🔨 Utilities to create a well linted project
🔨 Utilities to create a well linted project
- eslint: standard/airbnb
- stylelint: standard/recommended
- prettier
- commitlint
- husky
- lint-staged
- typescript
- vue2/vue3: eslint-vue
- vite
interface {
name: string // name in package.json
version?: string // version in package.json
description?: string // description in package.json
main?: boolean // if is main project in monorepo
/* husky & commitlint */
husky?: boolean // if use husky or not
lint_staged?: boolean // if use lint-staged or not
commitlint?: boolean // if use commitlint or not
/* typescript */
ts?: boolean // if use typescript or not
ts_esm?: boolean // if add tsconfig.es.json or not
/* eslint */
standard?: boolean // if use eslint-config-standard or not
airbnb?: boolean // if use eslint-config-airbnb or not
/* stylelint */
scss?: boolean // if use stylelint-scss plugin or not
style_standard?: boolean // if use stylelint-config-standard or not
style_recommended?: boolean // if use stylelint-config-recommended or not
rational_order?: boolean // if use stylelint-config-rational-order or not
/* eslint-vue */
vue2_essential?: boolean // if use eslint-plugin-vue or not
vue3_essential?: boolean
vue2_strongly_recommended?: boolean
vue3_strongly_recommended?: boolean
vue2_recommended?: boolean
vue3_recommended?: boolean
/* vite */
vite?: boolean
/* repository */
license?: string // license in package.json
repository?: string // repository in package.json
author?: string // author in package.json
homepage?: string // homepage in package.json
/* custom */
custom_scripts?: Record<string, string> // append fields in scripts filed
custom_dependencies?: Record<string, string> // append fields in dependencies filed
custom_dev_dependencies?: Record<string, string> // append fields in devDependencies filed
custom_package_json_fields: Record<string, any> // overwrite fields in package.json
Config in this package is created by following code:
import { genConfigFiles } from './src';
name: '@block-dev/create-config',
description: '🔨 Utilities to create a well linted project',
license: 'MIT',
author: 'OrekiSH <[email protected]> (https://github.com/OrekiSH)',
repository: 'https://github.com/OrekiSH/block-dev',
ts: true,
ts_esm: true,
editorconfig: false,
gitignore: false,
custom_dev_dependencies: {
'npm-run-all': '^4.1.5',
custom_scripts: {
build: 'npm-run-all --parallel build:*',
'build:es': 'tsc --p ./tsconfig.es.json',
'build:cjs': 'tsc',
'lint:js': 'eslint . --ignore-path .eslintignore',