The core library for bloc-state.
is a state management library implementing the BLoC pattern that was first introduced
by google at DartConf in 2018. This library conforms to the
modern Dart Bloc library v8.x
npm install @bloc-state/bloc rxjs
Creating a Cubit
export class CounterCubit extends Cubit<number> {
constructor() {
super(0) // pass initial state to super constructor
increment() {
this.emit((state) => state + 1)
increment() {
this.emit((state) => state - 1)
Using a Cubit
const counterCubit = new CounterCubit()
console.log(counterCubit.state) // 0
console.log(counterCubit.state) // 1
// cubit is closed and disposed, it will no longer emit new state and all observers will be unsubscribed
Observing a Cubit
export class AppBlocObserver extends BlocObserver {
override onCreate(bloc: BlocBase<any>): void {
console.log(`onCreate: ${bloc.constructor.name}`)
override onError(bloc: BlocBase<any>, error: any): void {
console.log(`onError: ${bloc.constructor.name}`, error)
override onChange(bloc: BlocBase<any>, change: Change<any>): void {
console.log(`onChange: ${bloc.constructor.name}`, change)
override onClose(bloc: BlocBase<any>): void {
console.log(`onClose: ${bloc.constructor.name}`)
// main.tsx
// composition root of your application
Bloc.observer = AppBlocObserver()
Creating a Bloc
/// The events which `CounterBloc` will react to.
abstract class CounterEvent extends BlocEvent {}
class CounterIncrementEvent extends CounterEvent {}
class CounterDecrementEvent extends CounterEvent {}
export class CounterBloc extends Bloc<CounterEvent, number> {
constructor() {
super(new CounterState(0))
this.on(CounterIncrementEvent, (event, emit) => emit((state) => state + 1))
this.on(CounterDecrementEvent, (event, emit) => emit((state) => state - 1))
Using a Bloc
async function main() {
const delay = (n) => new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, n))
const counterBloc = new CounterBloc()
console.log(counterBloc.state) // 0
counterBloc.add(new CounterIncrementEvent())
// wait for next tick in event loop
await delay(0)
console.log(counterBloc.state) // 1
counterBloc.close() // close the bloc when no longer needed