JS sdk for Bluzelle
sdk-js is a JavaScript library that can be used to access the Bluzelle database service.
1) sudo apt update
2) curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.38.0/install.sh | bash
3) export NVM_DIR="$([ -z "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME-}" ] && printf %s "${HOME}/.nvm" || printf %s "${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/nvm")"
[ -s "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh" ] && \. "$NVM_DIR/nvm.sh"
4) exec "$SHELL"
5) nvm install 14
6) nvm use 14
sdk-js Installation
yarn add @bluzelle/sdk-js
npm install @bluzelle/sdk-js
Quick Start
To connect your instance to the Bluzelle testnet, you can:
mint an account by visiting https://client.sentry.testnet.private.bluzelle.com:1317/mint, which will provide a mnemonic and an address. This may take a while.
check your balance at https://client.sentry.testnet.private.bluzelle.com:1317/bank/balances/{address}. If your account balance is 0, mint another account until a positive ubnt balance shows
configure your sdk instance with the following options:
import {bluzelle} from '@bluzelle/sdk-js'
const sdk = await bluzelle({
mnemonic: mnemonic_from_mint_endpoint,
url: "wss://client.sentry.testnet.private.bluzelle.com:26657",
maxGas: 100000000,
gasPrice: 0.002
Note: if the specified gasPrice and/or maxGas is too low, any transactions may be rejected by a validator (e.g. a transaction requires more gas than maxGas specified, or the gasPrice is too low to cover validator fees). The default suggestion for these fields above will suffice.
Websockets vs. HTTPS
- Currently the sdk supports both websocket and https connections to the Bluzelle testnet
- Use websockets (wss://client.sentry.testnet.private.bluzelle.com:26657) for greater performance
- For https pass the url https://client.sentry.testnet.private.bluzelle.com:26657 to the bluzelle constructor
After configuring your sdk, you will have access to various modules and their corresponding methods.
- Hierarchal format:
sdk.[module].[q or tx or field].[method]({...request fields})
- Available Modules: db, nft, staking, bank, distribution
- Available Fields: url, address, withTransactions(fn)
Each method takes a single parameter as an object (i.e. request), and returns an object (i.e. response). To see the request and response types, see the curium/proto/[module] for queries and transactions.
- Crud module query:
uuid: 'myUuid', // Read takes a QueryReadRequest object
key: 'myKey'
.then(resp => resp.value)
// returns a promise of a QueryReadResponse object*
*Note: resp.value is a Uint8Array representing the byte-encoded value that had been queried. To get the string-representation of the value, use new TextDecoder().decode(resp.value)
- Bank module query:
address: sdk.bank.address, // you can access your sdk's bluzelle address
denom: 'ubnt'
The sdk can also send transactions to the chain. Each module has a tx method to send various transaction messages.
- Crud module tx:
sdk.db.tx.Create({ // takes a MsgCreateRequest object
creator: sdk.db.address, // the creator of the transaction should always be the sender's address*
uuid: 'uuid',
key: 'myKey',
value: new TextEncoder().encode('myValue'), // values are stored as byte arrays
metadata: new Uint8Array(),
lease: {days: 0, seconds: 0, years: 0, hours: 1, minutes: 0} // Lease object to specify lifespan of key-value**
// returns a promise of a MsgCreateResponse, which in this case is an empty object
*Note: the sdk is signing and sending the transaction, so the signer address must match the creator of the transaction. Otherwise, an error will be thrown
**Note: see codec/crud/lease.ts to see the Lease interface
- Bank module tx:
amount: [{
denom: 'ubnt',
amount: '300'
fromAddress: sdk.bank.address,
toAddress: [some_bluzelle_address]
Note: IDEs should recognize the types and auto-fill the sdk module hierarchy, and the corresponding fields for the request and response objects for each method: IntelliJ, VS, WebStorm, PhpStorm, etc.
withTransactions(() => {...})
Wrap multiple messages in a single transaction.
