Sync github tags with wp svn tags
Github to WordPress.org Tag Sync
This script is intended to be used to create a tag in the Wordpress.org SVN repo when after your build succeeds via Travis.
Getting started
Install the package
yarn add @boldgrid/wordpress-tag-sync --dev
Update your travis.yml
Adding the following snippet will run the script after your build finishes on tag builds. Note: If you have multiple builds for different environments you may need to specify a condition so that the tag isn't copied multiple times: See: Travis deployment conditions
- provider: script
script: chmod +x ./node_modules/@boldgrid/wordpress-tag-sync/release.sh && ./node_modules/@boldgrid/wordpress-tag-sync/release.sh
skip_cleanup: true
tags: true
Update your Travis env variables
In order to commit the tag to WordPress you'll need to set 3 environment variables for the script. These values can be set within the Travis interface. Make sure to leave the password as a hidden to enable it as an encrypted environment variable.
Travis Output:
export WP_SVN_REPO=svn-repo-url
export WP_USERNAME=your-username
export WP_PASSWORD=password
Release Archive (extra)
Additionally the script will create a zip file of the build which you can automatically upload to your release via Travis. Add the following to your Travis configuration under deploy. You'll have to provide the GitHub token via the Travis interface as an environment variable. The zip file will be named the basename of your WordPress repo.
- provider: releases
api_key: "${GITHUB_TOKEN}"
file: "plugin-name.zip"
skip_cleanup: true
tags: true
Travis will now update your tags in svn after build success. In order to change your stable tag you will need a separate process to copy a given tag to trunk. Included in this package is deploy.sh, which can issue that copy command. You can run it manually or in the Travis process.
Based on the following repo: https://github.com/mikejolley/github-to-wordpress-deploy-script