipTap's useEditor settings,
Editor Props Explained
): A unique identifier for the document being edited.readOnly
): Sets the editor to read-only mode whentrue
): The initial (HTML) content to load into the editor.onTextChange
): Called whenever the text content changes. Receives the current text as a parameter.onSelectionChange
): Called whenever the text selection changes.onJsonChange
): Called when the TipTap JSON document representation changes.onHtmlChange
): Called when the raw HTML changes.onTransaction
): Called after every TipTap transaction.onFocus
): Called when the editor receives focus. (See Handling focus events below.)onEditorReady
): Called when the editor becomes ready.handleInsertImage
): Custom handler for inserting images.handleInsertLink
): Custom handler for inserting links.handleInsertFormula
): Custom handler for inserting formulas.editorSettings
): An object containing UI/UX configurations (see below).tipTapSettings
): Advanced override or extension of TipTap’s nativeuseEditor
Handling Focus Events
The editor supports an onFocus
callback if you need to respond whenever the user clicks into or tabs into the
editor. For example, you might want to update some global state about which editor is currently active, or dispatch a
Redux action when the editor is focused.
import {Editor} from '@bookcicle/bookcicle_editor';
function MyComponent() {
const handleEditorFocus = () => {
console.log("The editor has focus!");
// e.g., dispatch some redux action:
// dispatch(updateActiveTabProperties({ path: "/my/doc/path", fileType: "document" }));
return (
content="<p>Hello World</p>"
onTextChange={(text) => console.log("Text changed:", text)}
// ...other props
Implementation Note: Internally, we either pass the native HTML focus event or use a TipTap plugin that listens to focus. The net effect is that your
callback will trigger whenever the editor or its editable area gains focus.
Editor Settings
The Bookcicle Editor provides an editorSettings
object that allows you to customize various aspects of the
editor's behavior and appearance. Below is a detailed explanation of each setting:
* @typedef {Object} EditorSettings
* @property {boolean} openLinks - Allow opening links from the editor on click. Default `false`.
* @property {boolean} enableDragHandle - Enable a drag handle for content dragging. Default `false`.
* @property {boolean} showLineNumbers - Whether line numbers are displayed. Default `true`.
* @property {boolean} showLineHighlight - Enable line highlighting for the current line. Default `true`.
* @property {string} buttonSize - The size of buttons in the editor toolbar. Options: 'xs','small','medium','large','xl'. Default 'xl'.
* @property {string} linePadding - Padding for lines in the editor. Options: 'xs','small','medium','large','xl'. Default 'small'.
* @property {boolean} showVerticalDivider - Show a vertical divider in the editor. Default `true`.
* @property {boolean} enablePageEditor - Whether to enable page editor view (centered content). Default `true`.
* @property {string} pageEditorWidth - Width of the page editor. Default '800px'.
* @property {number} pageEditorElevation - MUI Paper elevation in page editor. Default 1.
* @property {boolean} pageEditorBoxShadow - Show box shadow in page editor. Default `true`.
* @property {string} toolbarStyle - 'science','general','fiction','non-fiction','all'. Default 'all'.
* @property {string} toolbarPlacement - 'top','bottom','left','right'. Default 'top'.
* @property {boolean} showGrammarSuggestions - Enable grammar suggestions. Default `true`.
* @property {boolean} showSpellingSuggestions - Enable spelling suggestions. Default `true`.
* @property {string} langtoolUrl - Endpoint for grammar/spell checks. Default 'http://localhost:8010/v2/check'.
* @property {string} [languageCode="en-US"] - Language code for the editor. Default 'auto'.
Editor Settings Explained
: Allows clicking hyperlinks to open them.enableDragHandle
: Enables a drag-handle for content blocks.showLineNumbers
: Displays line numbers along the left side.showLineHighlight
: Highlights the current line.buttonSize
: Controls the toolbar button size ('xs' | 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'xl'
: Extra spacing between lines ('xs' | 'small' | 'medium' | 'large' | 'xl'
: Shows a vertical line between line numbers and text.enablePageEditor
: Displays a page-like layout (centered, with a set width).pageEditorWidth
: Specifies width if page editor is enabled.pageEditorElevation
: MUI Paper elevation for the page editor.pageEditorBoxShadow
: Toggle box shadow for page editor.toolbarStyle
: Adjusts which toolbar buttons are shown.toolbarPlacement
: Positions the toolbar relative to the editor.showGrammarSuggestions
: Enable grammar/spelling highlights and suggestions.langtoolUrl
: URL for a LanguageTool server (default'http://localhost:8010/v2/check'
: For the editor's internal language. Defaults to'auto'
Example Usage
import {Editor} from '@bookcicle/bookcicle_editor';
function App() {
const editorSettings = {
openLinks: true,
enableDragHandle: true,
showLineNumbers: true,
showLineHighlight: true,
buttonSize: 'medium',
linePadding: 'medium',
showVerticalDivider: true,
enablePageEditor: true,
pageEditorWidth: '700px',
pageEditorElevation: 2,
pageEditorBoxShadow: true,
languageCode: 'auto',
showGrammarSuggestions: true,
showSpellingSuggestions: true,
langtoolUrl: 'http://localhost:8010/v2/check',
toolbarStyle: 'non-fiction',
toolbarPlacement: 'top',
const handleFocus = () => {
console.log("Editor focused!");
return (
content="<p>Your initial content here...</p>"
onTextChange={(text) => console.log('Text changed:', text)}
onSelectionChange={({editor, selection}) => console.log('Selection changed:', selection, editor)}
onJsonChange={(delta) => console.log('Delta changed:', delta)}
onHtmlChange={(html) => console.log('HTML changed:', html)}
handleInsertImage={() => {/* custom image insertion logic */
handleInsertLink={() => {/* custom link insertion logic */
handleInsertFormula={() => {/* custom formula insertion logic */
Toolbar Options
The Bookcicle Editor provides a customizable toolbar that adjusts based on the toolbarStyle
setting. Below are the
toolbar options available:
- Text Formatting: Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough
- Text Color and Background Color (highlighting)
- Lists: Ordered (numbered) and bullet lists
- Blockquotes
- Alignment: Left, center, right, justify
- Superscript and Subscript
- Formula Insertion: Insert mathematical formulas using KaTeX
- Image and Link Embedding
- Heading Levels: Adjust heading levels for structured content
- Text Clear Tools: Clear formatting from selected text
- Undo/Redo: Essential editing actions
Toolbar Styles Explained
: Basic text tools (headings, alignment, etc.). Minimal insertions.non-fiction
: More extensive thanfiction
; includes lists, links, color, etc.general
: Balanced set (similar tonon-fiction
: Same asgeneral
, plus formula insertion for math/science.all
: Everything enabled.
