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Blocto JavaScript SDK
Use Blocto SDK in your dApp to provide excellent user experience!
Looking for the documentation?
What can I do with Blocto SDK?
- Interact with multiple blockchains
- Interact with Ethereum-compatible blockchains
Ethereum Mainnet & Goerli Testnet
Arbitrum Mainnet & Arbitrum Goerli Testnet
Optimism Mainnet & Optimism Goerli Testnet
Polygon Mainnet & Testnet
BNB Smart Chain Mainnet & Tetsnet
Avalanche Mainnet & Testnet - Interact with Aptos
- Sign messages
- Send transactions
- ... and a lot more
- Interact with Ethereum-compatible blockchains
- Seamless onboarding experience
Users can sign up easily with email and start exploring you dApp in seconds. - Fee subsidization
You have the option to pay transaction fee for your users and provide a better experience. In that case, we will generate daily fee reports for you to review. - Integrated payment
Get paid easily with our payment APIs. Users can pay easily with credit cards or other crypto currencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, Tron, USDT, ... - Connected to Blocto App
Once you've integrated with Blocto SDK, your users can manage their assets easily and securely through Blocto App. Your dApp can tap into the vast blockchain ecosystem instantly.
$ yarn add @blocto/sdk
# or
$ npm i @blocto/sdk
import BloctoSDK from '@blocto/sdk';
const bloctoSDK = new BloctoSDK({
// advance settings please refer to docs
ethereum: {
// (required) chainId to be used
chainId: '0x5',
// (required for Ethereum) JSON RPC endpoint
rpc: 'https://mainnet.infura.io/v3/YOUR_INFURA_ID',
// (optional) Blocto app ID
Testing on local
# generate local https cert
brew install mkcert
mkcert -install
cd dev-cert
mkcert localhost
# make dev directory
mkdir dev
ln -s src/main.js dev/main.js
: build diststart
: run live-reload dev server on https://localhost:7777
open browser and navigate to https://localhost:7777/test.html