Developer utilities for handling DOM, events, and other web development tasks
Developer utilities for handling DOM, events, and other web development tasks
This repository provides a set of utility functions designed to facilitate DOM manipulation, event handling, and other common tasks in web development. These functions address various needs such as re-dispatching events, checking element visibility, and traversing the DOM tree.
Table of Contents
- Re-dispatch Event Functions
- Element Visibility and Focus Functions
- DOM Traversal Functions
- Event Handling Functions
- Miscellaneous Functions
Re-dispatch Event Functions
Re-dispatches an event from the provided element. This function stops the propagation of bubbling events and dispatches a copy of the event from the specified element.
* Re-dispatches an event from the provided element.
* @param {Element} element - The element to dispatch the event from.
* @param {Event} ev - The event to re-dispatch.
* @param {Object} [options={}] - An object with properties to override in the new event.
* @returns {boolean} - Whether or not the event was dispatched (if cancelable).
const redispatchEventFromEvent = (element, ev, options = {}) => {
if (ev.bubbles && (!element.shadowRoot || ev.composed)) {
const copy = Reflect.construct(ev.constructor, [ev.type, { ...ev, ...options }]);
const dispatched = element.dispatchEvent(copy);
if (!dispatched) {
return dispatched;
This function simplifies re-dispatching an event. If the event parameter is a string, it creates a new CustomEvent
and dispatches it.
* Re-dispatches an event from the provided element.
* @param {Element} element - The element to dispatch the event from.
* @param {Event|string} ev - The event to re-dispatch. If it's a string, a new Event is created.
* @param {Object} [options={}] - An object with properties to override in the new event.
* @returns {boolean} - Whether or not the event was dispatched (if cancelable).
export const redispatchEvent = (element, ev, options = {}) => {
if (typeof ev === 'string') {
const eventType = ev;
const newEvent = new CustomEvent(eventType);
return redispatchEventFromEvent(element, newEvent, options);
return redispatchEventFromEvent(element, ev, options);
Element Visibility and Focus Functions
Checks if an element should be ignored based on its visibility or specific attributes.
* Checks if an element should be ignored.
* @param {Element} element - The DOM element to check.
* @param {Array} [exceptions=['dialog', '[popover]']] - Array of Elements to ignore when checking the element.
* @returns {boolean} True if the element should be ignored by a screen reader, false otherwise.
export const isElementInvisible = (element, exceptions = ['dialog', '[popover]']) => {
if (!element || !(element instanceof HTMLElement)) {
return false;
if (element.matches(exceptions.join(','))) {
return false;
const computedStyle = window.getComputedStyle(element);
const isStyleHidden = computedStyle.display === 'none' || computedStyle.visibility === 'hidden';
const isAttributeHidden = element.matches('[disabled], [hidden], [inert], [aria-hidden="true"]');
return isStyleHidden || isAttributeHidden;
Determines if an element is focusable based on standard criteria or custom element properties.
* Checks if an element is focusable.
* @param {Element} element - The DOM element to check for focusability.
* @returns {boolean} True if the element is focusable, false otherwise.
export const isFocusable = element => {
if (!(element instanceof HTMLElement)) {
return false;
const knownFocusableElements = `a[href],area[href],button:not([disabled]),details,iframe,object,input:not([disabled]),select:not([disabled]),textarea:not([disabled]),[contentEditable="true"],[tabindex]:not([tabindex^="-"]),audio[controls],video[controls]`;
if (element.matches(knownFocusableElements)) {
return true;
const isDisabledCustomElement =
element.localName.includes('-') && element.matches('[disabled], [aria-disabled="true"]');
if (isDisabledCustomElement) {
return false;
return /** @type {ShadowRoot | *} */ (element.shadowRoot)?.delegatesFocus ?? false;
Retrieves the first and last focusable children of a node using a TreeWalker.
* Retrieves the first and last focusable children of a node.
* @param {IterableIterator<HTMLElement>} walker - The TreeWalker object used to traverse the node's children.
* @returns {[first: HTMLElement|null, last: HTMLElement|null]} An object containing the first and last focusable children.
export const getFirstAndLastFocusableChildren = walker => {
let firstFocusableChild = null;
let lastFocusableChild = null;
for (const currentNode of walker) {
if (!firstFocusableChild) {
firstFocusableChild = currentNode;
lastFocusableChild = currentNode;
return [firstFocusableChild, lastFocusableChild];
DOM Traversal Functions
Traverse the composed tree from the root, selecting elements that meet the provided filter criteria.
