A starter project for creating your typescript library
This starter project will standardize coding and publishing for your library, and implements following features:
- :school_satchel: Include all packages for coding, linting, testing and building
- :art: Compile sass to css using node-sass, autoprefixer and postcss
- :inbox_tray: Build library to UMD and CommonJS modules
- :blue_book: Generate API documentation of your TypeScript files automatically
- :100: Check your commit message when
git commit ...
- :cl: Default CI scripts for GitHub Action, includes release and publish automatically
- :bookmark: Generate CHANGELOG.md according to your commits in CI publishing process
- :test_tube: Publish your unit tests report to coveralls.io by CI
- :earth_asia: Publish API documentation, converage, demo and changelog to your gh-pages branch as your project site by CI
- :package: Release to NPM and GitHub Package automatically by CI
Start your library
Clone this repo:
git clone https://github.com/bndynet/typescript-lib-starter.git <your-location> --depth 1
Initialize your library:
npm i && npm run init
and type your package informationsNow, you can code your library and bellow commands to start your work:
npm start npm run lint npm run build npm run docs npm run test npm run test:watch npm run precommit
Commit your changes and push them to your REPO.
Commit Message Guidelines
All commit message MUST follow https://github.com/angular/angular/blob/master/CONTRIBUTING.md#commit
Format as:
<type>(<scope>): <subject>
Note: The <type> can be found in ./commitlint.config.js file.
GitHub Action
Add NPM_TOKEN in your repo -> Settings -> Secrets
If you enabled GitHub Actions, the action will publish your package to GitHub Package Registry automatically.