Show timelines in a SvelteKit application
Timeline for SvelteKit
With this module, you are able to add timelines to you Sveltekit site.
Use your package manager to install the module:
npm install @bonosoft/sveltekit-timeline
Adding Timeline to a svelte file in SvelteKit
Now you can start adding timeline components to your pages.
<script lang="ts">
import { Timeline, TimelineItem } from "@bonosoft/sveltekit-timeline"
<TimelineItem status="done">
<strong>Do something</strong><br />
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
<strong>Do something</strong><br />
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.
The standard timeline can be modefied by adding different parameters.
On a timeline item, you can set a status: Done, Ready, Wait
<TimelineItem status="done">
<TimelineItem status="ready">
<TimelineItem status="wait">
Items with no status will have a dotted line to the next item.
Status colors
The standard status colors can be changed from green, cyan and grey to match your site layout
<TimelineItem status="done" doneColor="#080" doneBorderColor="#070">
<TimelineItem status="ready" readyColor="#088" readyBorderColor="#077">
<TimelineItem status="wait" waitColor="#555" waitBorderColor="#444">
<TimelineItem color="#333" borderColor="#222">
- doneColor and doneBorderColor can be used to set the done status colors
- readyColor and readyBorderColor can be used to set the ready status colors
- waitColor and waitBorderColor can be used to set the wait status colors
- color and borderColor can be used to set the status colors, when no status is set
Size and line width
The size and linewidth attributes can be used to change the size of the dots and connecting line.
<TimelineItem status="done" size="15" linewidth="3">
<TimelineItem status="done" size="50" linewidth="10">
Timeline is also usable as a task or todo list