An easy way to include all node.js modules within a directory.
blueprod include-all
This repo is cloned from here: https://github.com/balderdashy/include-all
It seems the original repo was not well maintained so I pull here to correct vulnerabilities and to continue to maintain.
Note: currently the test is failed when replacing @sailshq/lodash by lodash
npm install @blueprod/include-all
Low-level synchronous usage
By default, include-all
is synchronous, and a bit low-level. There are also asynchronous helper methods (which are a bit higher-level), but more on that in a sec.
First, here are some examples of the low-level, synchronous usage:
Filter by filename or path
var path = require('path');
var includeAll = require('include-all');
var controllers = require('include-all')({
dirname : path.join(__dirname, 'controllers'),
filter : /(.+Controller)\.js$/,
excludeDirs : /^\.(git|svn)$/
is now a dictionary with references to all modules matching the filter.
The keys are the filenames (minus the extension).
For example:
PageController: {
showHomepage: function (req, res) { /*...*/ },
Keep in mind that the case-sensitivity of file and directory names varies between operating systems (Linux/Windows/Mac).
Optional include
Normally, if an error is encountered when requiring/reading/listing files or directories, it is thrown. To swallow that error silently, set optional: true
var models = require('include-all')({
dirname : path.join(__dirname, 'models'),
filter : /(.+)\.js$/,
excludeDirs : /^\.(git|svn)$/,
optional : true
is now a dictionary with references to all modules matching the filter.
If __dirname + '/models'
doesn't exist, instead of throwing an error, {}
is returned.
For example:
User: {
attributes: {},
datastore: 'localDiskDb',
High-level asynchronous usage
The logic from sails-build-dictionary was migrated here.
When you run require('include-all')
, you get a function. Calling that function uses include-all with default settings (and any of the options from the table below may be passed in.)
But there are also a handful of convenience methods exposed as properties of that function. For example:
var includeAll = require('include-all');
// Could just call `includeAll()` for synchronous usage.
// But could also take advantage of ASYNCHRONOUS usage via:
// • includeAll.optional();
// • includeAll.exists();
// • includeAll.aggregate();
Available convenience methods
exposes 3 different methods for asynchronous usage.
The following convenience methods take all the same options as the default includeAll
function, but they also support a few additional options. Also, since they're asynchronous, they work a bit differently: they use the conventional Node.js "options,cb" function signature.
Build a dictionary of named modules. (fails silently-- returns {} -- if the container cannot be loaded)
This is how most things in the
folder of Sails apps are loaded (e.g. controllers, models, etc.)
var path = require('path');
var includeAll = require('include-all');
dirname: path.resolve('api/controllers'),
filter: /(.+)Controller\.js$/
}, function (err, modules){
if (err) {
console.error('Failed to load controllers. Details:',err);
// =>
// (notice that `identity` and `globalId` are added automatically)
// ```
// { page:
// { showSignupPage: [Function],
// showRestorePage: [Function],
// showEditProfilePage: [Function],
// showProfilePage: [Function],
// showAdminPage: [Function],
// showHomePage: [Function],
// showVideosPage: [Function],
// identity: 'page',
// globalId: 'Page' },
// user:
// { login: [Function],
// logout: [Function],
// signup: [Function],
// removeProfile: [Function],
// restoreProfile: [Function],
// restoreGravatarURL: [Function],
// updateProfile: [Function],
// changePassword: [Function],
// adminUsers: [Function],
// updateAdmin: [Function],
// updateBanned: [Function],
// updateDeleted: [Function],
// identity: 'user',
// globalId: 'User' },
// video: { identity: 'video', globalId: 'Video' } }
// ```
Build a dictionary indicating whether the matched modules exist (fails silently-- returns {} if the container cannot be loaded)
This is how Sails detects the existence of views.
Build a single module dictionary by extending {} with the contents of each module. (fail silently-- returns {} if the container cannot be loaded)
This is how
is built from config files.