sdk.db.withTransactions(() => {
creator: sdk.db.address,
uuid: 'uuid',
key: 'firstKey',
value: new TextEncoder().encode('firstValue'),
metadata: new Uint8Array(),
lease: {days: 0, seconds: 0, years: 0, hours: 1, minutes: 0}
creator: sdk.db.address,
uuid: 'uuid',
key: 'secondKey',
value: new TextEncoder().encode('secondValue'),
metadata: new Uint8Array(),
lease: {days: 0, seconds: 0, years: 0, hours: 1, minutes: 0}
creator: sdk.db.address,
uuid: 'uuid',
lease: {days: 0, seconds: 0, years: 0, hours: 3, minutes: 0}
}, {memo: 'someMemo'});
Note: if any one of the messages fail in the function passed to withTransaction, then all messages will fail and not be committed to a block
CRUD (db) module methods
- Transactions
- Create({...})
- Delete({...})
- DeleteAll({...})
- MultiUpdate({...})
- Rename({...})
- RenewLease({...})
- RenewLeasesAll({...})
- Update({...})
- Upsert({...})
- Queries
- Count({...})
- GetLease({...})
- GetNShortestLeases({...})
- Has({...})
- Keys({...})
- KeyValues({...})
- MyKeys({...})
- Read({...})
- Search({...})
Create a key-value in the database.
const createResp = await sdk.db.tx.Create({
creator: sdk.db.address,
uuid: 'myUuid',
key: 'myKey',
value: new TextEncoder().encode('myValue'),
metadata: new Uint8Array(),
lease: {days: 0, seconds: 0, years: 0, hours: 1, minutes: 0}
creator: sdk.db.address,
uuid: 'myUuid',
key: 'secondKey',
value: new TextEncoder().encode('secondValue'),
metadata: new Uint8Array(),
lease: {days: 0, seconds: 0, years: 0, hours: 1, minutes: 0}
.then(resp => {...})
.catch(err => {...})
Returns: Promise=>MsgCreateResponse (empty object)
| MsgCreateRequest | Description | Type | | :--------------- | :------------------ | ---------- | | creator | Signer address | string | | uuid | Database identifier | string | | key | | string | | value | | Uint8Array | | metadata | | Uint8Array | | lease | Key-value life-span | Lease * |
*Lease {seconds: number, minutes: number, hours: number, days: number, years: number}
Delete a key-value in the database.
const deleteResp = await sdk.db.tx.Delete({
creator: sdk.db.address,
uuid: 'myUuid',
key: 'myKey',
creator: sdk.db.address,
uuid: 'myUuid',
key: 'myKey',
.then(resp => {...})
.catch(err => {...})
Returns: Promise=>MsgDeleteResponse (empty object)
| MsgDeleteRequest | Description | Type | | :--------------- | :------------------ | ------ | | creator | Signer address | string | | uuid | Database identifier | string | | key | Key to delete | string |
Renew all the leases of key-values in the specified uuid.
const deleteAllResp = await sdk.db.tx.DeleteAll({
creator: sdk.db.address,
uuid: 'myUuid',
creator: sdk.db.address,
uuid: 'myUuid',
.then(resp => {...})
.catch(err => {...})
Returns: Promise=>MsgDeleteAllResponse (empty object)
| MsgDeleteAllRequest | Description | Type | | :------------------ | :------------------ | ------ | | creator | Signer address | string | | uuid | Database identifier | string |
Update a set of key-values in the specified uuid.
