Adds Google Analytics tracking support to the Bolt Design System.
Bolt Autolink
Helper library to automatically applies GA autolink click tracking query strings to Bolt components that point to external domains.
npm install @bolt/analytics-autolink
Step 1. Pull in the JS bundle into your local front-end build.
- Via Bolt's
module.exports = {
components: {
global: [
- Or for existing build processes (ex. Webpack), simply import the main JS bundle:
// ex. main.js
import '@bolt/analytics-autolink';
2. Config GA + Autolink
For example, a typical GA config might look similar to this:
<script src="https://www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js" async></script>
// replace with your own GA tracking #
const TRACKING_ID = 'UA-123456789-0';
// prep GA data if it doesn't yet exist
window.ga = window.ga || ((...args) => (ga.q = ga.q || []).push(args));
ga('create', TRACKING_ID, 'auto', { allowLinker: true });
ga('send', 'pageview');
ga('set', 'transport', 'beacon');
ga('require', 'linker');
// See Step 3 below on configuring which domains to track
// window.bolt = window.bolt || {};
// window.bolt.analytics = window.bolt.analytics || {};
// window.bolt.analytics.autolink = window.bolt.analytics.autolink || {
// domains: ['google.com'] // domains to configure
// };
// ga('linker:autoLink', window.bolt.analytics.autolink.domains);
3. Configure which domains to autolink
Option 1. Via a global Bolt config. For example:
window.bolt = window.bolt || {};
window.bolt.autolink = {
domains: ['google.com'], // domains to track
// make sure GA's linker:autoLink points to the domains configured
ga('linker:autoLink', window.bolt.autolink.domains);
Option 2. This can also be configured via a Drupal config. For example:
window.drupalSettings = {
google_analytics: {
trackCrossDomains: ['pega.com'], // domains to track
// make sure GA's linker:autoLink points to the domains configured
ga('linker:autoLink', window.drupalSettings.google_analytics.trackCrossDomains);