To customize, adjust the TipTap extensions or the built-in config.
Bookcicle Editor supports theming with Material UI. You can easily switch between light and dark themes or
customize the existing theme to match your branding. An MUI <ThemeProvider><Editor /></ThemeProvider>
should wrap this
component. Example:
import React from "react";
import {Editor} from "@bookcicle/bookcicle_editor";
function MyComponent() {
* Mocks an AI streaming function with a "typing" effect.
* Yields partial text in increments (characters, in this example).
* @param {string} prompt The user's prompt.
* @returns {AsyncGenerator<string>} An async generator that yields *incremental* text.
async function handleAi(prompt, abortSignal, content) {
async function* generator() {
// Could sent content above cursor along to AI for document continuation.
const fullResponse =
`Sure, let's continue from your prompt: "${prompt}"\n` +
"This is a typing effect demo, so each character arrives individually.\n" +
"It might take a while if the text is long, but you see partial updates.\n";
let partial = "";
// Break into characters
const chars = fullResponse.split("");
for (const ch of chars) {
partial += ch;
if (abortSignal && abortSignal.aborted) {
throw new Error('User canceled streaming')
yield partial;
// Add a short delay to simulate typing
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 100));
// Return the async generator
return generator();
return (
<ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
content="<p>Try typing: <code>/// ai Hello World</code> and press enter.</p>"
handleAi={handleAi} // <<--- wire up your AI callback
// ...other props
export default MyComponent;
AI GEN Example Flow
- The user types
/// ai Write a short poem about the moon.
on a line. - Presses Enter.
- Editor replaces that line with a “Generating...” placeholder.
- Calls
handleAi("Write a short poem about the moon.")
.- If it’s a simple function returning a string, the final text is inserted all at once.
- If it’s an async generator yielding partial text, the extension inserts each chunk in real time.
- When done, the placeholder is removed, and the final text remains in the document. If an error occurs, an error message is shown.
Formula Support
The editor includes support for LaTeX-style formulas using KaTeX. You can insert formulas using the appropriate button in the toolbar. Ensure you have KaTeX installed:
npm install katex
We welcome contributions to the Bookcicle Editor! To contribute:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new feature branch (
git checkout -b feature/your-feature
). - Commit your changes (
git commit -m 'Add your feature'
). - Push to the branch (
git push origin feature/your-feature
). - Create a pull request.
Testing in Upstream Projects
Because Bookcicle Editor ships as an ES module, you may need to adjust your testing config (e.g., Jest) so it can
properly process the module. For example, in your jest.config.js
(or package.json
Jest config):
"jest": {
"transformIgnorePatterns": [
You may also need to handle TipTap’s dependencies similarly in your transformIgnorePatterns
Mocking Bookcicle Editor
In many test suites, especially unit tests, you might not want the full TipTap environment. A simple approach is to
mock out Bookcicle Editor. For example, create __mocks__/@bookcicle/bookcicle_editor.js
// __mocks__/@bookcicle/bookcicle_editor.js
import React, {useEffect, useRef} from "react";
// A minimal mock of the Editor component from @bookcicle/bookcicle_editor
export function Editor({
content = "",
}) {
// Mock an editorRef with getHTML() and commands.setContent
const editorRef = useRef({
getHTML: () => content,
commands: {
setContent: (newContent, _, __) => {
// In a real mock, you might store or check newContent if needed
// Simulate the editor being “ready” by calling onTransaction with the mocked editorRef
useEffect(() => {
if (onTransaction) {
onTransaction({editor: editorRef.current});
}, [onTransaction]);
// Fire text/html callbacks whenever `content` changes
useEffect(() => {
if (onTextChange) {
if (onHtmlChange) {
}, [content, onTextChange, onHtmlChange]);
return (
<div data-testid="mock-bookcicle-editor">
<strong>Mock Bookcicle Editor</strong>
(documentId: {documentId})
<div>Mock content: {content}</div>
This mock allows you to test your components that consume <Editor />
without needing the full TipTap pipeline.
Happy coding with Bookcicle Editor!
Feel free to open an issue or pull request with questions, suggestions, or improvements.