For example:
dirname: '/code/brushfire-ch10-end/config/',
filter: /(.+)\.js$/,
depth: 1
}, function (err, modules) {
if (err) { console.error('Error:', err); return; }
// =>
// { blueprints: { actions: false, rest: false, shortcuts: false },
// bootstrap: [Function],
// connections:
// { localDiskDb: { adapter: 'sails-disk' },
// someMysqlServer:
// { adapter: 'sails-mysql',
// user: 'YOUR_MYSQL_USER',
// password: 'YOUR_MYSQL_PASSWORD',
// database: 'YOUR_MYSQL_DB' },
// someMongodbServer: { adapter: 'sails-mongo', host: 'localhost', port: 27017 },
// somePostgresqlServer:
// { adapter: 'sails-postgresql',
// database: 'YOUR_POSTGRES_DB' },
// myPostgresqlServer:
// { adapter: 'sails-postgresql',
// host: 'localhost',
// user: 'jgalt',
// password: 'blahblah',
// database: 'brushfire' } },
// cors: {},
// globals: {},
// http: {},
// i18n: {},
// log: {},
// models: { connection: 'localDiskDb', schema: true, migrate: 'drop' },
// policies:
// { '*': true,
// VideoController: { create: [Object] },
// UserController:
// { login: [Object],
// logout: [Object],
// removeProfile: [Object],
// updateProfile: [Object],
// restoreGravatarURL: [Object],
// changePassword: [Object],
// signup: [Object],
// restoreProfile: [Object],
// adminUsers: [Object],
// updateAdmin: [Object],
// updateBanned: [Object],
// updateDeleted: [Object] },
// PageController:
// { showSignupPage: [Object],
// showAdminPage: [Object],
// showProfilePage: [Object],
// showEditProfilePage: [Object],
// showRestorePage: [Object] } },
// routes:
// { 'PUT /login': 'UserController.login',
// 'GET /logout': 'UserController.logout',
// 'GET /video': 'VideoController.find',
// 'POST /video': 'VideoController.create',
// 'POST /user/signup': 'UserController.signup',
// 'PUT /user/removeProfile': 'UserController.removeProfile',
// 'PUT /user/restoreProfile': 'UserController.restoreProfile',
// 'PUT /user/restoreGravatarURL': 'UserController.restoreGravatarURL',
// 'PUT /user/updateProfile': 'UserController.updateProfile',
// 'PUT /user/changePassword': 'UserController.changePassword',
// 'GET /user/adminUsers': 'UserController.adminUsers',
// 'PUT /user/updateAdmin/:id': 'UserController.updateAdmin',
// 'PUT /user/updateBanned/:id': 'UserController.updateBanned',
// 'PUT /user/updateDeleted/:id': 'UserController.updateDeleted',
// 'GET /': 'PageController.showHomePage',
// 'GET /videos': 'PageController.showVideosPage',
// 'GET /administration': 'PageController.showAdminPage',
// 'GET /profile': 'PageController.showProfilePage',
// 'GET /edit-profile': 'PageController.showEditProfilePage',
// 'GET /restore': 'PageController.showRestorePage',
// 'GET /signup': 'PageController.showSignupPage' },
// session: { secret: 'blahblah' },
// sockets: {},
// views: { engine: 'ejs', layout: 'layout', partials: true } }
| Option | Description
| dirname | The absolute path of a directory to load modules from.
| force | When set, any past require cache entry will be cleared before re-requiring a module.
| optional | if enabled, continue silently and return {} when source directory does not exist or cannot be read. Normally, this throws an error in that scenario. default: false
| ignoreRequireFailures | if enabled, continue silently if a require()
call throws. This should be used with care! It completely swallows the require error! default: false. This is useful for tolerating malformed node_modules (see https://github.com/balderdashy/include-all/pull/14)
| excludeDirs | A regular expression used to EXCLUDE directories by name.
| depth | the maximum level of recursion where modules will be included. Defaults to infinity.
| filter | only include modules whose FILENAME matches this regex. default undefined
| pathFilter | only include modules whose FULL RELATIVE PATH matches this regex (relative from the entry point directory). default undefined
| dontLoad | if dontLoad
is set to true, don't run the module w/ V8 or load it into memory-- instead, return a tree representing the directory structure (all extant file leaves are included as keys, with their value = true
| flatten | if enabled, ALL modules appear as top-level keys in the dictionary-- even those from within nested directories.
| keepDirectoryPath | Only relevant if flatten
is true
. If enabled, this option causes include-all to include the relative paths in the key names (for nested modules from subdirectories path in the key names).
High-Level Options
The following options are only usable in the higher-level asynchronous methods like optional()
| Option | Description
| identity | if disabled, (explicitly set to false) don't inject an identity into the module also don't try to use the bundled identity
property in the module to determine the keyname in the result dictionary. default: true
| useGlobalIdForKeyName | if useGlobalIdForKeyName
is set to true, don't lowercase the identity to get the keyname-- just use the globalId.
| replaceExpr | in identity: use this regex to remove substrings like 'Controller' or 'Service' and replace them with the value of replaceVal
| replaceVal | see above. default value: '' |
| aggregate | if enabled, include-all will build the result dictionary by merging all of the target modules together. Note: Each module must export a dictionary in order for this to work (e.g. for building a configuration dictionary from a set of config files).
Maintained by EMSA TECHNOLOGY COMPANY LTD (contact @ emsa-technology dot com).