Expand objects
Gatsby object expander
This takes documents and expands them - very useful in conjunction with the json loader to simulate a cms
If the json structure has a type and module field, the type is used to generate the new node type using the contents of the module object for the contents
"type": "Component 1",
"module": {
"title": "This is component 1",
"messages": [
"Message 1",
"Message 2"
It produces the graphql objects 'docComponent1' with the contents
"title": "This is component 1",
"messages": [
"Message 1",
"Message 2"
Example usage
resolve: "gatsby-source-filesystem",
options: {
name: "docs",
path: "./docs/",
__key: "docs",
resolve: "@bond-london/gatsby-transformer-expand",
options: {
sourceType: "DocsJson",
typeField: "type",
moduleField: "module",
unNest: 2,
This would take the output from the docs folder, transform using json, expand out entries with a type and module field, creating a parent child relationship from the original json file to the new object