const myLease = {days: 0, seconds: 0, years: 0, hours: 1, minutes: 0}
const multiUpdateResp = await sdk.db.tx.MultiUpdate({
creator: sdk.db.address,
uuid: 'myUuid',
keyValues: [{key: 'existingKey1', value: 'newValue1', lease: myLease}, {key: 'existingKey2', value: 'newValue2', lease: myLease}]
creator: sdk.db.address,
uuid: 'myUuid',
keyValues: [{key: 'existingKey1', value: 'newValue1', lease: myLease}, {key: 'existingKey2', value: 'newValue2', lease: myLease}]
.then(resp => {...})
.catch(err => {...})
Returns: Promise=>MsgMultiUpdateResponse (empty object)
| MsgMultiUpdateRequest | Description | Type | | :-------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------- | ---------------- | | creator | Signer address | string | | uuid | Database identifier | string | | keyValues | KeyValueLease {key: string, value: Uint8Array, lease: Lease} | KeyValueLease [] |
*Lease {seconds: number, minutes: number, hours: number, days: number, years: number}
Renew the lease of a key-value in the database.
const renameResp = await sdk.db.tx.Rename({
creator: sdk.db.address,
uuid: 'myUuid',
key: 'existingKey',
newKey: 'renamingKey'
creator: sdk.db.address,
uuid: 'myUuid',
key: 'existingKey',
newKey: 'renamingKey'
.then(resp => {...})
.catch(err => {...})
Returns: Promise=>MsgRenameResponse (empty object)
| MsgRenameRequest | Description | Type | | :--------------- | :--------------------- | ------ | | creator | Signer address | string | | uuid | Database identifier | string | | key | Existing key | string | | newKey | New key used to rename | string |
Renew the lease of a key-value in the database.
const renewLeaseResp = await sdk.db.tx.RenewLease({
creator: sdk.db.address,
uuid: 'myUuid',
key: 'existingKey',
lease: {days: 0, seconds: 0, years: 0, hours: 1, minutes: 0}
creator: sdk.db.address,
uuid: 'myUuid',
key: 'existingKey',
lease: {days: 0, seconds: 0, years: 0, hours: 1, minutes: 0}
.then(resp => {...})
.catch(err => {...})
Returns: Promise=>MsgRenewLeaseResponse (empty object)
| MsgRenewLeaseRequest | Description | Type | | :------------------- | :-------------------------- | ------- | | creator | Signer address | string | | uuid | Database identifier | string | | key | | string | | lease | New life-span for key-value | Lease * |
*Lease {seconds: number, minutes: number, hours: number, days: number, years: number}
Renew all the leases of key-values in the specified uuid.
const renewLeasesAllResp = await sdk.db.tx.RenewLeasesAll({
creator: sdk.db.address,
uuid: 'myUuid',
lease: {days: 0, seconds: 0, years: 0, hours: 1, minutes: 0}
creator: sdk.db.address,
uuid: 'myUuid',
lease: {days: 0, seconds: 0, years: 0, hours: 1, minutes: 0}
.then(resp => {...})
.catch(err => {...})
Returns: Promise=>MsgRenewLeasesAllResponse (empty object)
| MsgRenewLeasesAllRequest | Description | Type | | :----------------------- | :------------------------------- | ------- | | creator | Signer address | string | | uuid | Database identifier | string | | lease | New life-span for all key-values | Lease * |
*Lease {seconds: number, minutes: number, hours: number, days: number, years: number}
Update a key-value in the database.