* Traverse the composed tree from the root, selecting elements that meet the provided filter criteria.
* @param {Node} node - The root node for traversal.
* @param {number} [whatToShow=0] - NodeFilter code for node types to include.
* @param {function} [filter=(n: Node) => true] - Filters nodes. Child nodes are considered even if parent does not satisfy the filter.
* @param {function} [skipNode=(n: Node) => false] - Determines whether to skip a node and its children.
* @returns {IterableIterator<Node>} An iterator yielding nodes meeting the filter criteria.
export function* walkComposedTree(
whatToShow = 0,
filter = () => true,
skipNode = () => false,
) {
if ((whatToShow && node.nodeType !== whatToShow) || skipNode(node)) {
if (filter(node)) {
yield node;
const children =
node instanceof HTMLElement && node.shadowRoot
? node.shadowRoot.children
: node instanceof HTMLSlotElement
? node.assignedNodes({ flatten: true })
: node.childNodes;
for (const child of children) {
yield* walkComposedTree(child, whatToShow, filter, skipNode);
Returns the deepest active element considering Shadow DOM subtrees.
* Returns the deepest active element, considering Shadow DOM subtrees.
* @param {Document | ShadowRoot} root - The root element to start the search from.
* @returns {Element} The deepest active element or body element if no active element is found.
export const getDeepActiveElement = (root = document) => {
const activeEl = root?.activeElement;
if (activeEl) {
if (activeEl.shadowRoot) {
return getDeepActiveElement(activeEl.shadowRoot) ?? activeEl;
return activeEl;
return document.body;
Checks if a container node contains the target node, considering Shadow DOM boundaries.
* Returns true if the first node contains the second, even if the second node is in a shadow tree.
* @param {Node} container - The container to search within.
* @param {Node} target - The node that may be inside the container.
* @returns {boolean} - True if the container contains the target node.
export const deepContains = (container, target) => {
let current = target;
while (current) {
const parent = current.assignedSlot || current.parentNode || current.host;
if (parent === container) {
return true;
current = parent;
return false;
Yields the ancestors of the given node in the composed tree, considering Shadow DOM
* Return the ancestors of the given node in the composed tree.
* @param {Node} node - The node to find ancestors for.
* @returns {Iterable<Node>} - The ancestors in the composed tree.
export function* composedAncestors(node) {
for (let current = node; current; ) {
const next =
current instanceof HTMLElement && current.assignedSlot
? current.assignedSlot
: current instanceof ShadowRoot
? current.host
: current.parentNode;
if (next) {
yield next;
current = next;
Event Handling Functions
Checks if a click event occurred inside a given bounding rectangle.
* Checks if a click event occurred inside a given bounding rectangle.
* @param {DOMRect} rect - The bounding rectangle.
* @param {PointerEvent} ev - The click event.
* @returns {boolean} True if the click occurred inside the rectangle, false otherwise.
export const isClickInsideRect = (rect, ev) => {
const { top, left, height, width } = rect;
const { clientX, clientY } = ev;
return clientY >= top && clientY <= top + height && clientX >= left && clientX <= left + width;
Miscellaneous Functions
Generates a random alphanumeric string of a specified length.
* Generates a random alphanumeric string of a specified length.
* @param {number} [length=10] - The length of the random string to generate. Default is 10.
* @returns {string} A random alphanumeric string of the specified length.
export const randomID = (length = 10) => Math.random().toString(36).substring(2, length);
Converts a URL object to a plain object with its properties as key-value pairs.
* Converts a URL object to a plain object.
* @param {URL|string} url - The URL object to parse.
* @returns {Object} An object representing the parsed URL.
export function urlToPlainObject(url) {
const urlObject = typeof url === 'string' ? new URL(url) : url;
const plainObject = {};
// eslint-disable-next-line no-restricted-syntax
for (const key in urlObject) {
if (typeof urlObject[key] === 'string') {
plainObject[key] = urlObject[key];
return plainObject;
Author Information
- Original Authors: @material/web, Jan Miksovsky, Cory LaViska