Structured content editor with live previews.
Live Editor
Editor for providing a rich UI for editing structured data with live previews.
See the typescript docs or example.
To start developing on the live editor UI run the following:
yarn install
yarn run serve
Then visit https://localhost:8888/ to iterate and improve the editor.
Live edit server
The live edit server is used to deploy the live editor UI using Cloud Run. It contains logic for connecting to different live edit connectors (such as github and local) and loads in the specialized fields (such as for Grow or Amagaki sites) as needed.
To develop locally run yarn run hosted
and visit https://localhost:8080/ and iterate and improve.
If you are developing on the editor UI, use the yarn run serve
command from above instead.
The live editor is built for production using a Docker image and Google Cloud Run.
Every commit to main
builds the docker image with a :main
tag and updates the cloud run image for beta.editor.dev
Every tag builds the docker image with a version tag (ex: v1.0.5
) and the :latest
tag then updates the cloud run image for editor.dev
If there is an issue with the latest release for the prod you can roll back to an earlier version.
To switch the production deployment run make deploy-prod tag=<VERSION>
where <VERSION>
is the desired version to roll back to.
For example: make deploy-prod tag=v1.0.5
Service account
The builds use gcloud
to build and deploy to a Cloud Run service.
The service account needs to be setup to be a member of the -compute@
service account to deploy from cloud build.:
gcloud iam service-accounts add-iam-policy-binding \
--project=$PROJECT \
--member="serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL" \
--role="roles/iam.serviceAccountUser" \
The service account also needs to have a set of permissions to be able to build and deploy to cloud run.