const updateResp = await sdk.db.tx.Update({
creator: sdk.db.address,
uuid: 'myUuid',
key: 'existingKey',
value: new TextEncoder().encode('newValue'),
metadata: new Uint8Array(),
lease: {days: 0, seconds: 0, years: 0, hours: 1, minutes: 0}
creator: sdk.db.address,
uuid: 'myUuid',
key: 'existingKey',
value: new TextEncoder().encode('newValue'),
metadata: new Uint8Array(),
lease: {days: 0, seconds: 0, years: 0, hours: 1, minutes: 0}
.then(resp => {...})
.catch(err => {...})
Returns: Promise=>MsgUpdateResponse (empty object)
| MsgUpdateRequest | Description | Type | | :--------------- | :--------------------- | ---------- | | creator | Signer address | string | | uuid | Database identifier | string | | key | | string | | value | New value to update to | Uint8Array | | metadata | | Uint8Array | | lease | Key-value life-span | Lease |
*Lease {seconds: number, minutes: number, hours: number, days: number, years: number}
Upsert a key-value in the database: create a key-value if the key doesn't exist, update the key-value if the key exists
const upsertResp = await sdk.db.tx.Upsert({
creator: sdk.db.address,
uuid: 'myUuid',
key: 'keyToUpsert',
value: new TextEncoder().encode('valueToUpsert'),
metadata: new Uint8Array(),
lease: {days: 0, seconds: 0, years: 0, hours: 1, minutes: 0}
creator: sdk.db.address,
uuid: 'myUuid',
key: 'keyToUpsert',
value: new TextEncoder().encode('valueToUpsert'),
metadata: new Uint8Array(),
lease: {days: 0, seconds: 0, years: 0, hours: 1, minutes: 0}
.then(resp => {...})
.catch(err => {...})
Returns: Promise=>MsgUpsertResponse (empty object)
| MsgUpsertRequest | Description | Type | | :--------------- | :------------------ | ---------- | | creator | Signer address | string | | uuid | Database identifier | string | | key | | string | | value | | Uint8Array | | metadata | | Uint8Array | | lease | Key-value life-span | Lease * |
*Lease {seconds: number, minutes: number, hours: number, days: number, years: number}
Query the total number of key-values in the specified uuid.
const countResp = await sdk.db.q.Count({
uuid: "myUuid",
uuid: 'myUuid',
.then(resp => {...})
.catch(err => {...})
Returns: Promise=>QueryCountResponse
| QueryCountRequest | Description | Type | | :---------------- | :------------------ | ------ | | uuid | Database identifier | string |
| QueryCountResponse | Description | Type | | :----------------- | :------------------------------- | ------ | | count | Number of key-values in the uuid | number |
Get the remaining lease time of a key-value.
const getLeaseResp = await sdk.db.q.GetLease({
uuid: 'myUuid',
key: 'myKey',
uuid: 'myUuid',
key: 'myKey'
.then(resp => {...})
.catch(err => {...})
Returns: Promise=>QueryGetLeaseResponse
| QueryGetLeaseRequest | Description | Type | | :------------------- | :------------------ | ------ | | uuid | Database identifier | string | | key | | string |
| QueryGetLeaseResponse | Description | Type | | :-------------------- | :-------------------------------- | ------ | | seconds | Remaining lease time of key-value | number |
Get the remaining lease time of a n key-values.
const getNLeasesResp = await sdk.db.q.GetNShortestLeases({
uuid: "myUuid",
num: 10
uuid: 'myUuid',
num: 10
.then(resp => {...})
.catch(err => {...})
Returns: Promise=>QueryGetNShortestLeasesResponse
| QueryGetNShortestLeasesRequest | Description | Type | | :----------------------------- | :---------------------------- | ------ | | uuid | Database identifier | string | | num | Number of keyLeases to return | number |
| QueryGetNShortestLeasesResponse | Description | Type | | :------------------------------ | :-------------------------------------- | ----------- | | keyLeases | KeyLease {key: string, seconds: number} | KeyLease [] |
Check if a key exists in the specified uuid.
const hasResp = await sdk.db.q.Has({
uuid: "myUuid",
key: "myKey"
uuid: 'myUuid',
key: "myKey"
.then(resp => {...})
.catch(err => {...})
Returns: Promise=>QueryHasResponse
| QueryHasRequest | Description | Type | | :-------------- | :------------------ | ------ | | uuid | Database identifier | string | | key | | string |
| QueryHasResponse | Description | Type | | :--------------- | :------------------------------------------ | ------- | | has | true if key exists in uuid; false otherwise | boolean |
Read the complete set of keys in the specified uuid.
