This is the official BLOCKv Web Face SDK. It allows you to easily build Web Faces which communicate with compatible Vatom Viewers.
This is the official BLOCKv Web Face SDK. It allows you to easily build Web Faces which communicate with compatible Vatom Viewers.
Install from npm
npm install @blockv/web-face-sdk
Import (ES6 & ES7)
import Blockv from '@blockv/web-face-sdk'
Import via script tag
<script src='https://unpkg.com/@blockv/web-face-sdk/dist/web-face-sdk.min.js'></script>
Interacting with the SDK
The Web Face SDK provides a simple interface into the underlying Vatom Viewer.
Getting Started
If you would like to access the backing Vatom or interact with the BLOCKv platform in any way, you should start by initializing the SDK.
Trying to access any other features of the SDK prior to initialization will cause an error to be thrown.
.then((data) => {
// the SDK is ready to use
return data;
.catch((error) => {
// this web code is not being displayed by a BLOCKv viewer
By initializing the SDK you allow it to establish a connection with the underlying viewer and gain context of the backing Vatom.
Backing Vatom
Object containing the data for the backing Vatom. The backing Vatom is the Vatom to which this face belongs, typically, it is Vatom currently being displayed by the viewer.
Trying to access this prior to initializing the SDK will cause an error to be thrown.
Backing Face
This is the data for the selected face being used to display this Vatom.
Trying to access this prior to initializing the SDK will cause an error to be thrown.
Backing Vatom Updates
Respond to updates to the backing Vatom, e.g. state updates, by adding an event listener.
Blockv.backingVatom.addEventListener('update', (vatom) => {
// Vatom is the updated backing vatom
Fetching a Vatom
Fetch a permitted Vatom by providing its id
Restriction: Only the backing Vatom of one of its immediate children may be queried.
Providing an id that is not the backing Vatom or one its immediate children will throw an error.
.then((vatom) => {
// success
Fetching a Vatom's Children
Fetch the children of the backing Vatom by providing its id
Restriction: Only the backing Vatom may be queried.
Providing an id that is not the backing Vatom will throw an error.
.then((children) => {
// children is an array of vatoms
Performing an Action
Perform an action on a the backing Vatom by providing an action payload.
Restriction: Only permitted on the backing Vatom.
Providing an id that is not the backing Vatom throw an error.
.performAction('<action-name>', {
'this.id': Blockv.backingVatom.id, // this.id must match the backing vatom's id
// ... other properties required for the action.
.then((response) => {
// success
Fetching a User's Public Profile
Fetch the public profile of any user by providing their id
.then((user) => {
// success
Fetching the Current User's Public Profile
Fetch the public profile of the current user with additional information regarding their tokens.
.then((user) => {
// success
Updating the Parent ID of a Child Vatom
Allows the Web Face to set the parent ID of the one of the backing vAtoms children. This essentially gives the Web Face the ability to "Split" a child vAtom from the parent's folder.
let parentID = null;
let firstID = null;
return Promise.resolve().then(() => {
parentID = Blockv.backingVatom.properties.propertyData.parent_id;
// find all children
return Blockv.vatomManager.getChildren(Blockv.backingVatom.id);
}).then((children) => {
// sanity check
if (children.length === 0) throw new Error('No child vatom found');
// grab first id
firstID = children[0].id;
// set parent ID
return Blockv.vatomManager.setParentId(firstID, parentID);
}).then(() => {
// parent id update on the child has been requested
Observing Updates to the Backing Vatom's Children
Allows the Web face to observe changes to the backing Vatom's children.
// add a listener on for child updates
.then((data) => {
Blockv.backingVatom.addEventListener('children', this.onBackingVatomChildrenUpdate.bind(this));
// function to call
onBackingVatomChildrenUpdate(data) {
// handle changes to the 'vatoms' array containing the backing vatom's children
Displaying Vatom Resources
Displaying Vatom resources requires each URL to be encoded with BLOCKv access credentials.
.resources.map(res => res.value.value))
.then((resources) => {
// resources is an ordered array of encoded urls
Custom Messages
You are able to send any custom messages to the viewer as follows (note, the message name must be prefixed with viewer.
Sending a message with a name not prefixed by
will throw an error.
Blockv.sendMessage('viewer.<custom-message>', {/* ... custom data*/})
.then((data) => {
// success
You are also able to receive custom messages sent by the viewer.
Blockv.addRequestHandler('viewer.<custom-message>', data => {
// ...
Supported Custom Messages
All BLOCKv Vatoms apps support the following face messages:
| Method | Description |
| viewer.vatom.show
| Request the viewer to engage the specified Vatom. |
| viewer.map.show
| Request the viewer to shows its map UI. |
| viewer.qr.scan
| Request the viewer to show a QR scanner and passes back the response to the web app. |
| viewer.view.close
| Request the viewer to close the current Vatom. |
| viewer.scanner.show
| Request the viewer to open a scanner and to interpret the scan result itself. |
| viewer.card.show
| Request the viewer to show the card view mode. |
| viewer.url.open
| Request the viewer to open the URL. |
| viewer.scanner.show
| Request the viewer to open the image recognition scanner. |
| viewer.action.send
| Request the viewer to prompt the user to send the vatom to another user. |
| viewer.action.share
| Request the viewer to prompt the user to share the vatom to another user. |
BLOCKv is available under the BLOCKv AG license. See the LICENSE file for more info.