const keysResp = await sdk.db.q.Keys({
uuid: 'myUuid',
pagination: {
startKey: 'key-a'
limit: Long.fromInt(50)
uuid: 'myUuid',
pagination: {
startKey: 'key-a'
limit: Long.fromInt(50)
.then(resp => {...})
.catch(err => {...})
Returns: Promise=>QueryKeysResponse
| QueryKeysRequest | Description | Type | | :-------------------- | :-------------------------------------------- | ------------- | | uuid | Database identifier | string | | pagination (optional) | PagingRequest {startKey: string, limit: Long} | PagingRequest |
| QueryKeysResponse | Description | Type | | :-------------------- | :-------------------------------------------- | -------------- | | keys | | string [] | | pagination (optional) | PagingResponse {nextKey: string, total: Long} | PagingResponse |
Read the complete set of key-values in the specified uuid.
const keyValuesResp = await sdk.db.q.KeyValues({
uuid: 'myUuid',
pagination: {
startKey: 'key-a'
limit: Long.fromInt(50)
uuid: 'myUuid',
pagination: {
startKey: 'key-a'
limit: Long.fromInt(50)
.then(resp => {...})
.catch(err => {...})
Returns: Promise=>QueryKeyValuesResponse
| QueryKeyValuesRequest | Description | Type | | :-------------------- | :-------------------------------------------- | ------------- | | uuid | Database identifier | string | | pagination (optional) | PagingRequest {startKey: string, limit: Long} | PagingRequest |
| QueryKeyValuesResponse | Description | Type | | :--------------------- | :-------------------------------------------- | -------------- | | keyValues | KeyValue {key: string, value: Uint8Array} | KeyValue [] | | pagination (optional) | PagingResponse {nextKey: string, total: Long} | PagingResponse |
Read the complete set of keys by address in the specified uuid.
const keysResp = await sdk.db.q.Keys({
uuid: 'myUuid',
address: sdk.db.address
uuid: 'myUuid',
address: sdk.db.address
.then(resp => {...})
.catch(err => {...})
Returns: Promise=>QueryMyKeysResponse
| QueryMyKeysRequest | Description | Type | | :-------------------- | :-------------------------------------------- | ------------- | | uuid | Database identifier | string | | address | Bluzelle address | string | | pagination (optional) | PagingRequest {startKey: string, limit: Long} | PagingRequest |
| QueryMyKeysResponse | Description | Type | | :-------------------- | :-------------------------------------------- | -------------- | | keys | | string [] | | pagination (optional) | PagingResponse {nextKey: string, total: Long} | PagingResponse |
Read a value from the database.
const readResp = await sdk.db.q.Read({
uuid: 'myUuid',
key: 'existingKey'
uuid: 'myUuid',
key: 'existingKey'
.then(resp => {...})
.catch(err => {...})
Returns: Promise=>QueryReadResponse
| QueryReadRequest | Description | Type | | :--------------- | :------------------ | ------ | | uuid | Database identifier | string | | key | | string |
| QueryReadResponse | Description | Type | | :---------------- | :---------- | ---------- | | value | | Uint8Array |
Search by key in the specified uuid.
const searchResp = await sdk.db.q.Search({
uuid: "myUuid",
searchString: "keyPrefix",
pagination: {
startKey: 'keyPrefix-A'
limit: Long.fromInt(50)
uuid: 'myUuid',
searchString: "keyPrefix",
pagination: {
startKey: 'keyPrefix-A'
limit: Long.fromInt(50)
.then(resp => {...})
.catch(err => {...})
Returns: Promise=>QuerySearchResponse
| QuerySearchRequest | Description | Type | | :-------------------- | :--------------------------------------------------- | ------------- | | uuid | Database identifier | string | | searchString | query for keys that start with or match searchString | string | | pagination (optional) | {startKey: string, limit: Long} | PagingRequest |
| QuerySearchResponse | Description | Type | | :-------------------- | :---------------------------------------- | -------------- | | keyValues | KeyValue {key: string, value: Uint8Array} | KeyValue [] | | pagination (optional) | {nextKey: string, total: Long} | PagingResponse |